Crazy Term 2

Right now, term 2 has just started and I'm snowed under a pile of work. Over the next 3 weeks, I have 2 essays due, 2 sermons to preach, 2 conference bookshops to manage, and 2 or 3 Bible studies to write for 180. Yikes!!!!

Please pray for me!

At the same time, EYF at my last church (SCAC) is holding an evangelistic event this Fri. Nathan Tasker (!) is coming to perform and preach. It's very exciting, not because Nathan is coming, but because there are 145 people attending - 61 of them non-Christians!!!

Please pray that God will work powerfully through Nathan and through the witness and testimony of all the Christians there on the night.

I don't have time to write up specific prayer points, but I'm sure you can think of things to pray for. Please pray because nothing can happen without God!
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