"...there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." (Luke 15:10)

Today 2 people in the english congregration got baptised!! Yay!! It was great to see them declare their love for the Lord Jesus - something which was already evident in their lives, but now publicly acknowledge. One of them is Dennis Chan, whom some of you have met. A frequent visitor to this blog and one of my closer friends at Rockdale. He has been a constant source of encouragement to me despite his youthfulness. In fact, he made me cry (!!! :o ) when I heard his testimony a year ago. Dennis often has to put up with my whinging and moaning about life and church as he drives me home each week late at night. But nevertheless, he always makes the looong trips for me. What a servant heart!

The other person who got baptised was Cindy Tan. Being a girl, I haven't had as much chance to get to know her and meet up with her. But I had already been rather impressed with her Christian life in the early stages of my acquaintance with the church. Early last year in TG, we had a program called "Guardian Angels" where everyone had a mysterious guardian angel in the youth group who would make/buy them something as an encouragement. Cindy was my guardian angel (unknown to me at the time, of course) and she sent me a series of emails (which I have still kept) and eventually gave me a cross-shaped bookmark with Proverbs 3:5-6 written on it. In the subsequent 12 months, I have seen her quietly and faithfully persevering as a Christian and serving as a TG leader. Her steadfast faith and uncompromising godliness sets her apart as a committed Christian amongst many of the other girls in the youth group.

If only we had more Christians like that around!

<< Rejoice together with me and with the host of angels in heaven over the baptism of Dennis and Cindy. As they continue on their journey along this narrow path, pray that they may be ever so focused on their Guide and Shepherd, walking together with the numerous brothers and sisters around them, until they see Christ face to face. >>

