One more dawn...
One more day...

Worked all night to get this silly template up and running. I'll have to keep making changes to it as I go (but I probably won't be bothered - nor have the time). But tomorrow is it...I feel rather unorganised. I've got my newsletter ready at least. I'm looking forward to catch up with various people I haven't seen for awhile. We're bound to be short of time though, knowing how time tends to accelerate exponentially in proporition to the level of enjoyment. Shouldn't it be the other way around - that it speeds up when you're bored and slows down when you're having fun?

I speak as if time is a variable that can be controlled. A beast that can be tamed.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Not to mention that there's also a Chinese New Year dinner at church afterwards.
What a day!

...One day more! this is it. We've had viruses, chain letters, personal websites, and get-to-know-you-better questionnaires. And now, this is the latest craze - blogging.

I just hope that this will encourage people to pray for me and the ministries I'm involved with.

Gloria in excelsis Deo
