Whirrrrl...click. Play.

Well, at least that what the old VCR and video tapes sounded like before VCDs and DVDs came out. There are some movie I can watch over and over again, and yet not be bored. Even though the motions on the screen may be the same, the characters and the story would hit me afresh each time. I would notice different body language, or new details in the background, or the music, or...And to me, it'd be a whole new experience all over again. Ah...bliss...

In some ways, church was like that today. Sunday School (SS) and Teens' Group (TG) started for 2003 today. Same time, same place, same faces. We go through the same motions of opening in prayer and flipping through the Bible and pulling out pens and paper. But like a favourite movie, the Bible is never boring, even if it's the same "old" passage. And neither are the people.

I'm substituting in the Yr 7-8 SS class for 3 weeks while their normal teacher is holidaying in HK. I've never taught kids that young in a Bible study before. I had NO idea how easy/hard to make the study. I wasn't sure how much these kids knew. I had taught them last year as a big group in TG, but this was up-close-and-personal. And on top of that, I was expecting two notoriously naughtly kids to join us in Yr 7. As it happened, these two kids didn't turn up, and the three kids that were there knew a fair bit. Oh well, I'll just raise the bar a bit for next week.

<< Thank God for a fairly easy start to SS. Pray that I can teach these kids well, even if it's only for 2 more weeks, and pray that I can show Jesus' love to the more difficult kids. >>

TG was also short on some regular members who were still overseas having a holiday [tinge of jealousy]. I explained a bit about the new structure and had no negative response (no news is good news, I suppose?). Played some games and used a scavenger hunt to break them up into their groups. Easy, relaxing day, but hoping to build some anticipation up...maybe? It's hard to surprise them sometimes.

Same people, same church, same Bible.

Same God.

<< Thank God for the start of another year of ministry and pray that these kids under my care may continue to grow in love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus. >>

