Chinese Population in the South

Here are some interesting statistics from the 2006 census that I found on the Australian Bureau of Statistics(ABS) website:
  • There were 4 million people living in Sydney in 2006.
  • 6.8% (281,305) of those were Chinese.
  • 15.4% (33,568) of those live in the St. George Region (SGR) - what I call 'the South' (sorry Shire friends).
The ABS census collects data in 3 regions (technically called Statistical Local Areas): Hurstville, Kogarah and Rockdale. Don't confuse these regions with the suburbs. This is how many Chinese people live in each region (click for larger image):

Hurstville Region: 15,169

Kogarah Region: 9,221

Rockdale Region: 9,178

Here is a composite image:

As you can see, many of them live in the suburb of Hurstville. More on this later.
Pray for this rich harvest field that there would be more workers sent out to preach the good news.
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