RICE is officially over for 2003 (though there is still the leaders' debrief to go). And what a great joy it was!! I don't have enough exuberant words to describe how I feel!! I guess in some sense it was like how I felt after the fete...but only more so - because we were all directly working to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I still had a nasal accent while we were warming up for the music. And I was extremely nervous at first - probably because the sound guy made me sing solo in order to test the mics! I couldn't breathe properly - let alone sing in tune! I sounded (and felt) horrible. But as we got closer to the "real" thing, God allowed me to calm down and to have a (reasonably) clear nose and throat.

In the end, it all worked out fine, as did the rest of the evening. I was mighty impressed with the videos and the voxpop and the drama (what a cack! - but still appropriate) and the efficient ushering and the cool welcome pack and the supper and...and of course, the talk!

I thought James presented the gospel really well to gear it for the audience that night. Not only content, but also style of delivery. And an amazing "co-incidence" (all planned by God of course) was that he changed his Bible passage at the last minute and ended up using the same passage (Hebrews 9:27) I used for song leading. So everything tied in quite nicely! :)

In keeping with the previous post of the fete, here's a few highlights which others may not have noticed:

  • Walking out at 6:50pm for my first slice of pizza and seeing people automatically group themselves and begin praying. Yay!
  • Watching the kids trickle in bit by bit until it became a flood of teenagers piling into the church, waiting to hear the gospel.
  • Seeing Steve "get into the groove" as he jammed with the musos while the kids were coming in.
  • One of my vocalist in the past performed in a musical called "Godspell", and was in fact the "covergirl" on all the posters, CDs, etc. Greggles decided he'd be *charming* and wore the Godspell t-shirt (with her on the front) on the night!! He wisely covered it up with his jacket for the whole night. Otherwise...
  • As we sung "Lord I Lift Your Name on High", I could see a handful of leaders literally dancing as they performed the actions to compliment the song. I couldn't help but give a big grin as I sang.
  • Hearing Jeremy Chan give his testimony confidently and comfortably on stage, and thinking, "This kid is in Year 10 and he's already doing better than me in preaching!!! Shame on me!"
  • As supper started, thinking "Wow!! What a night!"
  • Seeing the WS leaders engage in a chip eating competition (and I was told later, also a cordial-syrup drinking competition). I deny any association with these people!!

There are many more of course, but a picture paints a thousands words. So for all you faithful readers and pray-ers, here's a link to the photos for both the FETE and the FATE.


<< Praise God for the amazing way in which He has worked through the ministry of RICE. Praise God that the night all went smoothly (even my croaky voice was ok) and that 18 kids came to know the Lord Jesus that night. Pray for the all-important follow up work now that is happening in all the churches, that these kids will grow in maturity in their newfound identity as God's chosen people. Pray also for the future of RICE, that it will continue to be a platform for unified gospel ministry to build up the fellowship of believers and to reach out into hopeless and lost world. >>

