The air buzz with excitement as various neophytes filtered through the door. Some strolled in confidently, sure of their surroundings. Others looked around nervously, hoping to spot a familiar face. Most were happy just to sit silently or make small talk with those beside them. A small remanant trickled in at the last minute. Finally it began.

Had the first OT lecture at SMBC on Tuesday night. It was good to be back. This year I'll be studying under Kirk Patston (semester 1) and Ian Fryer (semester 2). Like many people, OT is unfamiliar territory to me - particularly the prophets. They all seem to be saying the same thing, though in different periods of Israel's history. I guess that says something about the stubborn hearts of man, doesn't it?

But I'm sure that reading the OT can be much more interesting than that. How can the Word of God be dull and unimportant?!?!? I trust that God will reveal the wonders of the Scriptures to me this year and help me to appreciate them. Afterall, it's "The Bible Jesus Read". And through it, we can come to know the person of Jesus Christ better. Kinda like finding out about someone's childhood, their upbringing, family/cultural traditions, and other historical details to understand them more.

<< Thank God for the opportunity to be in a city where good, faithful Bible teaching is so readily available. Pray that the lectures and essays won't merely be an academic exercise, but will encourage me to be passionate about God's Word. Pray also that I can balance the study load with the rest of my busy life. >>

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. (2Corinthians 1:20)

A few weeks ago at KYLC strand 1, I met this guy from a Greek church named Spiro. He was a very willing servant who drove us between Camp Fletcher and the KCC 'Tin Shed'. He was in the process of starting an english congregation in his church for the 2nd generation kids - much like what WS and SCAC did in the past. He and I spoke at lengths about the joys and struggles of english & youth ministry, and ended by praying to God about it.

What a surprise it was when I saw him at the lectures on Tuesday!! He had decided to start studying full-time this year so he can be better equipped to serve his church. What an encouragement!

<< Praise God for Spiro's willingness to give up his job to go to college so that he can serve Him better. Pray that SMBC will be a most excellent training ground for him as he learns from some of the best teachers around. Pray also for his church as the new ministries are being planned and thought through. May God give them humility, wisdom and guidance. >>

