Evangelism in the City
I also mentioned in two posts about the various opportunities I have for evangelism.

Unfortunately, this week Stuart, Justine and Mary didn't come to CBF. Stuart was away for training that day; Justine was feeling unwell and had a doctor's appointment; and Mary didn't want to lose most of her lunch hour at the talk.

The last one's a bit disappointing, but I'll keep working on all 3 of them. Stuart and Justine have both said they'll come next week, so please keep praying for them.

And as for the cold-turkey street evangelism with my new trainee (Martin), that went quite well. Martin seemed very comfortable talking to people (me included, since that was the first time we met).

We had a good long conversation with a guy called Rick. He had some Christian/Catholic background. Seems like he was dragged to church occasionally by his wife. We stumbling around a bit working out the best approach and somehow got most of the gospel out along the way. I certainly felt lost for words at times, but somehow by God's grace managed to carry the conversation along. We left him with an invitation to CBF and for him to try and read the Bible for himself when he gets home.

The rest of the hour was unfruitful, but a good experience for Martin and myself.

<< Please pray for Stuart, Justine and Mary that they will be able/willing to come to CBF next week, or perhaps have other opportunities for me to tell them the gospel.

Thank God for the opportunity to go out with Martin and giving us the boldness to proclaim the message of the gospel. Pray that we can both continue to faithfully reachout in the future.

Pray also for Rick that the seeds we planted in his heart will one day sprout and bear fruit for God. Pray that God will bring other Christians in his life to continually challenge him in his beliefs. >>

