Back from KYLC

Just got back from KYLC. A bit sleep deprived, but otherwise feeling great!

The theme this year was Radical Rule and we looked at the Psalms and Colossians. In strand 3 we looked at systematic theology (studying the Bible thematically).

The talks were really good (as usual). I particularly enjoyed the talks from the Psalms. John Woodhouse not only did a great job in expounding the passages, but also gave us a good framework of how to read the Psalms for ourselves. He was also willing to engage with difficult parts of the Psalms, like the bit about dashing babies on the rocks. We saw that the Psalms are not poems that we can use to reflect the joys and tragedies of life, but that they form a very important link between the Old Testament and the New Testament by pointing us to Jesus.

Steven Cree took us through Colossians. We were reminded to continue with Christ as our focus, just as we started with Him and nothing else, and to finish with Him till the end without being distracted by things of this world along the way. I was reminded not to impose rules for behaviour on those around me, but to exhort people to honour Christ in their words and deeds.

The strand groups were so-so for me. Mainly because I've already done that kind of stuff before. But it was funny though because I had Pete as one of my strand group leaders!! And as always I had lots of fun catching up with old friends and meeting some new ones.

One of my main reasons for going was to get to know some of the ND leaders, and that I did. We had some good discussions about the talks and strand materials as well as other interesting questions about Christianity.

<< Give thanks for the great week at KYLC and for the many things I had learnt and was challenged about. Pray that I can continue to build good relationships with the leaders at ND so that I can serve effectively with them as we teach the gospel. >>

This coming week is my last week of holidays before college starts. But it's not really "holidays", cause things for the start of the year has all of a sudden exploded and I've got lots of work to do - for college, for church and for the South region. Some details were in my latest newsletter (email me if you didn't receive it), but more info will be revealed in time.

<< Pray that I can change gear and get stuck into preparations. Pray that I can have the energy and wisdom to do my ministries well so that through me people can have the opportunity to grow in their understanding and relationship with the Lord Jesus. >>

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