It's been a busy last couple of days. So much so that I haven't had a chance to write it all down. So this will be a long one...

Street Evangelism Team (SET)
I've joined a SET with ECOM (Evangelising Commerce) - a Christian organisation which aims to reach the working class. I went out for the first time on Thursday at Martin Place speaking to strangers during my lunch hour. I was partnered with a more experienced guy and together we spoke to about 10-15 people. Out of that, we managed to get 3 good conversations!

I was a tad nervous, but soon warmed up to it and had a go at talking to people. We met a large variety of people all with interesting viewpoints on God, and Jesus and eternal life. I look forward to the next one (even if I still feel a bit freaked out) and hope to be speaking more courageously and clearly about the gospel so that these people might have a chance to be saved.

Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. (Ephesians 6:19-20)

<< Thank God for this opportunity to preach the gospel to non-Christians and to be trained at the same time. Please pray that people's hearts may not be hardened against the gospel and instead be convicted of their rebellion against God and turn to Jesus for forgiveness. Pray also that I may be trained up so that I can be an effective ambassador for Christ. >>

Wollongong Tour
I spent a lovely Saturday with a bunch of friends down in the South Coast enjoying God's wonderful creation and the company of brothers and sisters in Christ. Despite a few hiccups with transport and the gloomy weather, our spirits were not dampened because we were still able to encourage one another in our walk with Jesus. We spent the day watch mammoth stingrays at the beach, visiting a local winery, indulging in Kiama's renowned icecream, and checking out the blow holes before retiring for a quiet dinner. And we discovered that Vietnamese food is the same no matter where you go - whether it's in Sydney or Wollongong, the menu looks just the same.

<< Thank God for a day of rest (a rare thing for me!) and fellowship catching up with dear friends. >>

Church Camp
And lastly, we had a meeting today for our church camp in July. I actually feel quiet satisfied that we got a fair bit done and tasks were clearly allocated and we're getting everyone involved - instead of the usual handful of people that runs around crazy doing everything. There's lots of action points to follow up on, and I hope nobody gets burnt out with all the work. But it looks like it'll be a groovy camp and I hope the kids will think so too.

I must say, though, they choose some strange dates. Our camp starts on a Saturday arvo and finishes on Tuesday morning. All the workers will have to take some time off work...Oh well!

<< Please pray for the many, many things that have to be done to get a camp organised. Thank God for all the people involved and pray that it really becomes a church camp because everyone takes ownership of it. But most importantly, pray that we will be united in one spirit and purpose as we go about seeking to glorify our Lord Jesus through this ministry. >>

That's it for the latest updates. Thanks to everyone who reads this regularly and sends encouraging messages and stuff (you can also use the commenting function so that other people can also be encouraged by your comments). I hope that you are saying a short prayer for me as you read each prayer point.

<< Praise God for His provision in giving me all you supporters. I pray that my life may spur you on to keep growing in love and knowledge of His Son Jesus Chrst as we each do our part in the partnership of the gospel. >>

