Modified Calvin & Hobbes (Part 4)

Just handed in my essay for the year - in fact, my last essay for my Bachelor degree! It was hard going right up to the end. Now I have 2 exams to go before I finally graduate. My 3 years here has gone by so quick. In many ways I'll miss this place. But I'm definitely looking forward to the end of essay writing! :)

Give thanks for 3 wonderful years of training at SMBC. Pray for me as I prepare for these final exams that I'll continue to learn heaps from the Bible. Pray also for next year as I look for work in an ABC church.


Anonymous said...

woaaahhhhh someone just called my dad n gave him YOUR details.. for like youth minestry at my dads church... weiiirdddddddness of small world..

Ernest said...

Hahahahaha...I wonder who it was. It's kinda weird knowing that my name is being mentioned around the place.

How are you going Jo? "Surviving" at home and at church? ;)

Princess J said...

You're just gonna miss me.. my annoying tiara, forgetfulness and ummm is there anything else?? ;)

CC said...


Hope you're studying hard!

I'm praying that you'll study well!

Thanks for all your help on Friday! Greatly appreciated!

Vron said...

3 years already... ? I can hardly believe it! All the best for your final exams... praise God that he's been teaching you heaps and will continue to do so.

Ernest said...

Ritzy: haha! Riiiiight...

cc: No probs. When's your exam?

vron: yeah, I know! How time flies!

CC said...

Tuesday night! When are yours?

Anonymous said...


ah yeah, i'm alright =) I'M IN YR 12!! =_=

i can hardly believe it myself.

neither can all the yr 7 chicks who are taller than me


but i still get the senior line in the canteen =P yesss...

Anonymous said...

few more weeks to go!
All the best! - will remember to pray for you.

Cindy T

Anonymous said...

Ernest is a man in demand. There are very few Asians around who are considering (and gifted in) youth ministry.

And yet there are tons of churches out there eager to get one!

-Andrew H
