Discussion on Predestination

There’s been a very interesting discussion happening in the comments on my post back on Monday 5th Sept. I thought I’d draw your attention to it, so you can contribute your 2c worth (and also cuz it’s a pain to scroll down all the time).

The discussion was about predestination - but not your average, deep, theological debate - it was on BGR! I’ll just cut ‘n’ paste (with minor edits) for your perusal.

Someone said that you don't need to worry about who you're gonna go out with, cause God has already chosen someone for you.

What do you reckon?

~Emz~ said...
Well technically we shouldn't be worrying about anything at all! :P
6/9/05 9:45 PM

Ernie said...
Hahaha...yes, so true.

Ok, wrong choice of words perhaps. Do we need to do anything to find the right bf/gf? Or not, since it's already chosen for you?
6/9/05 11:17 PM

Phil said...
Need to do the hard yakka I believe. If everything's planned, I guess I'd let that CEO job come to me. Not that I'm comparing a bf/gf with a job. Orrr am I?
8/9/05 2:00 AM

Ernie said...
Jobs and bf/gf...hmm...well, the hard yakka bit is sure true! Girls...I mean relationships, are hard work.

But if we're working hard to find the right person, where does God fit into the picture?
8/9/05 7:51 AM

kitzetic said...
we're kinda short on experiences..^^ i guess it depends on your attitude?
8/9/05 8:38 PM

Ernie said...
How much of our understanding of predestination can be based on experience?

Is experience the only way to learn about BGR?

What is the right attitude?

Food for thought...
8/9/05 9:29 PM

m said...
i would agree with Phil. You've gotta work for it. If that wasn't the case, i'd just sit here and wait for my 100 UAI. That's the harsh reality of life. Working hard and having the right attitudes gives God more choice on what he can do for you and opens up possibilties for your future paths. However, when life looks grim, God still has his plans, but you gotta work your way around with what you've got at hand.
8/9/05 10:30 PM

Ernie said...
So if u dun work hard, does that limit God in what he can do?
8/9/05 10:36 PM

m said...
Well, in terms of logic- yes. In God's terms- Who knows?
8/9/05 10:42 PM

Ernie said...
If what we do limits what God does, then he can God still predestine things?
8/9/05 10:47 PM

Phil said...
God has planned out everything, we are never out of his plans. I understand that much.

To m's comments regarding giving God more choice if we have the right attitude and work ethic. I think the concept of us doing things or being a certain way determines the "choices" God has, makes God seem so ... powerless? Perhaps it's the other way around? We make the choices, God has done everything and is God the planner.
9/9/05 12:41 AM

m said...
this is utterly confusing!

anyway, so God "planned" us to rebel against him, even though he wanted perfection (or did he?).
9/9/05 4:19 PM

Ernie said...
ahhh...now we're getting into the complexities of the issue...

It's confusing, but you're actually progressing along nicely. =D
9/9/05 4:24 PM

kitzetic said...
i think predestination is sorta both ways...like the dual side rungs of a ladder. You can't have choice without predestination...like God knows and decides and plans what we do yet at the same time, we also have a choice.

in terms of relationships, I guess God knows what is best for us, like he has this perfect guy in mind and we'll just take it as it comes. That doesn't mean we chase after every guy but at the same time it isn't like apathy. It depends on our attitude coz it shoudln't belike i need a guy just coz its cool and everybody has one.
9/9/05 6:28 PM

m said...
good analogy. But, we can't exactly make any
"choice" if the plan is already made for us by God. Can we go out of God's plan?
10/9/05 9:57 PM

kitz said...
i've got a question...

when we say God's plan, is it his active planning of sequence of events or is it just his prior knowledge that these things will happen?
10/9/05 10:17 PM

Ernie said...
This is getting more and more interesting. You're all making some great comments!

Re: kitz
When the Bible talks abt predestination, what does that mean?
10/9/05 10:29 PM

M said...
where does the Bible talk about predestination specifically?
11/9/05 2:31 PM

Ernie said...
Ahhh...finally we are getting to the Bible!

For starters, try:
Acts 13:48
Rom 8:28-30
Eph 1:4-6, 11-12
1Thess 1:4-5
2Thess 2:13
1Pet 1:1; 2:9
11/9/05 5:20 PM

M said...
nice, thanks.
you should put a link to this comment place (if possible). it's getting harder to scroll down to find this post...
11/9/05 6:56 PM

Please feel free to join the discussion, even if you don't know what the answer is. We'd love to hear your opinions as well.


Anonymous said...

yeah, exam's the most common thing when it comes to predestination. i agree with you on that mango.
But i'm still failing to understand that if someone falls away from a God or rejects God, is that part of His plan?

Anonymous said...

you know that God planned everything for the good of those who love him. maybe they dont love him?

Ernest said...

Philippians 2:12b-13 "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."

What is God's role?
What is our role?
