Christian Pick Up...and Break Up Lines

What a Christian guy might say to a girl...
  1. Nice bible.
  2. I would like to pray with you.
  3. You know Jesus? Me too.
  4. God told me to come talk to you.
  5. I know a church where we could go and talk.
  6. How about a hug, sister?
  7. Do you need help carrying your bible? It looks heavy.
  8. Christians don't shake hands, Christians gotta hug.
  9. Oh you are cold? Read Ecclesiastes 4:11.
  10. Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?
  11. What are your plans for tonight? Feel like a bible study on Song of Songs?
  12. The Bible says "Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry." How about dinner? (Read the original context here - Rom 12:20)
  13. You don't have an accountability partner? Me neither.
  14. You want to come over and watch The 10 Commandments tonight?
  15. Is it a sin that you stole my heart?
  16. Would you happen to know a Christian woman that I could love with all my heart and wait on hand and foot?
  17. Nice bracelet. "Who would Jesus date?" I, I, mean "What Would Jesus Do?"
  18. Do you believe in divine appointment?
  19. Have you ever tried praying at a drive in movie before?
  20. Excuse me, I believe one of your ribs belongs to me. (Reference to Gen 2:22)
  21. My friend told me to come and meet you, he said that you are a really nice person. I think you know him. Jesus, yeah, that's his name.
  22. We have to hold hands when we pray so the circle won't be broken. (What the...?)
  23. God has used you to teach me what true love really is. (For real true love see 1John 4:10)
  24. Christians kiss before parting - it's an old Jewish tradition. (Rightttt...)
  25. No, I'm not coveting. I intend to make you mine.
  26. I didn't believe in predestination till I met you.
  27. I'll turn the other cheek for you, if you'll turn yours to me.
  28. Love is patient and kind, you know. If you'll be patient, I'll be kind. (Reference to 1Cor 13:4-8)
  29. Hey...for you I’d work seven years. Oh, yeah, and seven more for your sister! (Reference to Gen 29:15-30)
  30. I just don't feel called to celibacy.
  31. Paul says, "Greet one another with a holy kiss." And Peter says, "Greet one another with a kiss of love.
  32. You have the body of Amy Grant and the soul of Mother Teresa. (Do not get this confused!)
  33. You know, I'm really into relationship evangelism. (Baaaaad idea...)
  34. I'm pretty flexible - I don't think a woman should be submissive on the first date. (Reference to Eph 5:21-33. But read the context!)
  35. Just looking at you makes me feel all ecumenical.
  36. I hear there's going to be a love feast tonight.
  37. Excuse me, is this pew taken?
  38. [At church] Do you come here often?
  39. I've prayed about it and God wants you to go out with me.
  40. Has anyone ever told you, your eyes are like doves and your neck like the tower of David?
  41. I don't speak in tongues, but I kiss that way. (Eww...)
  42. I'd pick you over Satan any day.
  43. An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips...and baby, I never lie.
  44. [Check her shirt tag] Just as I thought...Made in heaven.
  45. Hey, need a ride to church?
  46. God was showing off when he made you.
  47. Do you think "Ask and it will be given to you" is to be taken literally?
  48. You are the answer to my prayers.
  49. I need a helper. Can you give me a hand? (Reference to Gen 2:18)
  50. I practice our mission to "love each other deeply" to the fullest extent.
  51. How do you feel about "It is more blessed to give than to receive"?
  52. When I saw you, I knew the true meaning of "Rejoice and be glad."
  53. Let me pay you my debt of love. (Reference to Rom 13:8)
  54. I didn't know angels flew this low.
  55. If Eve was tempted by a fruit, then you must be my fruit. (Reference to Gen 3:6)
  56. I must be dead and looking at the angel that is going to take me to heaven.
  57. Rom 12:13 says, "Practice hospitality." Can I take you out to dinner?
  58. Can I be your kinsman-redeemer? (Reference to Lev 25:25; Deut 25:5-6; Ruth 4:8-10)
  59. "It is not good for the man to be alone." Can you keep me company?
  60. If you married me, I wouldn't need 700 wives and 300 concubines. (Reference to 1Ki 11:3)
  61. You wanna go clubbing? (Reference to Judg 21:19-25)
  62. I would kill 200 Philistines for your hand in marriage...but since they don't exist anymore we can skip that little formality. (Reference to 1Sam 18:27)
  63. All the girls of King Xerxes's beauty pageant could not compare with you. (Reference to Esther 2:1-4)
  64. You put the "cute" back in persecution!
  65. Honey if you love me, please give me a smile.
(Did you learn much from the Bible? Who would've thought it was so interesting!) What a Christian girl might say in response...
  1. Honey I love you, but I just can't smile.
  2. I'm sorry, I've found someone more spiritual.
  3. I'm sorry, it's just not God's will.
  4. I feel called to the mission field. Very soon and very far from you.
  5. God loves me and must have a better plan for my life.
  6. You know, I feel like I'm dating my brother.
  7. At least I got a lot out of our Bible studies together.
  8. I think we should just be prayer partners. (Baaad idea...)
  9. I do love you, but it's just agape now.
  10. I think I have the gift of singleness.
  11. God must have someone even better prepared for you.
But from that look on her face...'s most likely...
See what you miss out on if you don't come to 180!!
Give thanks that we were able to learn about the Christian view of dating and relationships. Pray that we can be godly in how we relate to people of the opposite sex, and that we will seek to build our brothers and sisters up as our primary goal.
(Even if they are majorly corny, which pick-up lines did you find funny?)


saurav said...

nice informative post .... keep it up...
have a great weekend....

Anonymous said...

aw man that game was funny =)

most of that list = cringe worthy

cute/slightly disturbing pic =P

Anonymous said...

Oh man you are professional...!
Haha nice update...I might find them useful one day =P

Anonymous said...

hahhahaha 11, 16 are funny^^ thanks for putting the links in.
and her face was just classic=)

Anonymous said...

the picture is GOLDDDDDDDDD

Anonymous said...

the picture is GOLDDDDDDDDD

Anonymous said...

54 =)
