Had another meeting on Sunday for church camp. Our theme this year is Grow Up & Get Out - the idea being that we need to grow up in maturity under God's Word, and we need to get out of our comfort zone and not be so complacent.
(for any WS GLUE people reading this, we didn't rip off your mission statement!)

The irony was that people at the meeting wanted to do anything but get out of their comfort zone. We spent most of the time working out room and transport arrangement, and people had all sorts of opinions about who should be with who. Basically everyone wanted to be in a room/car with people they know and get along with. No one wanted to be in a room with a new comer, or with someone of a different age group, or with the more troublesome people, or...

What happened to getting out of our comfort zone? What happened to removing cliche groups and getting to know other people? What happened to meeting together as one body of Christ to encourage one another instead of hanging out with your best friends (who you see/talk to several times a week anyways) to chat about the latest movies and sport results?

Afterall, these arrangements are only for 3 days and nights. We're not asking you to be stuck with them for the rest of your lives!!

<< I know I often have high expectations for the people around me, so please ask that God will grant me patience and love as I work with this team. Pray also that this team (myself included), and indeed the entire church, will develop an attitude of selflessness and humility shaped by the model of Christ Jesus and the powerful Word of God. >>

"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose." Philippians 2:1-2

