Believe it or not, there's another evangelistic opportunity I didn't mention last week.

On Thursday I was on my way out to lunch. One of my colleagues, Justine, happen to get catch the elevator with me at the same time. We've chit-chatted in the past but never had a chance to talk about her beliefs or Christianity. But on that day, she asked me almost right away about CBF. She had seen someone handing out the flyers/postcards in the city earlier, and also noticed that I had them pinned up on my wall at work. So I told her a bit about it, and before I could even invite her along, she asked to come along the following week!

So now, I have Stuart and Justine coming along this week, and possibly Mary as well.

<< Thank God for giving me so many opportunities to evangelise at work. I'm a bit flustered facing such a big task, but pray that I will rely on God to work in and through me. Pray also that their hearts may be softened and prepared to received the good news of the gospel and respond with faith and repentence. >>

