The last two days has been full of things I've blogged about and asked people to pray for. So I think an update is in order...

Saltlight Productions - This Way Up
I mentioned the other week that I'm organising an information night for a few of the Sydney south churches, which happened last night.

From Saltlight, we had Vron, Diana, AK and Alice come and tell us about who they are and what they do and what This Way Up is. We had 29 people from 4 different churches in the area turn up. There weren't as many people as I'd hope, but I trust that people will bring the news back to their home church and tell people about it there as well.

I met Vinh and James from Vietnamese Kingsgrove Alliance church. They were both quite keen on going to Bible college somewhere down the track and serving God in full time paid ministry. I told them about Club 5 and they're interested in coming along. We also talked about about joint ventures with each other and also other Alliance churches and/or chinese churches. It was good meeting some like-minded people. :)

I was also very pleased with the way the people from my church were serving on the night. Everyone helped out in bringing & preparing supper. Some came early to set up as well, and others stayed behind to help clean up. When asked, people were happy to volunteer to welcome people as they arrive. It really is a joy when you see everyone working together for one purpose. Yay!

<< Thank God for the people from different churches who got to hear about the ministry of Saltlight Productions. Pray that the CD will be used by Christians everyone to spread the gospel. Pray particularly for the team as they go about the final stages of producing the CD and the launch. Pray that they'll continue to remain focused on the reason & purpose for their task and that ultimately God will be gloified.

Thank God also for the conversation I had with Vinh and James. Pray that they will be able to come along to Club 5 and be challenged by the conference to think more clearly about their future in ministry. Pray also for future discussions I'll have with them regarding inter-church ministry.

And a BIG pat on the back for my church members in the way they helped out and served on the night. Thank God for their enthusiasm and selflessness. >>

More to come...

