Last weekend was most exciting, and in fact left me feeling enthralled. But I've been much too busy to share it with you (except by way of my mood) until now.

On Saturday, we had a special all-day staff conference where all Australian and NZ staff flew over for the weekend. I've gotten to know many of the staff that deals with my department over the past 6 months and developed a good rapport with them. I've even managed to let them all know that I'm a Christian. Over the course of the day, many of them were eager to meet me and I had many conversations with them, often telling them what my plans were for the rest of the weekend - ie church and Bible study, as opposed to getting drunk and being hungover.

In particular, I had a longer and deeper conversation with one girl from Swan Hill by the name of Jolene. She had no religious background, but had some (misguided) understanding of Christianity which she found hard to accept. She seemed interested to hear what I had to say on the subject (though perhaps out of politeness) and I explained the gospel to her. We continued to discuss some of the difficulties she had and it basically boiled down to the claims of Jesus and the resurrection. I had just started to explain the trilemma (Jesus as Lord, Liar or Lunatic) when we were interrupted by another staff and by the main course being served (D'oh!).

The rest of the evening flew by in a blur and I didn't get a chance to finish the conversation with her. But hopefully the seed I planted in her will be watered and nourished by God.

<< Thank God for the opportunity to meet and talk with Jolene, and for giving me boldness to talk about Christianity in a secular work environment. Pray that Jolene will continue to ponder on the great news of the gospel and how she can be saved through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. >>

I've been wanting to email Jolene since I got back into the office on Monday. But a new girl Samarah started on that day and I've been flat out training her for all aspects of the role, with not a minute of spare time. However, in training her and getting to know each other, I had a chance to share my testimony with Samarah and how much the gospel has changed my life. Still, opportunities are scarce and I hope to be able to make use of every opportunity.

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. (Colossians 4:2-6)

<< These verses sum up very well what I would like you to pray for. Pray also that Jolene and Samarah's hearts will be soften to receive the message of the cross. >>

