Back from College Mission

Ah, it's good to be back home in my own bed again. Got back from college mission just before midnight on Sunday night. Been catching up on some much needed sleep. The family I've been staying with the past week has a little boy who likes to wake up at 5:30am - the problem is that he likes everyone else to be awake with him as well!!

There's so much to tell that I can't be bothered to type it all up. But perhaps a few highlights...
  • Arriving at my billet's place in the middle of an engagement party. Yummy food. :)
  • Meeting another Ernie who is an atheist and having a conversation about God.
  • Teaching scripture class in a public school for the first time and telling them about Jesus.
  • Meeting kids who have wanted to be a missionary since they were 3 years old!
  • Going to Girl's Brigade and participating in 'synchronised swimming'.
  • Making up 'dance moves' to memorise John 3:36 - and the kids looooved it!!
  • Dancing to Christian kid songs and doing puppet shows.
  • Hearing that 70 kids became christians at one of the public high schools in 1 day!
  • Teaching a lesson on justice, mercy and grace, and God providing the perfect opportunity for me to illustrate grace to one particularly naughty boy.
  • Playing handball for the first time in 7 years and beating all the Yr 5-6 kids. =D
  • Going to Hyam beach - reputed to have the whitest sand in Aust.
  • Coming home...

<< Give praise and glory to our Almighty God for the way in which he used our team to bring the gospel to the people of Nowra. Thank God for the way in which the local church worked alongside with us in many things. Pray for those who are new christians, and also for those who are interested in finding out more. Pray that the christians there will continue to grow and mature and to be active in reaching out to the lost. >>

There's much more that I could talk about, but I'd get really long winded. Let's just say that everything smoothed out and we got our act together (for most things) and God was pleased to use our meagre efforts.

I've been resting yesterday and today. But I'll be off again to Club 5 this long weekend. Look forward to catching up with many old friends and meeting new friends. And especially looking forward to sitting under God's Word and being challenged to serve Him with my whole life.

I've also got to get back into college stuff fairly soon. I've got one last Greek quiz to go, and a major OT essay to write. Then come final year exam!!!!

Anyways, I'll worry about all that in due course. For now, I want to just enjoy the rest of my day off. Ahhhhh...
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Off to College Mission

It's one day before College Mission at the moment. And everyone's kinda in panic mode, doing last minute preparations - or for some, still finishing off essays!!!

I'll be going down South to Nowra for 9 days. I'm in the Primary Section, so I'll be mainly running scripture classes in 3 different public schools. We will be doing "Who is your King?" - the kids version of 2 ways to live. So please pray that many kids will come to put their trust in our Lord Jesus.

We've got a pretty packed program: like a daily devotion with primary kids at the local Christian school; Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade; School Assemblies and church services; some street evangelism and home Bible study groups, etc, etc...

I'm not feel as excited for this mission as I was about Cowra or RICE. But perhaps that's just cause I'm not as prepared... :P

<< Please pray that we can all be faithful and diligent in our preparation so that we can present the gosspel as clearly as possible. Pray that the people in Nowra will hear the gospel and be cut to the heart so that they will turn in faith and repentence. Pray also that the local Christians will be active in inviting their friends and also in doing the evangelism themselves. Pray that we can work well together as a team and to be salt and light to Nowra in our words, thoughts, and actions. >>

Ok, gotta go finish preparations...

PS Yay, less than a month since my last post!!
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