Almost Missed My Exam!

One down two to go...

Had my first exam today - Church History. Don't think I did crash hot, but nevertheless, it should be enough to pass. It was a pretty straight forward exam, except the stuff that I studied wasn't exactly in the exam.

I did a silly thing though. Made a grand entrance by turning up just in time. Everyone was wondering where I was and whether I slept in. Well, I didn't. I just kept thinking that the exam starts at 9am - which is true. So I planned to turn up at about 8:50am. Except that I forgot about reading time!! Which starts at 8:50am. Oops!
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It is Finished

Perhaps a bit blasphemous for me to be borrowing these words, but anyways...

Last night for the first time ever, I:
  • Wrote a 3,000 word essay (previously all my essays have been only 2,000 words)
  • Stayed up all night to write this essay
  • Sat in front of the computer for 15 hours straight with only 2 short breaks!
  • Only got 45min nap before chapel started
Man, I am so thoroughly knackered at the moment! My eyes were going funny when I finished writing the first draft. I could barely read over it. But I had so much trouble writing this essay it was like trying to pull my own teeth out - very agonising! >:|

But at last it's done. I will have to start studying for exams now.

Though not before I have a very long appointment with my pillow first.




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