Day 1: Stranded in India

Location: Delhi

Delhi by night from the plane

Delhi by night from the plane

I’ve finally arrived in Delhi after many hrs of flying. I’ve lost track of how long I’ve spent sitting. I was expected to arrive at 2am, but the plane was ½ hr late, and my luggage was one of the last to come out. Now I’m ready to catch a few hrs of sleep before we hit our first big day in India.

But one slight problem...I’m stranded here at the airport.

Phil (or someone from the team) is supposed to meet me here. Maybe they got tired of waiting. Maybe they can’t get here for some reason. Maybe they forgot!!

I have some contact numbers, so I guess if no one turns up, I can give them a call. I keep looking around in hope that they’re just sitting down somewhere and we haven’t seen each other. Good thing I have some biscuits and water to give me some energy. But getting a nap is a bit hard.

I’ve only slept an hr or two since I left SMBC over 24 hrs ago. But I don’t feel that tired. Or anxious. I even have the patience to put up with pests like mossies and taxi drivers.

Most of the flight to HK was spent watching movies and occasionally chatting with Taiwan team people. Suzanna had really bad air-sickness. I decided to watch movies from HK to Delhi as well, not because there was anything good on, nor to get my money’s worth, but so I could make myself tired and adjust to Indian sleeping hrs.

While transiting in HK for 7 hrs I did some shopping. Bought 2 pairs of pants for HK$50. A cheap watch for HK$20. And an umbrella (HK$15) just in case. Then had a nice jap dinner with parents before going back to the airport.


Spent 20mins writing up this entry. But still no one has turned up…
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