I'm on the Radio!

My 2 sec of fame on Australian radio...

For those of you who are really bored this Sat arvo (5th Nov), you can catch me on 90.5FM being interview some time between 2-4pm for Weekly Wrap. It will be part of a series on "Life after the HSC".

I must say, I normally find talk show radio boring. And I'm afraid my impromtu interview will do nothing to change that. In fact, if you decide to tune in to it, you'll come away all the more certain that talk show radio is boring. If I had time to prepare what I was going to say, I'd try to be funny, or at least interesting. But as it is, it will be neither of them. Bleh! At least they play nice jazz music.

In other news, I've finally finished all my essays - YAY!! Sorry I didn't blog much in Oct. I'll try to pick it up again this month. I've really found it hard writing essays this semester. But it's not the end yet. I have 4 exams coming up, and that will involve around 10 essays. *sigh*
Pray that I may be diligent in my exam preparation. Pray that God will help me to learn from his Word and to actually remember it!

Can't wait till holidays!! - even if I haven't got anything planned (yet).
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Anonymous said...

what timing! i opened your blog at exactly 2pm- st in time to tune in. I'll listen, hehe.

Anonymous said...

awwww i just came onto ur blog n its 4:01 -_-

owell.. martin can tell us about it. can you can you? *nods convincingly* hehe


Anonymous said...

that radio station has bad transmition i tryed to listen on the channel but nothing was said...
i agree with jo... hehe

Anonymous said...

He talked about how he went to work after HSC instead of going to Uni (stereotypical chinese view). It was tough, but he got to learn about experiences in life. Now that he decided to go Full time ministry at Bible college, the experiences he gained from work were worthwhile eg. building relationships with others. There's more to life than just studying.

P.S Ernest, if i have said stuff i shouldn't have, or you wanna summarise it yourself, please delete it. hehhe...
anyway, it was great!

Anonymous said...

yay! sounds cool. thanx mate =)

Anonymous said...

no worries ;) It seems i have been the only one sad enought to tune in for 2 hours just for that.....

good luck for exams Ernest! i forgot to say.

Anonymous said...

hahaha martian hoped u enjoyed it because u r going to need it

good luck erine on your exams hope u get a good mark!

Alvina said...

Hey Ernie!

Love the update of your blogs! They're awesome ! Glad to see how much your ministry has blossomed, and the fruits God is bring forth in your work for him.

I'm keeping you in prayer!

Ernest said...

Hey Al,

Good to hear from you! I'm looking forward to catching up after I finish my exams.

Hope things are well with you. Very encouraging to see how you are constantly excited for the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hope to speak with you soon!

Anonymous said...

hey erine when r u going to put the next one up?.... hopefully soon

Ernest said...

Hey! I dun blog for your entertainment! :P

In fact, you're meant to pray for me after you read my posts. And right now, you can keep praying for my up coming exams. =D
