For those of you who've been wondering what the heck I've been going on about...Brightside is coming to an end!! If you still have no idea what I mean, Brightside is the name the house I live in. And last week we found out that the owners are coming back (apparently, so they say...) and they want the house back.

*sniffle* :'(

The name is quite adept for it's history - it has been a place where Christians have been encouraged to shine brightly for Christ. Already we are reminiscing about our days here in this house. Ahhh...all the silly times we had in the corridor...the many parties...the accidents...the massive LAN for gaming...the majority of the Sydney Chinese churches that has set foot in here...but most especially the special friendship that has developed between the various occupants of this place. The many nights we stayed up chatting...sometimes about nothing particular (or something stupid [ahem, Char...]), but often encouraging and fruitful conversations ending with prayer. I've grown much as a Christian in my time here, and also learned much about humility and patience. Nothing like a living together to bring out the best (and worst) in you!

<< Praise & thank God for the wonderful years spent living together in this house. Not only for the encouragement it has been to me, but also to all the people who have been in contact with it in some shape or form. Pray for wisdom as we look for a new place of residence and as we work out new living arrangements. And pray especially that the open hospitality and Christ-like servitude will continue in each of us regardless of where we end up living. >>

We have till mid August to find a new place. Already we have dubbed our new place of residence as Darkside - in rememberance of this house, and in reflection of the true nature of the spirit & atmosphere of the people in the house! :P

Brightside lives on!!

