It's been a few days since I had time to write...Term 2 is kicking off and once again I'm swamped with work. In Sunday School we're continuing with Full of Promise. In Teens' Group we are starting 2Timothy. In EYF we're up to Daniel 6. For church camp we'll be looking at Colossians. And for RICE we're investigating our Fate.

And I'm involved in all of these in some shape or form!! It's sounds bad enough just reading it. I was hoping to send my 2nd newsletter mid May, but that's gonna have to be postphoned.

<< Pray for me as another busy term begins. All rather exciting ministries, but pray that I can continue to spend quality time with God and to be people focused. >>

Admist all this though, it's good to hear of how God has been working in the lives of other Christians and using them to glorify His name. Last Saturday, I went to an info dinner for Saltlight Productions. To quote from their website: "saltlight productions exists to proclaim clearly and faithfully the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this so that people are challenged to respond to its truth and come to personally know God." And their first project is a CD called This Way Up. This will be "an affordable CD that Christians could use to share the gospel with their friends using the familiar and appealing language of music." You really have to check out their website for more details.

After a simple meal of pasta, salad and garlic bread, we heard from some of the people involved and explained the songs on the CD and how they contribute to explaining the gospel. We heard 2 sample tracks live from the songwriters and then ended off by praying in pairs.

All in all a very exciting evening!! And they're having another info dinner tonight. If this sounds good to you too, then please consider supporting them as brothers and sisters in Christ.

<< Please pray for this new ministry venture - that they may be able to write songs that clearly and faithfully present the gospel. That they can juggle all the logistics of produce a professional CD. Pray that other Christians will be considering how they can support them in prayer, with time and with money. But ultimately, pray that Saltlight Productions will be able to challenge non-Christians to accept Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. >>

