
It's been awhile since I've updated everyone. I've been meaning to finish writing my newsletter, but it's keeps getting delayed. It's not so much that I'm busy at the moment, but that I don't know what I should be doing exactly.

College is looking much busier this semester. The subjects I'm doing are:
  • Snyoptics Gospels (focusing on Luke)
  • Doctrine of God and the Work of Christ
  • Cross Cultural Communications
  • Wisdom Literature (focusing on Job)
  • Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
  • Youth Ministry*
  • Children's Ministry Skills*
    * These subjects I'm auditing - i.e. I attend lectures but don't do any of the assessments
With 5 assessable subjects I've got a stack load of assignments lined up. They all seem to require a fair bit of work. Just looking at them makes me want to go away and do something else. As for church, I've been getting to know the youth quite well lately. The recent church camp helped a lot. But aside from that, I still feel lost as to how I can play a part in the life of the church. Too much to say here, but I don't feel like writing about it right now.
Pray that I can get motivated and organised. Ask that God will instill in me again the joy of studying his word and serving his people
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