A Few Points of Clarification

A point of clarification for NDCCC people and other new visitors to my blog:
[1] The reason all my previous posts have no one commenting on them is because my comments were hosted with someone else before. But they died on me, so I set up a new commenting thing recently through Blogger (Blogger didn't have comments when I first started blogging).

[2] The reason I thought that no one would read my posts was because I haven't been blogging regularly (note the dates on each post) cos I haven't had regular internet access. But I do now, so I should hopefully be blogging more.

So thanks if you were a bit concerned about me. I haven't been my best the last few weeks, so your kind words are much appreciated.

And now...back to the original purpose for this blog...
I have just gotten a cold today. Please pray that I'll get better very, very quickly, because I am preaching this Sunday - I need my voice!! And of course, pray that I can explain the gospel through John 4 clearly so that non-Christians who come will believe and be saved.


Anonymous said...

oh~~ you are speaking this week! i can't wait.. well, hope you will recover soon and i will pray for you also.
