Feeling extremely tired at the moment - but not because of the FETE on Saturday, but because I have a cold! :(

But I must say - the FETE for RICE went off with a blast!! It was great seeing all the leaders working together to make the whole day happen. Lots of us didn't know each other, but we were still able to get along side each other and offer our help - often outside of their allocated stalls. Perhaps a few fond memories of the day to share with you all:

  • Seeing everything being setup over a period of 1.5 hrs - from a normal school playground transformed into a proper fete with everything you'd expect from a normal fete.
  • Putting up the cardboard cut-outs from Video Ezy and lining them up at the entrance, making a spectular pathway into the fete.
  • Steve trying his pickup lines on the cut out of Angelina Jolie (playing Tomb Raider).
  • Watching the kids line up outside as we prepare to pray at 12 noon - and seeing them all rush in as soon as the gate was opened!
  • One young kid who finally managed to collect 5 stamps and came to the prize stall to check out what goodies he could redeem. After much thinking, instead of getting one of the cool toys we had, he decided to get a shaving set for his Dad! (Awwww...how sweet...I should've given him another prize just for that)
  • The mob that gathered around each time the leaders were to have cream pies thrown at them. When I was in the hot seat myself, all I could see were dozens and dozens of little hands holding out their coupon desperately wanting to have a go at their leader. Almost like the crowd that cried "Crucify him, crucify him!" (yikes, scary thought)
  • The horrified looks on some faces when Liz Woo (WSCCC) bought out the infamous ox tongue.
  • The entire fete grinding to a halt when the talks were on Center Stage. Great to see people still focussed on the gospel and the real reason that we were there for.
  • The mob (again) that swamped the prize stall at the end of the day wanting to get at all the leftovers at a bargain price!
  • Hearing people asking each other whether they were coming back the following Saturday.
  • The body of Christ united in one Spirit and one purpose - to preach Christ crucified.

Clean up was not too bad afterwards - depsite not having a hose to wash things down. Plenty of hands to help out. Afterwards we all went home and had a good shower, and then 20+ leaders came back out to have dinner at The Ranch. A good night of fellowship and sharing about the day, ending with some previews of photos taken.

<< Praise and thank God for the good weather and for making it all happen so smoothly. Continue to pray for the hearts and minds of the non-Christians who came along - that they were challenged by the short gospel presentations, and that they will come back this Saturday for FATE - and that ultimately they would come to know Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. >>

<< Pray for the organising of the FATE outreach, that all the leaders will be re-energised and ready to go. Pray that as this RICE event reaches it climax at the talk, that the message will be thought provoking and appropriate for the kids. Pray also that Greg (one of my vocalists) and I may recover from our colds quickly - not merely for the sake of our health, but so that we can proclaim the gospel through our songs. But most importantly, pray that God will be glorified in all that we do. >>

