Holidays Finally!

Hello!! Yes, I am still alive, even if this blog doesn't seem like it.

Ah it's so nice being on holidays. It's been over a week since I finished exams and after all the essays, I really didn't want to do any more writing - even to blog or to write my newsletter. But I'm slowly getting back into it. And I owe it to you guys to let you know how I've been going.

Exams were quite hard and some of it was completely different to what I studied. *boo hoo* But I have learnt a lot in the last 6 months! But now that I'm holidays I still have to study! :( There's a class quiz for Greek on Tuesday the first week back - and it's on a hard chapter of Greek. So I've been pretty good and doing a little bit of study each day. Hopefully it'll all stick in my mind and not leak out too early...

Other than a little bit of study, I've been spending most of my holidays just relaxing. Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but I AM actually relaxing. *give myself a pat on the back. There's still plenty to do at church and for RICE, but I can spread things out nicely without too much pressure.

Speaking of RICE, that's probably my main prayer point at the moment. If you don't know what that's about, basically, 23 youth groups from around Sydney are getting together to hold 2 evangelistic events hoping to reach about 800+ high school kids - and the first event is a fete this Sat, and then secondly a outreach night next Sat. Please pray that there will be no rain this Sat, and that many non-Christians will come to hear and respond to the gospel.

One of my goals for this holidays is to catch up with as many people for brunch/lunch/arvo tea/dinner/supper as I can (nup, I can't get up early enough to have breakfast). As I said I don't like writing and so I'd rather talk to people in person. Especially while I've been at college I haven't been able to do that at all. So if you're reading this and I haven't met up with you yet, then contact me!
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