
It's a few hours before my plane takes off, and it's only now in the wee hours of the morning that I can begin to think about having my holiday.

Somehow I managed to do most of the things mentioned on my previous post. And in addition, I resigned from work on Friday! It was a bit of a shock to everyone, and quite a disappointment for my manager. They tried to persuade me to stay, but God enabled me to stand firm and instead used the opportunity to explain the gospel to them. I've never had to resign from a full time job before (for various reasons - not because I was fired!) and I never realised it can be such a nerve wrecking thing.

So with that I'm off for 2 weeks. I doubt I'll be online in that time, so I'll have to update you when I get back. Bai bai!

<< Thank God for the time of rest and pray that I can really relax and be refreshed so that I can come back and be ready to power on! Pray also for my work mates who heard about my plans to study next year and to be trained in teaching the Bible. Pray that I will have opportunities to tell them about Jesus and that God will challenge them to turn to Him in faith and repentence. >>

Oh, one other important thing! My uni group at church is organising a dialogue dinner next Friday. The theme is "If I were God I'd...". And we have at least 20 non-Christians coming!!!!!! Please pray for the speaker and for the hearts of the non-Christians!

D'oh, I wanted to write more, but my lift to the airport is here! So long, farewell!
I'm going on a holiday soon! Yippee!!
But not before I finish a million-and-one things before Friday.

After the 2 supporters' days, I need to work out who are the new people to add to my newsletter distribution list, tally how much money I have raised, who needs reminders sent out, and who has offered other kinds of helps. And I'm overdue for my 4th newsletter for this year. But there's no chance of me finishing that until I get back from my holiday. But a special thanks to all those who made the effort to come along (and even miss out on the footy!). And an super BIG thanks to Jackie for cooking for me on both Saturdays and paying for it all as well!!

<< Thank God for the amazing generosity of the brothers and sisters around me - in giving money, in offering practicaly help, and especially in praying for me and encouraging me. Pray that I can trust God to provide my needs for the coming 3 years. >>

Cowra Mission is coming up quick and fast...and I've got stacks to do. I've got a kids' talk to do, plus I'll be preaching for the first time. The kids' talk is on Jesus' baptism in Luke 3:1-22, and the sermon is on Philippians 3 - it's such a great passage I don't know how I'm going to manage to speak for less than 2 hours (at least)!! But alas, I only have 20 mins...hmmm....

Besides talking, I have to get things ready for craft and games and memory verse...ai yar!

<< Please pray for wisdom and an insightful mind as I teach the Bible to 2 completely different audiences. Pray that God's Word will enter the hearts of those who hear it and bear fruit for the glory of our Lord Jesus. And pray that I can get the rest of the things prepared together with my team. >>

There's also a number of responsibilities to hand over at church - Dialogue Dinner for the uni youth group, "What's It" box for the high school group, last study on Biblical theology for my Sunday School class, KYLC & KYC conference for the church, and RICE outreach for next year. AI YAR!!!

<< Pray that God will grant me an abundance of energy and extra hours in the day. Failing that, pray that there will be people who can help out with these things, and be able to do them without my supervision. >>

And then there's the next (and last) AIM day tomorrow (which I'm really looking forward to) and numerous people to meet up with for lunch/dinner and my room needs to be cleaned up and my bags packed and clothes washed and...u getting my gist now?

I think this one week itself qualifies me for a holiday!!

<< Thank God for the great opportunity to be trained at AIM. Pray that I'll learn heaps and heaps and be able to apply it to the ministries at my church. Pray for safety on my holiday and a relaxing and refreshing time so that I can come back ready to hit the road running (or sprinting rather!). >>

I'm in!! Yay!!

I received the acceptance letter from SMBC yesterday confirming my enrolment for next year. Now I have to apply for Youth Allowance and resign from work and prepare to move and raise finances and work out my timetable and pay for college fees and...on it goes...

Tomorrow and next Sat (22nd), I'll be asking people to support me through college by praying for me and giving money. I haven't really had time to think about this because I've been trying to study for my exam next Tuesday. But tomorrow will be a morning tea at 10pm, and there'll be cookies, scones, finger foods, dips, and cinnamon scrolls. Please come along if you can!

I'm kinda a bit nervous about it because it's so strange to be asking people for help, especially for money. I'm normally pretty independent and I hate to trouble people for even the smallest things. So to ask so many people to help is definitely a most humbling experience!!

<< Thank God that I was accepted into SMBC for next year. Pray that I can get all the things that needs to be done with minimal stress and chaos. Pray especially for the supporter's days tomorrow and next Sat that people will be willing to contribute to the work of God's Kingdom by supporting me in prayer and with money.

Thank God also for teaching me humility in all this and forcing me to rely on Him for all things.

And thanks especially to my blog audience for your prayers throughout this year!!! =) >>

Once a year the nation unites.

People line up along the streets for hours. Voices in the air buzz with excitement. Others huddle and squash up before TV screens, mesmerised by moving figures.

As the moment approaches, they hold their breath. Transfixed. Temporarily paralyzed. The tension builds. Conversations muffled. Waiting.

Once a year the country pauses together for one purpose.

Sounds like a snapshot of Australia Day or something equally patriotic, doesn't it? But alas, if it was only so. The scene I was describing was typical of what I saw throughout the day yesterday - Melbourne Cup day.

People everywhere milling around TABs and lining up in temporary stalls. Clutching crumpled pieces of paper in their hands that costs them anything between $5 and $5,000 (or more!). People studying the newspapers and deep in philosophical discussion about each horse and jockey. Office workers hungrily lapping up the $2 sweeps for their chance at winning $50. Then moments later regretfully wishing they hadn't wasted the money (even though that's exactly what they said last year). And the lucky few who win regretfully wish they had put more money on it.

Men and women, young and old. United in their idoltary of greed and money.

It was as if the floodgates had opened. Colleagues who usually carry themselves with a degree of distinguished mannerisms now show a rare display of distasteful and undignified outbursts - everyone's an equestrian expert and everyone wants to be heard (and a couple of beers certainly don't help)! And those who don't normally even try to hide their crude, brutish nature...well, I won't even comment on that.

Shockingly disgusting behaviour. Such banal existence. But it's only to be expected from a nation of sinful beings who've rejected their Maker.

Now if only I felt the same sense of revulsion about sin in my own life.
To my small but faithful bunch of readers, sorry that posts have been sparse, or worse yet, non existent. Sure, my computer's down time plays a part in that, but probably moreso a mixure of busyness and laziness.

And so much has happened recently, I don't even know where to start!

Well, I've been to 3 weddings in the past 4 weeks. They've all been weddings of good friends - in fact good Christian friends, which makes the occasion very special. And what's even better is that I know both the bride and the groom well. You know how you normally know only one of the two newlyweds. But in this case it was doubly good because I could rejoice for both of them knowing what they're both like and how their relationship has developed and how they've grown. So it was extra extra special to see 6 good friends get married. :) I have stacks and stacks of photos to put up, but I've got exams coming up, so it might be awhile before you get to see them...

<< Praise be to our heavenly Father for the wonderful gift of marriage. Thank you that he created male and female and bought them together. Pray for all 3 new couples that they may grow and serve Him together as one flesh and that their new families (esp the children to come) will be one that is honouring and glorifying to our Lord Jesus. Pray that their love may be modelled on the love between Christ and the church, in self-sacrifice and in humble submission, and that it will be a role model for us and to the rest of the world. >>

I've got exams - actually exam (singular, but exams has a better ring to it) - coming up in 2 weeks, but I haven't had time to study! I've just got waaay too many things to do and not a second to spare. Gotta be disciplined! Gotta work hard! Gotta pull my socks up!

But I gotta remember to trust God too!

<< Please pray that I'll be diligent as a Christian and as a student as I study God's precious and wonderful Word. I want to be able to pass this exam, but more important I want to be able to grow into maturity as God's child as His Word shapes my life and doctrine. >>

This Way Up is being launched this Sat 8th Nov. Come along if you can! It's a bit of a late plug, but never too late! You can actually hear them now on 103.2 FM! I'm selling tickets and CDs if anyone's interested. All these months and months of hard work finally culminating into this one night. I feel so excited for the team even though I'm only associated with them in a peripheral way. Here's some prayer points for them from their latest prayer email:

<< Pray for the safety of the performers, crew and audience. Pray that we bumpin as carefully as possible, and take the utmost precautions with all the tech gear, cabling and even food service. The launch is co-production with Newtown Theatre, to cover the public liability insurance so praise God that we do have cover, though we hope we will not need to use it!

Pray for those coming and those thinking about coming, that they will be challenged to find out more about Christianity. We still have some tickets left, so keep praying that people will be motivated to buy some! Also, pray for the Christians coming, that it will be good chance for them to network and encourage each other.

Pray for all the many hands, brains and voices involved in making the night flow smoothly, from caterers to stage crew to bouncers to musicians. Of course, there are a million and one last minute things to do and organise, but keep praying that we will trust God with it all.

Praise God for the many people who have supported and prayed for us along the way (especially all of you Knackledingers). In particular, we thank God for the interest shown by KYC, FM103.2 and the like. Please pray that we continue to stay focussed and make use of the many ways and opportunities to use music to glorify God even after the launch.

Most of all, pray that the message of the songs will be communicated clearly and powerfully on the night. It's so exciting to be able to sing these songs live and communicate the gospel in this way. We're all looking forward to a great night! >>

Lastly, I'm in the throes of trying to organise my supporter's days in the next few weeks. Except I've got nothing but a nice bunch of thoughts in my head. To my faithful readers who've kept reading this long post, I'm having a morning tea on 15th Nov and a dessert night on 22nd Nov.

Its purpose is to firstly thank everyone for their much appreciated prayer support this year and for all the encouragement I've received from them. Secondly it's for all my Christian friends from different churches to meet each other, and especially to meet the people I minister to in Rockdale. And thirdly (and perhaps of the least importance), it's to ask people to consider giving financially to support me in the next few years as I commence full time study at SMBC next year.

I'll be sending invites out soon (hopefully), so please come along if you can. It'd be an immense encouragement to me.

<< Thank God for getting me through this year and for providing me with lots of dear brothers and sisters in Christ along the way. Pray that God will continue to use me in the future to bring glory to His name, and that I'll trust Him to continue to provide all my physical, spiritual and financial needs. Pray also that God will continue to build up Christians around me who will be committed to a partnership in the work of the gospel - not only in a 2nd hand way through me, but moreso through their own lives as they seek to proclaim this message of grace. >>

Bravo if you've managed to read this whole thing in one sitting. Hope it compensates for the lack of updates recently.
