!!! 8 DAYS TO GO !!!

My first holiday since I finished high school 6 years ago is starting in 8 days. I will be going to HK to visit my parents who went back over 2 years ago. I haven't been back there since our family flew over together. I was 9 at the time. I will be a complete tourist over there like any other, except that I can speak reasonable Cantonese. It'll be reverse culture shock. I imagine most of my 16 days there will be spent with relos that I barely remember and eating yum cha every day. I'm gonna be sick of chinese food by the time I come back.

I do have some plans of my own however. I hope to visit some friends there and to attend a few churches as well. No thought of splurging on a massive shopping spree though (as is typical of most people who go to HK). I had many Christian friends, both young and old, who went to asians countries for holidays over the Christmas/New Year break. But sad to say, most of them left their Christianity behind in Australia. They didn't attend church, nor read the Bible or prayed, but instead spent exorbitant amounts of money in ways that they would never have here. It was disappointing to hear them rave about numerous sales and the latest fashion/craze, and never about the wonder and glory of God and the power of His gospel in other parts of the world.

We've heard plenty about the pitfalls of "Sunday Christians", and the same should apply when we're on holidays. Our Christian faith should not only be evident on a certain day of the week, or when we're with a certain group of people, and certainly not when we're in a foreign place - in fact, we should be even more careful in the way we live when we're with outsiders. We may be holidays from our regular schedules of work and study, but our faith never takes a holiday. We are Christians through and through - 24/7.

Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. (1Peter 2:11-12)

<< Thank God that I finally have an opportunity to rest adequately, and at the same time be able to catch up with my family while re-visitng some rapidly fading memories. Pray that I may not succumb to the temptations of materialism and hedonism but to keep working at godliness and to struggle against sin. >>

To put a dampener on things, there's this SARS virus going around in south-east asia. I was not particularly worried about it, but the situation seems to be slowly esclating. I don't want to have to cancel my first real holiday, and I don't want to get sick. Definitely don't want to be quarantined and refused entry on return to Australia! I even had fleeting thoughts of death spring to mind. But after a bit of probing, I realised that wasn't afraid, much less concerned, about death. Sure, it'll be jarring pain to be away from friends and family, but that's only a matter of time. And I have no girlfriend/wife/children to worry about. My future and destination is guaranteed and secured in Christ. In the words of Esther, "If I perish, I perish."

What a fallen world we live in!

<< Pray for God's mercy on this situation and that it might be rectified soon so that less people will suffer and so that I can have a carefree and enjoyable holiday. But thank God that He has given me peace in this time and anchored me with the certainty of eternal life in our Saviour Jesus Christ. >>

8 days and counting...anything can happen in such a long time...

It's been a busy last couple of days. So much so that I haven't had a chance to write it all down. So this will be a long one...

Street Evangelism Team (SET)
I've joined a SET with ECOM (Evangelising Commerce) - a Christian organisation which aims to reach the working class. I went out for the first time on Thursday at Martin Place speaking to strangers during my lunch hour. I was partnered with a more experienced guy and together we spoke to about 10-15 people. Out of that, we managed to get 3 good conversations!

I was a tad nervous, but soon warmed up to it and had a go at talking to people. We met a large variety of people all with interesting viewpoints on God, and Jesus and eternal life. I look forward to the next one (even if I still feel a bit freaked out) and hope to be speaking more courageously and clearly about the gospel so that these people might have a chance to be saved.

Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. (Ephesians 6:19-20)

<< Thank God for this opportunity to preach the gospel to non-Christians and to be trained at the same time. Please pray that people's hearts may not be hardened against the gospel and instead be convicted of their rebellion against God and turn to Jesus for forgiveness. Pray also that I may be trained up so that I can be an effective ambassador for Christ. >>

Wollongong Tour
I spent a lovely Saturday with a bunch of friends down in the South Coast enjoying God's wonderful creation and the company of brothers and sisters in Christ. Despite a few hiccups with transport and the gloomy weather, our spirits were not dampened because we were still able to encourage one another in our walk with Jesus. We spent the day watch mammoth stingrays at the beach, visiting a local winery, indulging in Kiama's renowned icecream, and checking out the blow holes before retiring for a quiet dinner. And we discovered that Vietnamese food is the same no matter where you go - whether it's in Sydney or Wollongong, the menu looks just the same.

<< Thank God for a day of rest (a rare thing for me!) and fellowship catching up with dear friends. >>

Church Camp
And lastly, we had a meeting today for our church camp in July. I actually feel quiet satisfied that we got a fair bit done and tasks were clearly allocated and we're getting everyone involved - instead of the usual handful of people that runs around crazy doing everything. There's lots of action points to follow up on, and I hope nobody gets burnt out with all the work. But it looks like it'll be a groovy camp and I hope the kids will think so too.

I must say, though, they choose some strange dates. Our camp starts on a Saturday arvo and finishes on Tuesday morning. All the workers will have to take some time off work...Oh well!

<< Please pray for the many, many things that have to be done to get a camp organised. Thank God for all the people involved and pray that it really becomes a church camp because everyone takes ownership of it. But most importantly, pray that we will be united in one spirit and purpose as we go about seeking to glorify our Lord Jesus through this ministry. >>

That's it for the latest updates. Thanks to everyone who reads this regularly and sends encouraging messages and stuff (you can also use the commenting function so that other people can also be encouraged by your comments). I hope that you are saying a short prayer for me as you read each prayer point.

<< Praise God for His provision in giving me all you supporters. I pray that my life may spur you on to keep growing in love and knowledge of His Son Jesus Chrst as we each do our part in the partnership of the gospel. >>

I am a dad...!!!

Or at least I feel like one. Or maybe just an older brother.

Yesterday we bought groceries together. I helped her with homework. Prepared dinner. Called her to come and eat (twice). Made sure she had meat and vegies. Got her home safely...It's as if I've just adopted a daughter or a little sister.

Can guys get clucky? :P

She comes from a complicated background and grew up to be independent and self-protective. It's not easy to build a friendship with her, but a handful of us have managed it. I guess I was a bit like that myself, having matured too early. Having to get used to family problems and manage responsibility. I never had much of a childhood either.

But she's going through more than I did, and I empathise with her. It's a a crucial time for her to be learning about and experiencing God's love through the family of believers.

<< Thank God for bringing her into contact with Christians. Pray that her simple faith may be one that grows and flourishes in the soil of suffering. Hope she finds comfort in our Lord Jesus as she comes to understand how much He gave up for her. And if possible, for her to be freed from these worries and for her situation to improve. >>

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! (Romans 5:8-10)

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now...(Philippians 1:4)

Just came back from a head leaders meeting and as expected, there are now lots of thoughts flying through my head - like an out of control tribe of lemmings. The meeting was with leaders of 12 chinese youth group leaders in Sydney, and we're making a combined effort to put together a massive evangelistic event for high schoolers.

Won't tell you the details of what we discussed. It'll be a surprise. But I'm sure you'll all hear about it soon enough as the promotion and advertising gets under way. But it's most exciting to see different churches working in unity for the gospel. Such a partnership where the gospel is prominent is what the apostle Paul rejoiced in. There's lots of work to be done, but everyone's keen and geared up.

Add this excitement to all that I'm already planning, I'm gonna blow soon!

<< Thank God for the vision of this ministry and the people that are involved. Pray for unity and like-mindedness amongst the leadership team as we go about organising this event and getting our youth groups on board. But pray especially that God's Word will be taught faithfully and powerfully so that the hearts of unbelievers will be challenged to turn back to God. >>

...stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel (Philippians 1:27b)

And so it begins...

A year of my observations and thoughts are about to be analysed, discussed, reviewed, questioned, and basically torn to shreds and reassembled. I've had numerous thoughts on the structure and program of the english ministries at Rockdale since I've been there. Many of them have laid dormant so as to not seem like a usurper leading a solo takeover. But it seems that people are slowly starting to catch onto some of my ideas and my vision for the church. The deacons I work with have always been a bit more adventerous than most conservative asians, but when up against a controversial, radical and naive young man, it still takes a bit of time to gel.

Currently, the typical Sunday is something like this:
9:00am-10:00am English Service
10:00am-10:30am Morning Tea
10:30am-11:30am Sunday School
11:30am-12:30pm Teens' Group
12:30pm- 2:00pm Lunch*
2:00pm- ?? Meeting(s) - most weeks
(*everything always goes over time, so realistically lunch starts at 1pm for us.)

This makes for a rather long day for everyone, especially the kids who have to sit down for 3 Bible teaching sessions. We're also planning to create a coherent 2 year syllabus that will cover Old Testament, New Testament, topics, and training (some of which are sorely lacking at the moment). There are a number of other things that makes this program not effective for the growth of the gospel, and so we're hoping to improve on all that.

So basically, lots of exciting things happening in the next 6 months!!

<< Thank God for the open-mindedness of the deacons and minister to see a long-term, gospel-focused vision for the church. At such an important turning point, pray that we may be united in spirit and purpose, being dependent upon God at all time in our thinking and decision making. Pray that we can improve things so that Christ will be glorified in and through our ministries. >>

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ...stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith fo the gospel... (Philippians 1:27)

...the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. (James 3:5)

Right now, I feel like the great forest that's been set on fire and burnt down to charred, black soot. And all because of a small spark. Or rather, two small sparks.

I received some feedback today on some of the english ministries at Rockdale. One from a young visitor, and another from an irregular, uncommitted 'Christian'. Normally, I can take critism with a fairly open mind. But today, these two people made some rather gastly wounds. They did nothing but critise - negatively (as opposed to contructively)! Okay, that might be a slight hyperbola, and perhaps they had no such intention. But it certainly cut deep.


I really did try to take in the feedback and to listen. But it was just too much coming from people who had no idea what's going on and what I've gone through and how much the church has achieved in a short time. I kept my cool, but inside I was a swirl of sadness, disappointment, anger and pride. I don't know if it was self-righteous pride or not, but I pour all my energy into my ministries. And to have them knocked around so carelessly...it felt like my very being was being brutalised. Every word that he says is a dagger in me...*sob*... :'(

<< Please pray that I may not harbour bitter thoughts in my heart against these people and instead continue to serve God faithfully and to struggle with all His energy to present everyone perfect in Christ. Pray that God may give me a heart to love people with Christ's love, especially when I don't have to ability nor desire to do so. >>
