I've been back in Australia for almost a week now, but I've barely had time to catch my breath before I'm back into the thick of things. After a few meetings and 200 emails, my next 6 months are looking busy again. :/

Right now, I'm procrastinating a bit by playing around with the 192 (!) photos I took in HK. I bought a Nikon Coolpix 5700 digital camera (which I spent the last 6 months saving for) and went paparazzi-style throughout HK. Went back to a lot of places I used to go as a 9 yr old kid, as well as visiting loads of relatives and family friends. I'll upload selected photos online soon for those who are interested in some eye candy.

As for the funeral, it was a traditional Chinese taoist funeral that went on for 2 days. I didn't quite know what was the right thing to do as a Christian, but I ended up spending most of the time in front of the furnace burning "paper money". I tried to explain to people that I was doing it out of respect for my grandmother, and not as one who believed she'd receive this money. But nevertheless, I felt rather awkward. I probably should've out right refused to do it.

In the days following the funeral, I also visited the grave site of 4 other family members. At each of those, I was a bit more adamant and resolved not to offer incense or burn money or anything like that. I just bowed once awkwardly and that was it. My family and relatives were a bit shocked at first, but they didn't push their point fortunately and I was left in peace to ponder the sadness of these lost souls.

However, I do feel ashamed that I let a few gospel opportunities pass by. At the time, I remember thinking that it probably wasn't a good time, or that I was too tired, or I didn't know what to say in Cantonese. But I knew deep down that I was just plain scared. I didn't want to risk having arguments by stepping out of line. Perhaps the sheer strength needed to resist the taoist ceremonies left me too drained to fight on, but I think I'm just making excuses for myself...

It really feels like I've been gone a whole month rather than just a week. But all in all, it was a pleasant trip.

<< Thank God for the opportunity to go back to HK and for the time spent with family. But pray that I will grow and be strengthened in my faith so that I will not be ashamed to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ faithfully and clearly. Pray also that I can settle into the new house and get back into a normal routine so that I can continue to serve God in and through my life. >>

