Don Carson - Preaching through Bible Books

  • Read & re-read the book. Get a 1st hand feel for it before going to the commentaries.
    Early on, attain sufficient grasp of the book to succinctly say: What the book is about; What this book contributes to the canon that overlaps; What this book contributes to the canon that is different.
  • Determine the number of sermons devoted to the book. It should reflect somewhat the structure of the book
  • Each sermon must be simultaneously independent of the series and yet still be in continuity with it.
  • Remember your Biblical and Systematic Theology.
  • Try and make the sermon reflect the genre of the book (eg. when using a narrative, you need to know how to tell a story; with apocalyptic literature, use descriptive language and vivid imagery; with psalms/proverbs, use polarities and contrasts).
  • Keep revising, praying and preparing - not so that you can master the text, but so that it can master you and produce a right response in yourself.

