The Thirst Quencher

That's what I preached on this morning from John 4:4-26. Not Gatorade, but Jesus the thirst quencher. Actually, the real title was "How to be completely satisfied." But there's no cool picture for that. :P

When I had finished my first draft on Thurs and practiced it with a friend, it wasn't too crash hot. Too long. No structure. Too propositional. My voice croaked. Tones and expressions bland...etc. So I spent Fri and Sat fixing it up (though both those days was taken up with a range of activities like the Deb Fung Concert and the Sports Night).

Generally I was quite happy with the finished product, both in terms of content and presentation. On the day, it usually comes out a little bit better because of the adrenaline. My voice held out thankfully, and the congregation was kind enough to laugh in all the right places. I was planning to put in the RICE themes for the last 2 years ("Where is the Love?" and "There's Gotta be more to Life"). Hehe...that would've been funny.
Pray for the non-Christians (and any nominal Christians) that were there today. Pray that they did not merely enjoy the sermon, but were challenged and rebuke by it in such a way that they will turn in faith and repentance to the Lord Jesus.

It was really good that Phil and Dennis came for a surprise visit. They are 2 of the guys from my last church. We became good friends over the 3 years that I was there. They remembered that I was preaching today and came to encourage me. Thanks guys!! =)
Give thanks for this friendship that God has given me. Pray for these 2 guys that they will continue to grow and mature as men of God. They are both studying, but very eager to serve God and to see his kingdom grow.

Now...back to that 3,000 word essay worth 40%...

Deb Fung @ 180FM

The Deb Fung Concert last night went well. Nice singing and testimony from Deb. A good turn out, with many of the non-Christians from last week coming back. I think some of them are coming to church this Sun and next Fri. Photos can be found here.
Pray that the newcomers will be interested in studying the Bible and asking questions that will help them to come to know the Lord Jesus. Pray also that we can be welcoming to them and help them to settle in.

As you can see from the "Coming Up" section on the right, I have an OT essay due - YESTERDAY! And I haven't STARTED yet! But I did manage to get an extension cuz I was sick. Though that does push my schedule back for all my other essays (which are all quite hard).

I have Research Week starting Monday, which means no lectures, and instead we're meant to do research for our assignments. Usually, I sleep in a lot and find various ways to procrastinate. But I can't afford to do that next week. Must catch up!
Pray for discipline and concentration as I study God's Word.

Tonight ND is having a pre-evangelistic sports night @ Thornleigh. Normally there's a group that goes there every Sunday night for basketball, badminton and table tennis (I've been going along recently). But tonight we have volleyball!! Yay! It's one of my favourite sports, mainly cuz it's one of the few that I actually know how to play.
Pray that non-Christians will see this as a non threatening event that they can come along to, and to meet Christians who are just as "normal".

I really should blog about these things earlier so people can pray about it. D'oh!

Getting Better

I'm feeling a bit better today. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for me. I finally got out of my room and started attending lectures. I'm not all better yet, but it's getting there. Still need help with my voice.

Official Deb Fung WebsiteIn other news, ND is having a Deb Fung Concert tonight. I should've posted about this earlier so people can be praying about it. It's the 2nd of our 180° evangelistic events. Deb will be presenting her testimony in between each song.
Please pray for the non-Christians who will be coming. We had a good turn out last week, and hope it'll be even better this week. Pray for Deb as she sings of God's grace in her life.

The leaders have all been working very hard the last few weeks. Still recovering from RICE, everyone's been putting in 110% getting these 2 events together.
Pray that God will sustain us with energy and joy as we serve him. Pray for the various parts we have to play tonight (videos, testimonies, lighting, etc) will help the spread of the gospel somehow. And pray that the leaders will be able to find balance and rest after this Friday.

I'm Sick

Sunday night, my throat was like sandpaper.
Yesterday, my nose was like Niagra Falls.
Today, my nose is like...someone who hasn't been eating vegetables.

A bit graphic, but that's how I feel - crap.

I've also been aching all over. Dunno if it's because of Sunday night sports (& being generally unfit), or because of this flu.

And I can't think properly cuz my head's filled with mucus. You would've thought I'd have nothing left after the way it was dripping yesterday. Talk about extremes.

Grrr...I hate being sick! x.X

A Few Points of Clarification

A point of clarification for NDCCC people and other new visitors to my blog:
[1] The reason all my previous posts have no one commenting on them is because my comments were hosted with someone else before. But they died on me, so I set up a new commenting thing recently through Blogger (Blogger didn't have comments when I first started blogging).

[2] The reason I thought that no one would read my posts was because I haven't been blogging regularly (note the dates on each post) cos I haven't had regular internet access. But I do now, so I should hopefully be blogging more.

So thanks if you were a bit concerned about me. I haven't been my best the last few weeks, so your kind words are much appreciated.

And now...back to the original purpose for this blog...
I have just gotten a cold today. Please pray that I'll get better very, very quickly, because I am preaching this Sunday - I need my voice!! And of course, pray that I can explain the gospel through John 4 clearly so that non-Christians who come will believe and be saved.

Zero Motivation

Something's wrong with me.

I've got a stack loads of work to do, but I feel so...what's the word...fluxmmoned. The dictionary tells me that means confused, or perplexed. I think that's what I'm feeling.

I just can't seem to get started on anything, or to concentrate on it after I've started. I just want to bum around and do nothing all day. I'm getting good at making excuses for why I shouldn't study.

This is what they usually diagnose as "Term 3 blues". I need to get off my butt and get my life into order. Once I sort out my time and am actually motivate to do stuff, I should be ok.

Please pray for me...

...if anyone is reading this...
Category: 5 comments


It's been awhile since I've updated everyone. I've been meaning to finish writing my newsletter, but it's keeps getting delayed. It's not so much that I'm busy at the moment, but that I don't know what I should be doing exactly.

College is looking much busier this semester. The subjects I'm doing are:
  • Snyoptics Gospels (focusing on Luke)
  • Doctrine of God and the Work of Christ
  • Cross Cultural Communications
  • Wisdom Literature (focusing on Job)
  • Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
  • Youth Ministry*
  • Children's Ministry Skills*
    * These subjects I'm auditing - i.e. I attend lectures but don't do any of the assessments
With 5 assessable subjects I've got a stack load of assignments lined up. They all seem to require a fair bit of work. Just looking at them makes me want to go away and do something else. As for church, I've been getting to know the youth quite well lately. The recent church camp helped a lot. But aside from that, I still feel lost as to how I can play a part in the life of the church. Too much to say here, but I don't feel like writing about it right now.
Pray that I can get motivated and organised. Ask that God will instill in me again the joy of studying his word and serving his people
