Evangelism is definitely on my menu for the next few months.

Aside from all the things I mentioned the other day, I'm now also going to be helping to train someone in street evangelism. I was just thinking how little I said on the day and how I want to give it a better go next time. Then before I knew it, I was asked to take a new Two ways to Live trainee on some "industrial" training.

Now, I knew I could've quite easily have said no, but I've chickened out a few times already when it comes to talking to strangers about Jesus. So I figured that this will be one way of pushing myself to actually do it. Taking someone new with me means that I'll have to take the lead and do most of the talking. Scary!

<< Pray that I may be bold in proclaiming the message of Christ to people in the city. Pray that God will give me the words to say, and that my trainee and I will be able to work well as a team. But pray especially that concentrate on being faithful - faithful with the truth of the gospel and faithful in our service to God, trusting that God will use it to bring about His purposes in the lives of those we meet. >>

The other thing is evangelism in the workplace. It's been pretty quiet on this front, partly because it's been much busier at work and I've been overseas. But also 'cause I haven't made use of all the opportunities.

I've been talking to Stuart and he doesn't mind hearing me going on about Christianity. I've told him my testimony and some of the things I do at church. He's even come along to CBF (a weekly Bible talk in the city with Al Stewart) with me a few times. But when I went to HK and came back, it sorta died and I kinda left it.

But today I finally made an effort to go ask him to come along again, and he said he'll be there next week. :) There's also another girl at work, Mary, who is a nominal "Christian". She came along to CBF for the first time today, but I wasn't sure how to challenge her about her faith in a loving way. But I hope that both of them will keep coming and I'll have more opportunities to share the gospel with them.

<< Thank God for the opportunity to refresh my relationship with Stuart and to invite him to CBF. Thank God also that Mary came along for the first time. Pray that they will both keep coming and be challenged and rebuked by the Word of God so that it may lead them to faith and repentence. And pray that God will somehow use me to that purpose somewhere along the way. >>

