Start of Semester 2 | End of RICE 04

Started another college semester. The three weeks of holidays went by so quickly! Got all my exams results back (including the Greek quiz on Tuesday) and everything went ok - yay!

This semester, my subjects will include:
* Exilic Prophecy
* Church History (1550-Modern Day)
* NT Greek
* NT exegesis: Hebrews
* Intro to Theology
* OT: exegesis: Chronicles
* Preaching Workshop
* Expounding Scripture (actually preaching sermons in small groups)

Like everyone else, just trying to ease myself back into study mode. Very lethargic and procrastinating heaps at the moment! Ugh! But at least I have a better idea about college life so hopefully I will re-adjust much faster this time.

<< Thank God for the relaxing break and time to catch up with friends. Pray that I can be a diligent student and not be lazy - especially when it comes to studying and apply God's Word to my life. >>

RICE is finally over for 2004! Phew! I haven't blogged much about it this year, but in short, it all ran very smoothly and the gospel was preached and God was glorified. On the first week at RICEfest I was looking after the jumping castle and horizontal bungee (fun fun fun!). There was a little hiccup at first getting them set up - they refused to be inflated and keep falling down...But in the end it all got sorted and there were many happy kids jumping around. =) I missed most of the gospel talks cuz I was running around doing other misc stuff, but Center Stage seemed very lively and all the feedback I heard about the talks were good.

For the 2nd week of RICE I was involved in the skit team. A very embrassing experience pretending to be a chicken and a superhero in front of 1,000 people. I was also on stage as Dr. Frankenstein doing a mime with voiceover. Hehehe...very funny skit! I had lots of fun doing that as well. All in all, 2 very successful events! And God was gracious and merciful because we had 70 (yes - 70!) kids who prayed the prayer for the first time. Whoa!!

<< Pray for the follow up for all of these kids. Pray that each church/youth group will be faithful in making contact and helping these new believers take their first step. Praise God for the amazing way in which all the leaders worked together over the last 2 months. And praise God for His abundant love for us through His Son Jesus Christ! >>

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