As I mentioned previously, things are a bit packed at the moment. Just to give you a rough idea, my schedule looked and looks something like this...

~ Dinner with guys from church
~ Supper with Christian friend whom I haven't caught up with for awhile

~ Sick from work, but spent the day packing
~ 21st party till midnight

~ Get-together with friends from a different church
~ Packing again

~ Lunch with non-Christian high school friend
~ Dinner with friends (with a surprise)
~ Possible DVD night on big screen at home =D
~ More packing...

~ Moving!! (only all the stuff that can fit into cars)

~ Final bits of packing
~ Moving all the BIG stuff into truck
~ Going off to church camp

~ Leaving late at night from camp back to Sydney

~ A quick snooze
~ Get up at a ridiculous hour of the morning and off to airport to HK

God has been gracious in providing a new house for us to stay at. A friend moved recently and his parents decided to rent the house out. It only has 4 bedrooms, but it's bigger (2 lounge rooms, or separate dining and lounge room). It's closer to Strathfield station, but further from the shops and from SMBC. But in the end we took it, probably because we couldn't be bothered looking around. So all of a sudden, we're moving, and there's not even time for a farewell party! Awww... :(

<< Thank God for His sovereignty and grace in providing us all with a house so quickly. Pray that the new Brightside will continue to be a godly household which is hospitable and useful in encouraging Christians to grow in their faith.>>

This will probably be my last blog entry for 2 weeks or so until I get back. I don't know how regular I'll be online and replying to emails, but please keep praying for me. This will be my first funeral as a Christian and I don't know what will be expected of me as the eldest son. I know it will be a Buddhist funeral, so I hope my relatives will respect my choice to not worship idols.

<< Please pray that I may be strong and bold with my faith - not only in rejecting the idolatry of this world, but also in proclaiming the gospel clear. At the same time, pray that I may be loving and respectful to my family and friends at this time and be wise in choosing the right opportunities to challenge them. >>

