Holidays are Here!

For those of you who regularly check my blogs (and hopefully pray for me as well), I won't be able to update regularly till Feb. That's because I'll have limited internet access over the holidays. Check here occasionally, but don't be disappointed if there's no new post.

A number of things you can pray for over the next 2 months:
Pray that I will have a relaxing break and be refreshed for my last year of Bible college.
My mum is coming over to visit! Pray we can spend quality time together. But pray also that there will be opportunities for her to hear the gospel again and be challenged to follow Jesus.
I am preaching 5 times over this holidays (2 new sermons, 2 "recycled" sermons). Pray that God will use me to reach people with his Word.
Pray also as I start planning for 180FM next year, that I will be able to improve on this already excellent ministry. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know!

That's all for now. Please do pray for me and those whom I serve. Hope to catch up with some of you in the near future.

Sons of Korah

Last Sat, as a mini-break from studying, I went to a Christian concert with some friends. This is the latest album by Sons of Korah. They are an Australian Christian band (like Revive) who put the Bible (mainly Psalms) to contemporary music. Their music is very cool and they've got a good range of styles (ballads, rock, celtic, etc). I especially liked the song they wrote to Psalm 147a, which was in a Latin American style. It won't be available commerically until their next album is released. I hope it's soon. :)

I'm preaching on Psalms next year, so I'll probably play some of the their songs in English Service. I think it's a great way to mediate on God's Word, and it helps in memorising it too!
Give thanks for the ministry of Sons of Korah and for renewing my enjoyment of the Bible. Pray that they may continue to serve God through music and songs.

Finished my last exam yesterday. Overall I think I did ok. Friday's exam on Wisdom Literature (Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Songs) was probably the worst, but hopefully I'll pass.

Thanks to all of you who prayed for me and spoke words of encouragement.

Over the holidays I'll be housesitting for Phil & Fiona. For those not at ND, Fiona is our Children's Worker. Phil is her husband, who is also studying at SMBC with me. They'll be going away for 2 months to visit friends and relatives in the UK.

I still don't have much planned yet for the holidays. I have work to do, like sermons, KYLC prep, and a little bit of Greek translation. I'll probably catch up with a bunch of friends. Oh, and I'm long overdue for another newsletter. So that should be coming in the next few weeks.
Give thanks for the chance to relax and enjoy the company of friends. Thank God also for the provision of a house to stay in. And pray that I'll be productive (even if it's only a little bit) in the holidays.

Exam on Gospel of Luke

1 down, 3 to go.

Just had my first, and probably hardest exam today. It was on the Gospel of Luke. Thankfully it wasn't as hard as I expected (yes - mercy!). I didn't manage to study enough topics, BUT, everything I studied was in there! Yippee!

Well, I still don't expect any D or HD of course, but a C will be fine. :)

Now onto the next exam...
Category: 7 comments


Students obviously need books, and my college has it's own bookshop. Some of you might know that I've been managing this bookshop this year, with a team of 9 staff (everyone has a duty to do at college in order to keep fees down and to encourage people to serve). My duty is not the easiest to do, but I was warmly encouraged today when my team bought me a present to say thank you.

Here it is. The Guinness World Records 2006. Lots of very interesting (and weird!) facts in there. Some that I found were (yes, I was procrastinating from my studies):
  • Strangest Diet: Michael Lotito has eaten 9 tonnes of metal over 38 years (but bananas and hard-boiled eggs make him sick!)
  • Most people wearing balloon hats: 1,039 in Singapore on 13th March 2004

  • Longest kiss: 30hr 59min 27sec (ewww...!)
  • Most dominoes toppled by a group: 3,992,397 by 81 people on Domino Day 2004 in the Netherlands
  • Most expensive ice-cream sundae: The Serendipity Golden Opulence Sundae in New York City, costing US$1,000
  • Largest mobile phone: The Maxi Handy Mobile, measuring 2.05 x 0.83 x 0.45m
  • Largest permanent cinema Screen: the IMAX!!
Anyways, that's enough time wasted. Back to my studies...
Give thanks for the encouragement from my bookshop friends at college.
Category: 3 comments

I'm on the Radio!

My 2 sec of fame on Australian radio...

For those of you who are really bored this Sat arvo (5th Nov), you can catch me on 90.5FM being interview some time between 2-4pm for Weekly Wrap. It will be part of a series on "Life after the HSC".

I must say, I normally find talk show radio boring. And I'm afraid my impromtu interview will do nothing to change that. In fact, if you decide to tune in to it, you'll come away all the more certain that talk show radio is boring. If I had time to prepare what I was going to say, I'd try to be funny, or at least interesting. But as it is, it will be neither of them. Bleh! At least they play nice jazz music.

In other news, I've finally finished all my essays - YAY!! Sorry I didn't blog much in Oct. I'll try to pick it up again this month. I've really found it hard writing essays this semester. But it's not the end yet. I have 4 exams coming up, and that will involve around 10 essays. *sigh*
Pray that I may be diligent in my exam preparation. Pray that God will help me to learn from his Word and to actually remember it!

Can't wait till holidays!! - even if I haven't got anything planned (yet).


Hey pplz, sorry for the lack of updates. As you can see, I'm very far behind in an essay. I'm desperately trying to get it done, but it's going along ever so slowly...

Please pray that I'll get it done soon. Then I'll put up photos from baptism and Zone 3.
Category: 2 comments

Challenge Conference

Just came back from MTS Challenge Conference (formerly known as Club 5). It's a conference that challenges people to think about doing full-time paid ministry. It's been an awesome weekend catching up with old friends, making new friends, thinking about ministry, and being challenged by God's Word.

Some things I was challenged about/reminded of:
  • We are the Elect Exiles - chosen by God, but currently away from my home in heaven.
  • The path to glory is suffering. Jesus models this for us as he suffers on the cross on the way to glory with the Father. We need to have the same attitude.
  • It is better to choose to do good, and suffer for it, than to do wrong. We often choose to sin in order to avoid suffering.
  • We can only live differenly if we see things differently - if we see that suffering is the way to glory.
  • Christian service is about accompaniment, not performance.
  • Timing is important. Need to understand the time that we live in - it's time for God's judgement of the world, beginning with his people.
  • A good leader leads people where they don't want to go. That takes courage. And it's a shame when the women lead in place of the men, because it says that the men are gutless.
  • Count the cost of following Jesus, but don't worry about it. The cost will be nothing compared to the unfading crown of glory.
It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. ~ 1Peter 3:17 ~ A number of my friends will be doing MTS next year (a 2 year minitry training apprenticeship) or going into Bible college. Very exciting to see the next generation of gospel workers being raised up.
Give thanks for the time to talk to people about ministry and learning from the Bible. Pray for those who will be in training next year, that they can be growing in knowledge, skill, and most of all, in godliness.
Category: 1 comments

Amir Mesrinejad

This is Amir Mesrinejad. He is an asylum seeker from Iran who has been detained in Villawood Detention Centre over the past 4-5 years. During that time, he converted from Islam to Christianity, and has shown remarkable growth in his faith. He has even complete a number of correspondence subjects at Moore Theological College. He fears that he will be killed if he is deported back to Iran.

After a long struggle, Amir has finally been granted permanent residency in Australia earlier this month. He has also been offered a MTS position with St Paul's Anglican Carlingford starting next year.
Praise God for the freedom given to Amir - as an Australia resident, and also as a child of God. Pray for him as he adjusts to life in Sydney, and as he takes up a ministry position at church. Pray that he will continue to grow in knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus and be able to reach out to Iranian people in our country.

For Amir's full story, go here and here and here (or here for older reports).
Category: 0 comments

Guess Who? (Solution)

And the solution is... (Roll your mouse over the picture)
If you want to make your own Southpark characters, go here.
Now what would be really cool is if someone made an manga version of this! =D
Give thanks that God gives creativity and fun for us to enjoy!!

When was the last time you gave thanks for the "mundane" and "ordinary" things in life. It's so easy to take them for granted, but without them, life would be so boring!

180FM Party!!

Yesterday was the last 180 for the term, and it was sooooo COOL! The youth all got together to organise a surprise for all the leaders. They ran the entire night, and we just had to sit back and enjoy. =)

The hall was decked out with ballons and streamers. There was some really good videos and powerpoint presentations. Some of them made speeches, and there was a massive 180 sign/card that everyone signed. And lots of food for supper too!

It's so hard to put into words, but I know all the leaders really really appreciated it. This term has been very busy, but this has encouraged us to keep going with youth ministry.
Thank God for the 180 youths and the effort they put into last night to encourage us leaders. Pray that we can continue to lead them in godliness and to grow in faith and love for the Lord Jesus. Pray also as we plan for next term, that we will get a clear idea of what we're doing for the rest of the year.

I would've put some photos up...except...there was an accident...and I lost all the photos!! D'oh!! :(

Did anyone else have photos from last night?

[edit] Yay! Simon has photos and he has put them up on his MSN space. I'll put them up on my Mementos Blog as well.

Predestination | Guess Who?

It seems like the predestination discussion has come to a halt. Well, even if it's not very clear in your head yet, what we can be certain of is this: God chose us before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. And he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will - how AWESOME is that!?! When I'm struggling with sin in my life, this reminds me that I have been chosen for holiness. It's not something I have to work at on my own, but it's what I'm destined for! That is the destiny for all who are in Christ Jesus.

Cool, isn't it?
All praise and glory to God, who out of his enormous mercy chose us to be his children. Pray that this idea of predestination will not only puzzle me, but instead overwhelm me with astounding thankfulness to our God and Savious, so that I will long to respond in loving obedience.

180 + Southpark = ???
Can you identify each of the 180 leaders? (The last one is a giveaway)
Give thanks for this team of leaders I have been able to work with. It has been a difficult & tiring term for all of us. Pray that we can all get some much needed rest during the holidays and to be ready to serve God and serve the youth in term 4 - hopefully in a more balanced way this time. =)

Discussion on Predestination

There’s been a very interesting discussion happening in the comments on my post back on Monday 5th Sept. I thought I’d draw your attention to it, so you can contribute your 2c worth (and also cuz it’s a pain to scroll down all the time).

The discussion was about predestination - but not your average, deep, theological debate - it was on BGR! I’ll just cut ‘n’ paste (with minor edits) for your perusal.

Someone said that you don't need to worry about who you're gonna go out with, cause God has already chosen someone for you.

What do you reckon?

~Emz~ said...
Well technically we shouldn't be worrying about anything at all! :P
6/9/05 9:45 PM

Ernie said...
Hahaha...yes, so true.

Ok, wrong choice of words perhaps. Do we need to do anything to find the right bf/gf? Or not, since it's already chosen for you?
6/9/05 11:17 PM

Phil said...
Need to do the hard yakka I believe. If everything's planned, I guess I'd let that CEO job come to me. Not that I'm comparing a bf/gf with a job. Orrr am I?
8/9/05 2:00 AM

Ernie said...
Jobs and bf/gf...hmm...well, the hard yakka bit is sure true! Girls...I mean relationships, are hard work.

But if we're working hard to find the right person, where does God fit into the picture?
8/9/05 7:51 AM

kitzetic said...
we're kinda short on experiences..^^ i guess it depends on your attitude?
8/9/05 8:38 PM

Ernie said...
How much of our understanding of predestination can be based on experience?

Is experience the only way to learn about BGR?

What is the right attitude?

Food for thought...
8/9/05 9:29 PM

m said...
i would agree with Phil. You've gotta work for it. If that wasn't the case, i'd just sit here and wait for my 100 UAI. That's the harsh reality of life. Working hard and having the right attitudes gives God more choice on what he can do for you and opens up possibilties for your future paths. However, when life looks grim, God still has his plans, but you gotta work your way around with what you've got at hand.
8/9/05 10:30 PM

Ernie said...
So if u dun work hard, does that limit God in what he can do?
8/9/05 10:36 PM

m said...
Well, in terms of logic- yes. In God's terms- Who knows?
8/9/05 10:42 PM

Ernie said...
If what we do limits what God does, then he can God still predestine things?
8/9/05 10:47 PM

Phil said...
God has planned out everything, we are never out of his plans. I understand that much.

To m's comments regarding giving God more choice if we have the right attitude and work ethic. I think the concept of us doing things or being a certain way determines the "choices" God has, makes God seem so ... powerless? Perhaps it's the other way around? We make the choices, God has done everything and is God the planner.
9/9/05 12:41 AM

m said...
this is utterly confusing!

anyway, so God "planned" us to rebel against him, even though he wanted perfection (or did he?).
9/9/05 4:19 PM

Ernie said... we're getting into the complexities of the issue...

It's confusing, but you're actually progressing along nicely. =D
9/9/05 4:24 PM

kitzetic said...
i think predestination is sorta both the dual side rungs of a ladder. You can't have choice without God knows and decides and plans what we do yet at the same time, we also have a choice.

in terms of relationships, I guess God knows what is best for us, like he has this perfect guy in mind and we'll just take it as it comes. That doesn't mean we chase after every guy but at the same time it isn't like apathy. It depends on our attitude coz it shoudln't belike i need a guy just coz its cool and everybody has one.
9/9/05 6:28 PM

m said...
good analogy. But, we can't exactly make any
"choice" if the plan is already made for us by God. Can we go out of God's plan?
10/9/05 9:57 PM

kitz said...
i've got a question...

when we say God's plan, is it his active planning of sequence of events or is it just his prior knowledge that these things will happen?
10/9/05 10:17 PM

Ernie said...
This is getting more and more interesting. You're all making some great comments!

Re: kitz
When the Bible talks abt predestination, what does that mean?
10/9/05 10:29 PM

M said...
where does the Bible talk about predestination specifically?
11/9/05 2:31 PM

Ernie said...
Ahhh...finally we are getting to the Bible!

For starters, try:
Acts 13:48
Rom 8:28-30
Eph 1:4-6, 11-12
1Thess 1:4-5
2Thess 2:13
1Pet 1:1; 2:9
11/9/05 5:20 PM

M said...
nice, thanks.
you should put a link to this comment place (if possible). it's getting harder to scroll down to find this post...
11/9/05 6:56 PM

Please feel free to join the discussion, even if you don't know what the answer is. We'd love to hear your opinions as well.

Christian Pick Up...and Break Up Lines

What a Christian guy might say to a girl...
  1. Nice bible.
  2. I would like to pray with you.
  3. You know Jesus? Me too.
  4. God told me to come talk to you.
  5. I know a church where we could go and talk.
  6. How about a hug, sister?
  7. Do you need help carrying your bible? It looks heavy.
  8. Christians don't shake hands, Christians gotta hug.
  9. Oh you are cold? Read Ecclesiastes 4:11.
  10. Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?
  11. What are your plans for tonight? Feel like a bible study on Song of Songs?
  12. The Bible says "Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry." How about dinner? (Read the original context here - Rom 12:20)
  13. You don't have an accountability partner? Me neither.
  14. You want to come over and watch The 10 Commandments tonight?
  15. Is it a sin that you stole my heart?
  16. Would you happen to know a Christian woman that I could love with all my heart and wait on hand and foot?
  17. Nice bracelet. "Who would Jesus date?" I, I, mean "What Would Jesus Do?"
  18. Do you believe in divine appointment?
  19. Have you ever tried praying at a drive in movie before?
  20. Excuse me, I believe one of your ribs belongs to me. (Reference to Gen 2:22)
  21. My friend told me to come and meet you, he said that you are a really nice person. I think you know him. Jesus, yeah, that's his name.
  22. We have to hold hands when we pray so the circle won't be broken. (What the...?)
  23. God has used you to teach me what true love really is. (For real true love see 1John 4:10)
  24. Christians kiss before parting - it's an old Jewish tradition. (Rightttt...)
  25. No, I'm not coveting. I intend to make you mine.
  26. I didn't believe in predestination till I met you.
  27. I'll turn the other cheek for you, if you'll turn yours to me.
  28. Love is patient and kind, you know. If you'll be patient, I'll be kind. (Reference to 1Cor 13:4-8)
  29. Hey...for you I’d work seven years. Oh, yeah, and seven more for your sister! (Reference to Gen 29:15-30)
  30. I just don't feel called to celibacy.
  31. Paul says, "Greet one another with a holy kiss." And Peter says, "Greet one another with a kiss of love.
  32. You have the body of Amy Grant and the soul of Mother Teresa. (Do not get this confused!)
  33. You know, I'm really into relationship evangelism. (Baaaaad idea...)
  34. I'm pretty flexible - I don't think a woman should be submissive on the first date. (Reference to Eph 5:21-33. But read the context!)
  35. Just looking at you makes me feel all ecumenical.
  36. I hear there's going to be a love feast tonight.
  37. Excuse me, is this pew taken?
  38. [At church] Do you come here often?
  39. I've prayed about it and God wants you to go out with me.
  40. Has anyone ever told you, your eyes are like doves and your neck like the tower of David?
  41. I don't speak in tongues, but I kiss that way. (Eww...)
  42. I'd pick you over Satan any day.
  43. An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips...and baby, I never lie.
  44. [Check her shirt tag] Just as I thought...Made in heaven.
  45. Hey, need a ride to church?
  46. God was showing off when he made you.
  47. Do you think "Ask and it will be given to you" is to be taken literally?
  48. You are the answer to my prayers.
  49. I need a helper. Can you give me a hand? (Reference to Gen 2:18)
  50. I practice our mission to "love each other deeply" to the fullest extent.
  51. How do you feel about "It is more blessed to give than to receive"?
  52. When I saw you, I knew the true meaning of "Rejoice and be glad."
  53. Let me pay you my debt of love. (Reference to Rom 13:8)
  54. I didn't know angels flew this low.
  55. If Eve was tempted by a fruit, then you must be my fruit. (Reference to Gen 3:6)
  56. I must be dead and looking at the angel that is going to take me to heaven.
  57. Rom 12:13 says, "Practice hospitality." Can I take you out to dinner?
  58. Can I be your kinsman-redeemer? (Reference to Lev 25:25; Deut 25:5-6; Ruth 4:8-10)
  59. "It is not good for the man to be alone." Can you keep me company?
  60. If you married me, I wouldn't need 700 wives and 300 concubines. (Reference to 1Ki 11:3)
  61. You wanna go clubbing? (Reference to Judg 21:19-25)
  62. I would kill 200 Philistines for your hand in marriage...but since they don't exist anymore we can skip that little formality. (Reference to 1Sam 18:27)
  63. All the girls of King Xerxes's beauty pageant could not compare with you. (Reference to Esther 2:1-4)
  64. You put the "cute" back in persecution!
  65. Honey if you love me, please give me a smile.
(Did you learn much from the Bible? Who would've thought it was so interesting!) What a Christian girl might say in response...
  1. Honey I love you, but I just can't smile.
  2. I'm sorry, I've found someone more spiritual.
  3. I'm sorry, it's just not God's will.
  4. I feel called to the mission field. Very soon and very far from you.
  5. God loves me and must have a better plan for my life.
  6. You know, I feel like I'm dating my brother.
  7. At least I got a lot out of our Bible studies together.
  8. I think we should just be prayer partners. (Baaad idea...)
  9. I do love you, but it's just agape now.
  10. I think I have the gift of singleness.
  11. God must have someone even better prepared for you.
But from that look on her face...'s most likely...
See what you miss out on if you don't come to 180!!
Give thanks that we were able to learn about the Christian view of dating and relationships. Pray that we can be godly in how we relate to people of the opposite sex, and that we will seek to build our brothers and sisters up as our primary goal.
(Even if they are majorly corny, which pick-up lines did you find funny?)

Meet Zacchaeus the Puppet

Name: Zacchaeus
Address: Big house in Jericho
Height: Err...short
Occupation: Chief tax collector
Interests: Extortion, climbing trees
Comments: Shifty eyes
History: Here

One of the best subjects I'm doing this semester is Childrens' Ministry Skills. It's just all the practical stuff of doing kids' ministry - from puppetry, quick sketching, quizzes, games, memory verses, story telling...on and on.

Now you might be wondering what's a Bible college student and youth group leader doing with kids stuff. Here's a number of reasons:
  • It's "free" (I can choose any number of electives as part of my course).
  • You get free stuff in class (you can tell I'm a stingy Asian).
  • I'm a big kid.
  • I like creative stuff.
  • I totally suck at creative stuff.
But above all, I reckon that this kinda stuff can be used for all age groups - even adults. Now of course, you gotta tweak it a bit. And if you've been in my 180 group this semester, you'll know that I've already been using some ideas from class in my Bible studies. Dunno what I'll do with puppets yet.
Give thanks for the children's workers out there who work hard at bringing the gospel to kids (it is not easy). Give thanks for the opportunity to learn skills that can help me to teach the Bible. Pray God can help me to adapt what I learn into my own ministries.
Category: 4 comments

Essays and More Essays

Finally finished the essay! Yay!!! *breathes a sigh of relief* rest for the wicked, so they say. I have an average of one essay due every two weeks from now till the end of the semester. And since I'm late for the Job essay, it's eating into my time for the other essays.

Gotta catch up!!
Category: 3 comments

Predestination and Relationships

Sorry to disappoint, but I haven't had much to blog about lately. Still stuck with this overdue essay. I'm currently halfway, but it's really screwing up my schedule. I'm gonna keep falling behind at this rate...

Had an interesting discussion last week about predestination - but not your average, deep, theological debate - it was on BGR!

Someone said that you don't need to worry about who you're gonna go out with, cause God has already chosen someone for you.

What do you reckon?

The Thirst Quencher

That's what I preached on this morning from John 4:4-26. Not Gatorade, but Jesus the thirst quencher. Actually, the real title was "How to be completely satisfied." But there's no cool picture for that. :P

When I had finished my first draft on Thurs and practiced it with a friend, it wasn't too crash hot. Too long. No structure. Too propositional. My voice croaked. Tones and expressions bland...etc. So I spent Fri and Sat fixing it up (though both those days was taken up with a range of activities like the Deb Fung Concert and the Sports Night).

Generally I was quite happy with the finished product, both in terms of content and presentation. On the day, it usually comes out a little bit better because of the adrenaline. My voice held out thankfully, and the congregation was kind enough to laugh in all the right places. I was planning to put in the RICE themes for the last 2 years ("Where is the Love?" and "There's Gotta be more to Life"). Hehe...that would've been funny.
Pray for the non-Christians (and any nominal Christians) that were there today. Pray that they did not merely enjoy the sermon, but were challenged and rebuke by it in such a way that they will turn in faith and repentance to the Lord Jesus.

It was really good that Phil and Dennis came for a surprise visit. They are 2 of the guys from my last church. We became good friends over the 3 years that I was there. They remembered that I was preaching today and came to encourage me. Thanks guys!! =)
Give thanks for this friendship that God has given me. Pray for these 2 guys that they will continue to grow and mature as men of God. They are both studying, but very eager to serve God and to see his kingdom grow.

Now...back to that 3,000 word essay worth 40%...

Deb Fung @ 180FM

The Deb Fung Concert last night went well. Nice singing and testimony from Deb. A good turn out, with many of the non-Christians from last week coming back. I think some of them are coming to church this Sun and next Fri. Photos can be found here.
Pray that the newcomers will be interested in studying the Bible and asking questions that will help them to come to know the Lord Jesus. Pray also that we can be welcoming to them and help them to settle in.

As you can see from the "Coming Up" section on the right, I have an OT essay due - YESTERDAY! And I haven't STARTED yet! But I did manage to get an extension cuz I was sick. Though that does push my schedule back for all my other essays (which are all quite hard).

I have Research Week starting Monday, which means no lectures, and instead we're meant to do research for our assignments. Usually, I sleep in a lot and find various ways to procrastinate. But I can't afford to do that next week. Must catch up!
Pray for discipline and concentration as I study God's Word.

Tonight ND is having a pre-evangelistic sports night @ Thornleigh. Normally there's a group that goes there every Sunday night for basketball, badminton and table tennis (I've been going along recently). But tonight we have volleyball!! Yay! It's one of my favourite sports, mainly cuz it's one of the few that I actually know how to play.
Pray that non-Christians will see this as a non threatening event that they can come along to, and to meet Christians who are just as "normal".

I really should blog about these things earlier so people can pray about it. D'oh!

Getting Better

I'm feeling a bit better today. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for me. I finally got out of my room and started attending lectures. I'm not all better yet, but it's getting there. Still need help with my voice.

Official Deb Fung WebsiteIn other news, ND is having a Deb Fung Concert tonight. I should've posted about this earlier so people can be praying about it. It's the 2nd of our 180° evangelistic events. Deb will be presenting her testimony in between each song.
Please pray for the non-Christians who will be coming. We had a good turn out last week, and hope it'll be even better this week. Pray for Deb as she sings of God's grace in her life.

The leaders have all been working very hard the last few weeks. Still recovering from RICE, everyone's been putting in 110% getting these 2 events together.
Pray that God will sustain us with energy and joy as we serve him. Pray for the various parts we have to play tonight (videos, testimonies, lighting, etc) will help the spread of the gospel somehow. And pray that the leaders will be able to find balance and rest after this Friday.

I'm Sick

Sunday night, my throat was like sandpaper.
Yesterday, my nose was like Niagra Falls.
Today, my nose is like...someone who hasn't been eating vegetables.

A bit graphic, but that's how I feel - crap.

I've also been aching all over. Dunno if it's because of Sunday night sports (& being generally unfit), or because of this flu.

And I can't think properly cuz my head's filled with mucus. You would've thought I'd have nothing left after the way it was dripping yesterday. Talk about extremes.

Grrr...I hate being sick! x.X

A Few Points of Clarification

A point of clarification for NDCCC people and other new visitors to my blog:
[1] The reason all my previous posts have no one commenting on them is because my comments were hosted with someone else before. But they died on me, so I set up a new commenting thing recently through Blogger (Blogger didn't have comments when I first started blogging).

[2] The reason I thought that no one would read my posts was because I haven't been blogging regularly (note the dates on each post) cos I haven't had regular internet access. But I do now, so I should hopefully be blogging more.

So thanks if you were a bit concerned about me. I haven't been my best the last few weeks, so your kind words are much appreciated.

And now...back to the original purpose for this blog...
I have just gotten a cold today. Please pray that I'll get better very, very quickly, because I am preaching this Sunday - I need my voice!! And of course, pray that I can explain the gospel through John 4 clearly so that non-Christians who come will believe and be saved.

Zero Motivation

Something's wrong with me.

I've got a stack loads of work to do, but I feel so...what's the word...fluxmmoned. The dictionary tells me that means confused, or perplexed. I think that's what I'm feeling.

I just can't seem to get started on anything, or to concentrate on it after I've started. I just want to bum around and do nothing all day. I'm getting good at making excuses for why I shouldn't study.

This is what they usually diagnose as "Term 3 blues". I need to get off my butt and get my life into order. Once I sort out my time and am actually motivate to do stuff, I should be ok.

Please pray for me...

...if anyone is reading this...
Category: 5 comments


It's been awhile since I've updated everyone. I've been meaning to finish writing my newsletter, but it's keeps getting delayed. It's not so much that I'm busy at the moment, but that I don't know what I should be doing exactly.

College is looking much busier this semester. The subjects I'm doing are:
  • Snyoptics Gospels (focusing on Luke)
  • Doctrine of God and the Work of Christ
  • Cross Cultural Communications
  • Wisdom Literature (focusing on Job)
  • Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
  • Youth Ministry*
  • Children's Ministry Skills*
    * These subjects I'm auditing - i.e. I attend lectures but don't do any of the assessments
With 5 assessable subjects I've got a stack load of assignments lined up. They all seem to require a fair bit of work. Just looking at them makes me want to go away and do something else. As for church, I've been getting to know the youth quite well lately. The recent church camp helped a lot. But aside from that, I still feel lost as to how I can play a part in the life of the church. Too much to say here, but I don't feel like writing about it right now.
Pray that I can get motivated and organised. Ask that God will instill in me again the joy of studying his word and serving his people

In Limbo

Sorry for the lack of update. Currently trying to write my next newsletter. In the meantime, here's a new layout to look at.

Oh, and I've created a new photos page (see links). Enjoy the eye-candy.

Lots on My Mind

Five days till my first exam. I've been working hard to catch up with my NT Greek. I'm starting to be able to translate the Gospel of John reasonably well, but I still often forget my vocab and grammar.

First semester this year has gone by pretty quick. I only have 2 exams, so I can't complain (most people have 4). Then it's 3 weeks of holidays. Don't have much planned for holidays, except to catch up with friends (from new & old church, and also you guys - my supporters). Oh, and there's also 3 weddings during those 3 weeks - all Bible college students. If you think that's bad, there's 3 weddings in Dec all on the same day, and all 3 couples are from SMBC.

I've also got a sermon to preach on Isaiah 6 one week after exams. I don't know if I can write a sermon with only one week. I'm pretty slow at the moment. I suppose I can write one, the question is whether it's any good.

Church-wise, I need to sit down and do some serious thinking about the ministries I'm involved in, especially the youth related stuff. But right now, it's just been pushed to the back of my mind. I feel like I'm not working as effectively as I could and I'm feeling frustrated at myself. Hopefully I can get it all sorted out over the break.
Give thanks for another 6 months of great learning at SMBC. Pray that I can remember all that I've learnt and spill it out in the exams.

Pray also that I'll have a good rest over the holidays and be refreshed to start the second half of the year. Give thanks to God for all those who are supporting me in prayer and with money.

Pray that I can serve more effectively at ND so that the youths can grow in maturity and love for the Lord Jesus.

Essay on Gospel of John

Discuss the role of the imagery of light in the Fourth Gospel, especially in relation to the person of Jesus (2,250 words).

You know how when you've got something hard to do, everything else that is usually hard becomes an attractive option and you end up doing them instead? I've gotta do this essay on John's Gospel which was due on Monday, but naturally, I have been doing everything else but that.

Right now, my desk looks neat & clean. I've reorganised my drawers. I've backed up my computer. I've even done preparation for a Bible study that is 2 weeks away. Tomorrow I'll probably do my laundry.

This is of course why I'm here blogging as well. None of these activities would've been done (at least not yet) if it weren't for this essay.

Now I just need to find something to do which is harder than this essay. :/
Category: 0 comments


4 days to go, and I haven't even started...Ack!
Category: 0 comments

Crazy Term 2

Right now, term 2 has just started and I'm snowed under a pile of work. Over the next 3 weeks, I have 2 essays due, 2 sermons to preach, 2 conference bookshops to manage, and 2 or 3 Bible studies to write for 180. Yikes!!!!

Please pray for me!

At the same time, EYF at my last church (SCAC) is holding an evangelistic event this Fri. Nathan Tasker (!) is coming to perform and preach. It's very exciting, not because Nathan is coming, but because there are 145 people attending - 61 of them non-Christians!!!

Please pray that God will work powerfully through Nathan and through the witness and testimony of all the Christians there on the night.

I don't have time to write up specific prayer points, but I'm sure you can think of things to pray for. Please pray because nothing can happen without God!

College Mission @ Narrabeen

For some reason, I think my brain only allows me to write 10,000 words a month and no more. That's my limit. My brains kinda just shuts down after that. Most of that limit is taken up with essays and sermons. The remainder is spent generally on emails and administration. That usually means zeros words left for my blog. Therefore, there was no update in March cuz I was writing my newsletter (which is just an extended blog).

Back from college mission and currently half way through my holidays. This mission was probably the most relaxing one I have ever been on, and I don't think any mission in the future will beat it. I was with a team of 12 others up in Narrabeen (if you don't know where that is, it's part of the northern beaches, about 1/2 hr past Manly) for 8 days, from Sun 3rd April to Sun 10th April.

We were part of the Baptist church there and involved with everything that they usually do - ie Sunday School, preaching in church, youth group, home groups, Mums' morning, Kids' Arvo and primary school scripture. Most mornings we had something on, and everyday we had the afternoon free. We were planning to have the day off on Monday and spend it at Palm Beach. But alas, it rained on us and so we ended up doing lots of preparation that day. To make up for it, we went to the beach every other day (except for Sunday).

I must admit, I'm totally not a beach person. It has to be 30 degrees plus before you can get me in the water. But nonetheless, I had a really good time just hanging out with the people in my team and getting to know them. One of the difficulties this year is that I haven't had the opportunity to get to know many of the 1st year students because I'm not in the same lectures as them. So in that regards, mission was really good.

So even though we didn't do much evangelism (perhaps with the exception of school scripture), it was a good mission. More good for us college students than for the church, but still good. :)

<< Give thanks for the time at Narrabeen encouraging the Christians there and learning from the pastors there. Pray for the ongoing ministries at this church, especially the school scripture. Pray that the many kids from non-Christian families who heard the gospel will respond, and that the scripture teachers will be able to follow them up. >>

Category: 0 comments

Balancing Act

Life's been a tough balancing act lately...too many new things on my plate at the moment.

College started 3 weeks ago, and for most of that time, I've spent most of my time working in the bookshop than I have studying or doing ministry. SMBC only has a very small bookshop, and managing it isn't all that much work - except at the beginning of the year. Everyone is rushing to get books, and I need to get lots and lots of stock. I have a new team of people to run the bookshop, but most of them needs to be trained (and during the early stages, there are a lot of mistakes...guess who has to fix them up). Things are starting to settle down now, so hopefully I'll be able to get stuck into some studying soon.

<< Thank God for the refreshing break over the holidays and for the start of another year at SMBC. Pray that I can quickly get into a good routine of study and rest so that I can make full use of what I'm learning. >>

I've been at ND now for over 2 months, but I'm still feeling very new there. Still lots of faces I don't know yet. ND's new youth group - 180 - kicked off last Friday night with a big bang. I'm working with a team of 8 other leaders to run this high school youth group. Most of them haven't had much experience with youth or with teaching the Bible, so it's been hard work the past few weeks leading up to the launch.

By God's grace we had 36 kids turn up. But at this stage, it's hard to tell whether they came because of all they hype and out of curiosity. Hopefully they'll stick around for the year, especially all the many Yr 12 kids we have.

I'm also preaching my very first sermon at ND in 2 Sundays' time. I've been mulling over it for quite some time now, but still not too sure how to approach it. Yikes!!

<< Praise God for the great start 180 has had. Pray that the kids will be commited to the youth group and grow into maturity, and pray that it will attract non-Christians as well. Pray for the team of leaders and our relationship with one another. Pray that I can be sensitive and humble as it's the first time I've been part of a team (as opposed to leading one) for some time. And pray also for my sermon that the Holy Spirit may work in and through me to preach His Word clearly so that lives are changed for God. >>

South Events
Lastly, I've been doing a little bit of work for various South training and evangelistic events. It's a stressful load on top of everything else I'm doing, even though it's only at the back of my mind. Perhaps it's because that it's always at the back of my mind that it's so stressful. I'll talk about these more when the time comes. For now, just pray for my sanity!! ;P

PS Have you prayed for me yet? Don't just read it, but commit it to God!

Back from KYLC

Just got back from KYLC. A bit sleep deprived, but otherwise feeling great!

The theme this year was Radical Rule and we looked at the Psalms and Colossians. In strand 3 we looked at systematic theology (studying the Bible thematically).

The talks were really good (as usual). I particularly enjoyed the talks from the Psalms. John Woodhouse not only did a great job in expounding the passages, but also gave us a good framework of how to read the Psalms for ourselves. He was also willing to engage with difficult parts of the Psalms, like the bit about dashing babies on the rocks. We saw that the Psalms are not poems that we can use to reflect the joys and tragedies of life, but that they form a very important link between the Old Testament and the New Testament by pointing us to Jesus.

Steven Cree took us through Colossians. We were reminded to continue with Christ as our focus, just as we started with Him and nothing else, and to finish with Him till the end without being distracted by things of this world along the way. I was reminded not to impose rules for behaviour on those around me, but to exhort people to honour Christ in their words and deeds.

The strand groups were so-so for me. Mainly because I've already done that kind of stuff before. But it was funny though because I had Pete as one of my strand group leaders!! And as always I had lots of fun catching up with old friends and meeting some new ones.

One of my main reasons for going was to get to know some of the ND leaders, and that I did. We had some good discussions about the talks and strand materials as well as other interesting questions about Christianity.

<< Give thanks for the great week at KYLC and for the many things I had learnt and was challenged about. Pray that I can continue to build good relationships with the leaders at ND so that I can serve effectively with them as we teach the gospel. >>

This coming week is my last week of holidays before college starts. But it's not really "holidays", cause things for the start of the year has all of a sudden exploded and I've got lots of work to do - for college, for church and for the South region. Some details were in my latest newsletter (email me if you didn't receive it), but more info will be revealed in time.

<< Pray that I can change gear and get stuck into preparations. Pray that I can have the energy and wisdom to do my ministries well so that through me people can have the opportunity to grow in their understanding and relationship with the Lord Jesus. >>
