Don Carson - The What and Why of Expository Preaching

  • What we preach - the Word of God.
  • Why we preach - because it's the Word of God.
  • Preaching is verbal oral communication of which the following are true:
    # The content is God's special & gracious self disclosure - ie His revelation.
    # It is Bible truth mediated through human personality.
    # Its immediate purpose is to inform, persuade, appeal, rebuke, instruct, encourage - ie the illicit an appropriate response to the God whose revelation is the Bible.
    # Its ultimate goal is the glory of God and the calling forth & edification of the church.
  • Given this definition, what is expository preaching?
    # It's where the subject matter emerges directly & demonstrably from a passage(s) of Scripture (ie not just general Biblical principles, but it is explicitly shown from the Bible).
    # Not simply a running commentary because of the immediate purpose of preaching (see 3rd point) and the message to be highlighted.
    # Not necessarily preaching systematically through a book of the Bible.
    # The length of passage is variable.
    # At it's best, it draws attention to inter-canonical connections that moves to Jesus Christ (ie it shows how it relates to other passages and points to Jesus).
    # It can be usefully combined with other forms of preaching in one sermon.
  • Why establish a pattern of expository preaching?
    # It is the method least likely to stray far from Scripture.
    # It teaches and models to people how to read the Bible.
    # It authorises the sermon and gives confidence to the preacher because any objections/disagreements can be referred back to the text.
    # If truly applied, it meets the need for relevance without dictating the course of the sermon.
    # It enables and forces you to deal with the more difficult passages.
    # It enables the preacher to systematically expound the whole counsel of God.

(This was one of the "meaty-est" talks, so I've haven't explained a lot of the points. Let me know if you want more details. I've also ordered the CD so you can borrow it off me.)

