31 Facts about China

Came across these today, from here and here. I've highlighted a few that I thought were useful for ministry. Check out the original links because some of them have interesting pictures.

  1. By 2025, China will build TEN New York-sized cities.
  2. By 2030, China will add more new city-dwellers than the entire U.S. population.
  3. China already consumes twice as much steel as the US, Europe and Japan combined.
  4. If the Chinese, one day, use as much oil per person as Americans, then the world will need seven more Saudi Arabias to meet their demand.
  5. There are already more Christians in China than Italy, and China is on track to become the largest center of Christianity in the world.
  6. Chinese are far more likely to believe in evolution than Americans.
  7. Chinese internet users are five times as likely to have blogs as Americans.
  8. China has 150% more soldiers than America does, plus a high tech 'Kill Weapon' the U.S. can't deal with.
  9. China still hasn't rid itself of Europe's medieval plague.
  10. 40% of Chinese small businesses went bust or almost went bust during the world financial crisis.
  11. China executes three times as many people as the rest of the world COMBINED... and uses mobile execution vans for efficiency.
  12. China averages 274 protests PER DAY.
  13. When you buy Chinese stocks, you are basically financing the Chinese government. Eight of Shanghai's top ten stocks are state-controlled arms of the government.
  14. 50% of counterfeit goods come from China. (not surprisingly)
  15. The majority of Chinese drink polluted water.
  16. Chinese GDP could overtake the U.S. as soon as the early 2020s.
  17. Chinese men outnumber women by 39 million -- over ten times the population of Los Angeles.
  18. China has the world's biggest mall... but it's been 99% empty since 2005.
  19. Nearly 10,000 Chinese citizens each year are sucked into unsanctioned 'black jails'.
  20. If he spent his ENTIRE YEARLY INCOME on housing, the average Beijing resident could buy 10 square feet of residential property.
  21. Home resales have increased 350% in the past three years.
  22. China's economy grew by 11.9% in the past year and its GDP chart 'has gone vertical':
  23. China has more pigs than the next 43 pork producing countries combined.
  24. Chinese consume 3 million cigarettes every minute.
  25. 80% of US toys are made in China.
  26. Shanghai built 1,500 miles of road in the past decade. That's three Manhattan's worth of streets.
  27. China is planning a train system that will link London to Beijing in two days, traveling 200mph.
  28. China's enormous Gobi Desert is the size of Peru and expanding 1,400 square miles per year due to water source depletion, over-foresting, and over-grazing. That's 60 Manhattans every year.
  29. Sizzling is an understatement for some Chinese property markets -- home prices in Haikou have jumped 54% in the past year.
  30. Beijing held the most expensive Olympics ever at a cost of $40 billion. This summer's Shanghai Expo costs even more -- $45 billion.
  31. There are 292 individual languages still spoken in China. This is even more than the 175 languages spoken in the world's melting pot, America.
Pray that God will do a mighty work in China. Pray that the Christians will be grounded in the gospel and be fervent in evangelism, despite the government's stance on religious freedom. Pray also for the government that God may humble them to acknowledge him as he did with Nebuchadnezzar.

