Leaving for India

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind, hence my absence from this blog. People who blog all the time must have nothing to do, or have lots to say. I'm neither.

Anyways, I'll be off to India for college mission in a few hours. I really should be in bed, because my flight leaves at 8:30am, which means I have to get to the airport by 6:30am, which means I have to leave by 6:00am, which then means I have to wake up at...?

Those who are interested in praying for me should have already received prayer points, so I won't put them here. If for some reason you missed out, then email me and I'll pass on the prayer points.

I don't know how often I'll have net access in India. I'll try and update whenever possible. I'll be keeping a journal, so it should be easy to just type out some of those when I get into an Internet Cafe. Might not have time to upload photos, but I'll see.

See you when I get back (hopefully in one healthy piece!).
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Anonymous said...

awww man! thats awesome!! =D

hope you have a great time n find lots of opportunities to share gods word =)


CC said...

Hurry up and post something about India, why don't ya! =)
