The reason I've been so stuffed is because I'm going back to HK in 10 days! Now before you get all excited on my behalf, let me tell you that this trip is anything but good (hence my mood the past few days). Yes, it's the trip I wanted to go on back at Easter, but I'm going back for a funeral for my maternal grandma. :(

Out of my four grandparents, she was the closest, and also the last. I've never really had to deal with death. I've never really personally known anyone who has died. Even when my other grandparents died, I wasn't that affected because I didn't really know them (and probably cause I was too young). And I didn't go to their funeral since I was in Australia. But this time, it's up-close-and-personal. I don't know how I'll feel once I get to HK.

The worst thing about all this is that my grandma wasn't a Christian. It's with a deep sense of emptiness and regret that I go back, knowing that she is now lost forever. All my other relatives are non-Christians too (as far as I know), and I want to be able to tell them about the great news of salvation through Jesus Christ. But in Chinese? During a time of mourning? Hmmm...

<< Despite the loss at hand, pray that I can use the opportunities on this trip to tell my relatives how they can escape eternal death and judgement through faith in Christ Jesus. Pray that I may have the right words at the right time to do this as well. >>

To complicate matters a bit...This trip to HK falls in the middle of 4 major things I have on at that time. Church camp is on, Bible college starts, Saltlight Supporters' night to be organised, and a new house to move to (yes, we have found a new place - more in the next few days). I'm now flat out trying to get everything organised and things packed and responsiblities passed on and...rush, rush, rush!!

<< Please pray that I can get everything done before I leave for HK. Pray that I can get adequate rest and not stress out too much. >>

