I've found that I'm always a few days late with my post, so that by the time I blog about it, I've already talked to a few of you about it. Oh well, you just get a second dose of it.

Last Tuesday-Thursday, I took 3 days off work to go the KCC Centenary Preaching Conference, which was held in celebration and thanksgiving for 100 years of KCC preaching Christ crucified. In 3 days, I heard a total of 18 hours of Bible teaching - a boggling amount of stuff for me to take in!! I heard from well-known international speakers like Don Carson, Peter Adam and Frank Retief, as well as highly regarded local speakers like David Cook, Ray Galea and John Chapman. So for the sake of my own understanding, and also for the purpose of encouraging you with what I have learnt, I shall proceed to give a very, very short summary of each talk. If you want more details, you'd have to ask me later.

<< All glory and honour be to our Lord and God who has used the ministry of KCC to proclaim the mystery of the gospel and to glory His Son Jesus. Thank God especially for the great teaching I got over the preaching conference and for the many things I was taught and challenged by from His Word. Pray that I can put these into practice in my life personally and as I seek to preach His Word correctly and faithful in the years to come. >>

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. (2Timothy 4:1-2)

