There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)

Had a MASSIVE leaders' luncheon/meeting for RICE on Saturday. It was great to see almost 100 leaders from Chinese youth groups all over Sydney gather together in one body and one Spirit for the gospel. We heard about the vision/goal of RICE and how it all started last year. We spent some time mingling, eating together and working together in our Fete and Fate groups.

We also ran through the songs for the Fate night. Somehow, I landed the job of coordinating the music for this whole thing. But I have a awesome team to of musicians to work with. I don't know much about music but the fascinating thing about Christian ministry is that we see the different parts of the body exercising their gifts to build each other up. So even though I felt completely lost with the musical side of things, I was in awe at the unity in our group that developed in such a short time! We had our first and only music practice last Wednesday and we rocked!!! I almost feel guilty 'cause people might think that I'm responsible for how great it's turned out, but it's really all God's work. My youth group kids will be in shock when they see me as part of this team of amazing musicians!

<< Praise God for the unity and partnership in the gospel that was shared by all on Saturday. Please pray for all the many organisational things that needs to be done that those who are in charge can get it sorted out. Pray for James Fong who will be explaining the gospel on the night of the Fate. Pray also that it won't rain for the Fete so that the kids can have a chance to meet other Christians and to raise interest in coming to the Fate.

Thank God also for the great team of musicians and everyone's willingness to sacrifice pre-planned events to come and practice. Pray that the music will assist in helping people to be open to hearing the message of the gospel and that the songs themselves will also testify to the work of Jesus on the cross. >>

