From phone calls, to SMS, to emails, to speaking in person, and even to a blog, I have received many warm wishes on this strange day that marks my entry into history - aka April Fool's Day. I've never been in the habit of celebrating it (with the exception of my 21st), but it is nice to be remembered. Thanks especially to all the masterminds and the conspirators that were behind the surprise cake on Sunday and tonight!! =)

And what a good time it came as well. With the ever-worsening case of the SARS virus, I have constantly been asked to reconsider my decision to travel to HK. I was rather adamant (read: stubborn) about this trip - since it's my first real holiday and a rare chance to see my parents. But with the barrage of advice I have been receiving, I have finally relented and cancelled my trip.

I hadn't had a chance to really get excited about it yet, but it was a disappointment nonetheless. Yet amongst the mixture of warnings and warm wishes, it finally hit me that there were people who cared. I don't mean so much that people cared it was my birthday, but that people cared for my happiness, my health, my spiritual growth - they cared about me. And it's not that they didn't care until today, but that I failed to appreciate it fully.

Thank you everyone. You are all the presents I could ever hope for - and more.

<< Thank God for the wonderful gift of relationship and friends. But most importantly, thank God that He can love a wretched being like me. >>

