The hall was decked out with ballons and streamers. There was some really good videos and powerpoint presentations. Some of them made speeches, and there was a massive 180 sign/card that everyone signed. And lots of food for supper too!
It's so hard to put into words, but I know all the leaders really really appreciated it. This term has been very busy, but this has encouraged us to keep going with youth ministry.
Thank God for the 180 youths and the effort they put into last night to encourage us leaders. Pray that we can continue to lead them in godliness and to grow in faith and love for the Lord Jesus. Pray also as we plan for next term, that we will get a clear idea of what we're doing for the rest of the year.

Did anyone else have photos from last night?
[edit] Yay! Simon has photos and he has put them up on his MSN space. I'll put them up on my Mementos Blog as well.

I reckon it was cool too!
Thanks all people who organised the night, it was awesome =)
i have fotos... but.. i seem to have misplaced my camera..
ock oh.. d'oh!
haha, how mad fun was it? =)
um...can u erase me from the pic...i look like an idiot
anonymous? matt wong? lol hahaa matt, it's ok, sometimes we neeed a someone's who's non-serious to lighten the atmosphere... it's a good thing!
But if I take you out, there would be a hole left in the picture.
Besides, I have photos of other people that look a lot worse!! :O Just check out the 180 album in my other blog.
Ernie .. u look like ure having fun in doing what ure doing!! Keep it up mate!
Lve Jackie
yeh matt, check out my single photo *cringe*
dw, theres worse things to go through, just laugh it off =P haha
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