Essay on Gospel of John

Discuss the role of the imagery of light in the Fourth Gospel, especially in relation to the person of Jesus (2,250 words).

You know how when you've got something hard to do, everything else that is usually hard becomes an attractive option and you end up doing them instead? I've gotta do this essay on John's Gospel which was due on Monday, but naturally, I have been doing everything else but that.

Right now, my desk looks neat & clean. I've reorganised my drawers. I've backed up my computer. I've even done preparation for a Bible study that is 2 weeks away. Tomorrow I'll probably do my laundry.

This is of course why I'm here blogging as well. None of these activities would've been done (at least not yet) if it weren't for this essay.

Now I just need to find something to do which is harder than this essay. :/

