Predestination | Guess Who?

It seems like the predestination discussion has come to a halt. Well, even if it's not very clear in your head yet, what we can be certain of is this: God chose us before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. And he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will - how AWESOME is that!?! When I'm struggling with sin in my life, this reminds me that I have been chosen for holiness. It's not something I have to work at on my own, but it's what I'm destined for! That is the destiny for all who are in Christ Jesus.

Cool, isn't it?
All praise and glory to God, who out of his enormous mercy chose us to be his children. Pray that this idea of predestination will not only puzzle me, but instead overwhelm me with astounding thankfulness to our God and Savious, so that I will long to respond in loving obedience.

180 + Southpark = ???
Can you identify each of the 180 leaders? (The last one is a giveaway)
Give thanks for this team of leaders I have been able to work with. It has been a difficult & tiring term for all of us. Pray that we can all get some much needed rest during the holidays and to be ready to serve God and serve the youth in term 4 - hopefully in a more balanced way this time. =)
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Anonymous said...

someone's got time on his hands...6 is sam rite?

Anonymous said...

8)I feel sorry for the guy/girl you tried to represent for this one....
9)Ernest *surprise*

Anonymous said...

ooops...8) was meant to be for 7)

Anonymous said...

i only know you and smak. 6 has got to be smak, and you ernie are 9 (only cause of the hairstyle) however you look like your mexican.

Anonymous said...

1 susie?
2 alex!
3 chuek?
4 ... uhh.. maybe yat?
5 sarah - haha so accurate
6 sam
7 who's crazy? umm levina?!
8 ... duno, but theres only sarah man n sara lee left..
9 ernie!

Ernest said...

No, I dun have too much time on my hands. I did these a while ago. :)
(btw, I did not do 4 & 9)

Your guesses aren't too bad so far. I won't reveal the answers yet, but keep guessing. All the guesses so far add up to 30%.

Get some of the other 180 ppl to come and guess. Together you should be able to work it out.
(though some of them dun actually look like the it's pretty hard :P)

Anonymous said...

I guess...
2: Yat
4: Sam?
6: Alex
9: Obviously Ernest!

Anonymous said...

lets guess

1. susie
4. hmm who's left?
6.smak i reckon levina
9. Earnie

Anonymous said...

And the answers are? =D

Ernest said...

It's coming, it's coming...just a little longer... :P

Anonymous said...

South Park has got to be one of the best shows. Pity Australian TV sucks.

Who is number 4?

Anonymous said...

1. sarah man
2. alex
3. think its sarah lee...
4. sam
5. sarah ho
6. yat
7. levina
8. susie
9. i dont know... i think it looks like erine
think i got the sarahes mixed up....
