I'm back!

Wow, it was a great holiday and I had a fabulous time!! Shopping in HK and sight seeing in Beijing. Took lots and lots of photos. I'll put them up eventually and say more about them then. At the moment just glad to be back home.

But there's no time to readjust to the Australian lifestyle. It was straight back to work on Monday (with piles of stuff waiting for me when I got in), and lots of ministry stuff to follow up on. I've booked out most of my lunch and dinner appointments this week already! There's plenty of people to catch up with, but here's a few of the tasks I need to get stuck into:
  • Write my 4th quarter newsletter.
  • Raise more funds for the next 3 years.
  • Prepare 2 sermons on Phil 3.
  • Finish children's talk for Cowra Mission.
  • Organise KYLC & KYC.
  • Prepare for church ministries for next year.
  • Holiday program for TG.
  • Upload photos from holidays (as well as a backlog of wedding photos from the last few months).

All this before the end of the year!

<< Thank God for the great holiday and for safety in our travels. Pray that I can be diligent and focussed now as I pick up all my tasks and ministries and prepare for the new year ahead. >>

