Alright, no response from you slackers! Either that, or I've lost my small group of readers due to lack of updates.

Ok, my own reflections on the past year (in random order as I remember them):

  • Going overseas for the very first time in 14 years and seeing my parents and relatives and revisiting childhood memoirs.
  • Going to Beijing and seeing some of the cultural heritage on display there.
  • Being part of RICE and evangelising to 400+ youths from all over Sydney.
  • Organising EYF's first ever Dialogue Dinner and having 50+ people turn up!
  • Learning about the OT from great lecturers at SMBC and surviving all the assessments and exams.
  • Bringing 2 people from my church to Club 5 with me to consider full time paid ministry.
  • Going to KYLC for the very first time!
  • Saltlight Productions "This Way Up" Album launch.
  • Going to Preaching Conference and learning from some of the greatest preachers of our time.
  • Church camp up at Apollo Resort with our very own camp T-shirt.
  • Deciding and being accepted into SMBC for next year.
  • Having lots of my good friends getting married!
  • Joining a Street Evangelism team with Ecom.
Whoa, this list is much longer than I expected. There is indeed much to be thankful to God for! I shall be a brief with my other lists.

  • Leaving work behind, particularly the friendships I've built over the years.
  • Talking to my parents about Christianity and seeing them in remain in their stubborn and stiff-necked ways in rejecting the gospel.
  • Being critised and/or unappreciated in my ministries.
  • Feeling like a one-man-band sometimes in trying to motivate people to be like-minded in how we serve at church.
  • Sometimes seeing little or no fruits in my ministries.
  • Seeing those who were at church at the beginning of the year but are now no longer attending anymore.
  • Anticipating leaving the fellas at Brightside/Wongside/Whiteside.
  • Not being disciplined with my QTs and prayers at times.
  • Ungodly actions and attitudes which I made no effort to keep in check.

A lot of the times, these lowlights have become times where God has challenged and taught me things, such as...

Lessons learnt/reminded of
  • I am human. I need rest.
  • Resting is good. It's ok not to be working 24/7.
  • Holidays are fun! (seeing a theme here?)
  • God is sovereign and is able to use my strengths and weaknesses to achieve His purposes. So even when I stuff up there is no need to despair.
  • God is faithful and will look after me in the midst of troubles and hardships. I may not understand why, but I only need to trust Him and see what He is teaching me in this time.
  • Even though I have been a Christian for many years, I still need to humble myself before God and sit under the teaching of His Word. There are still areas of godliness I need to be disciplined in.
  • I need to stop judging people so harshly and have more realistic expectations of them.
  • I am the visionary type when it comes to ministry (ie one who likes to plan and strategise) but I need to work on how to impart my visions to my leaders.
  • I write terrible essays!
  • I can be impatient at times and easily frustrated.
  • I don't like bitter melons (yet).
  • I don't like being dependent on people but need to learn humility in being served by others.
  • God is faaaaar more patient with me and is slowly molding me into Christ's likeness.

<< Praise God for 2003 and the many, many things that have happened and the things I've learnt. Pray for 2004 that I won't forget these lessons and will continue to press on! >>

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. I was able to have a good, quiet, restful, day today just chilling out at home.

Some people (*ahem* you know who you are) have complained that I haven't been writing on my blog. Sorry!!! I've been busy trying to write up my newsletter and get it sent by Christmas. Hopefully you've all got it already - if not, let me know and I'll send it again (there were a few that bounced cuz the account was full).

Only another week of work left to go before I leave the secular workforce. Feeling a mixture of bittersweet. Definitely excited to be starting college soon and leaving my boring job behind, but at the same time, knowing that I'll miss the few friends that I've made while I've been there.

In the past 2.5 years I've been working there, there hasn't been a lot of meaningful relationships...maybe 3-4. Don't know if that comes as a surprise or not. But I find it quite hard because people relate by gossiping, and since I try to stay away from all that, I often get left out in all the conversations and I don't get invited out to lunch and weekend stuff as much. And sometimes their worldly value system is so overwhelming it kinda grosses me out.

You might say that's a good opportunity for evangelism, and that's true to an extent. But it's usually just a few comments in a normal conversation in front of everyone. And whenever I've tried to speak up about it, it either sounds like I'm being self-righteous or I'm taking things too seriously. Is it just that I'm saying things in all the wrong ways? I don't know...but workplace evangelism is quite hard. So for those of you out there who are struggling with it - don't despair, you're not the only one finding it hard. I'm certain that God is at work nevertheless.

<< Thank God for the relationships I've built at work and for the conversations about Christianity. Pray that God will provide other Christians in the lives of these people that one day they too will come to know Christ as their Lord and Saviour. >>

I was having lunch with some of the guys from church today, and we started talking about the past year - highlights, lowlights, what God has been teaching them - and things to work on in the coming year. I'd like to share some of my own reflections on the past year. But I'll save that for my next post.

But in the meantime, I'd like to hear from you guys! Please leave a comment and share with me what God has been doing in your life this past year!
I'm back!

Wow, it was a great holiday and I had a fabulous time!! Shopping in HK and sight seeing in Beijing. Took lots and lots of photos. I'll put them up eventually and say more about them then. At the moment just glad to be back home.

But there's no time to readjust to the Australian lifestyle. It was straight back to work on Monday (with piles of stuff waiting for me when I got in), and lots of ministry stuff to follow up on. I've booked out most of my lunch and dinner appointments this week already! There's plenty of people to catch up with, but here's a few of the tasks I need to get stuck into:
  • Write my 4th quarter newsletter.
  • Raise more funds for the next 3 years.
  • Prepare 2 sermons on Phil 3.
  • Finish children's talk for Cowra Mission.
  • Organise KYLC & KYC.
  • Prepare for church ministries for next year.
  • Holiday program for TG.
  • Upload photos from holidays (as well as a backlog of wedding photos from the last few months).

All this before the end of the year!

<< Thank God for the great holiday and for safety in our travels. Pray that I can be diligent and focussed now as I pick up all my tasks and ministries and prepare for the new year ahead. >>


It's a few hours before my plane takes off, and it's only now in the wee hours of the morning that I can begin to think about having my holiday.

Somehow I managed to do most of the things mentioned on my previous post. And in addition, I resigned from work on Friday! It was a bit of a shock to everyone, and quite a disappointment for my manager. They tried to persuade me to stay, but God enabled me to stand firm and instead used the opportunity to explain the gospel to them. I've never had to resign from a full time job before (for various reasons - not because I was fired!) and I never realised it can be such a nerve wrecking thing.

So with that I'm off for 2 weeks. I doubt I'll be online in that time, so I'll have to update you when I get back. Bai bai!

<< Thank God for the time of rest and pray that I can really relax and be refreshed so that I can come back and be ready to power on! Pray also for my work mates who heard about my plans to study next year and to be trained in teaching the Bible. Pray that I will have opportunities to tell them about Jesus and that God will challenge them to turn to Him in faith and repentence. >>

Oh, one other important thing! My uni group at church is organising a dialogue dinner next Friday. The theme is "If I were God I'd...". And we have at least 20 non-Christians coming!!!!!! Please pray for the speaker and for the hearts of the non-Christians!

D'oh, I wanted to write more, but my lift to the airport is here! So long, farewell!
I'm going on a holiday soon! Yippee!!
But not before I finish a million-and-one things before Friday.

After the 2 supporters' days, I need to work out who are the new people to add to my newsletter distribution list, tally how much money I have raised, who needs reminders sent out, and who has offered other kinds of helps. And I'm overdue for my 4th newsletter for this year. But there's no chance of me finishing that until I get back from my holiday. But a special thanks to all those who made the effort to come along (and even miss out on the footy!). And an super BIG thanks to Jackie for cooking for me on both Saturdays and paying for it all as well!!

<< Thank God for the amazing generosity of the brothers and sisters around me - in giving money, in offering practicaly help, and especially in praying for me and encouraging me. Pray that I can trust God to provide my needs for the coming 3 years. >>

Cowra Mission is coming up quick and fast...and I've got stacks to do. I've got a kids' talk to do, plus I'll be preaching for the first time. The kids' talk is on Jesus' baptism in Luke 3:1-22, and the sermon is on Philippians 3 - it's such a great passage I don't know how I'm going to manage to speak for less than 2 hours (at least)!! But alas, I only have 20 mins...hmmm....

Besides talking, I have to get things ready for craft and games and memory yar!

<< Please pray for wisdom and an insightful mind as I teach the Bible to 2 completely different audiences. Pray that God's Word will enter the hearts of those who hear it and bear fruit for the glory of our Lord Jesus. And pray that I can get the rest of the things prepared together with my team. >>

There's also a number of responsibilities to hand over at church - Dialogue Dinner for the uni youth group, "What's It" box for the high school group, last study on Biblical theology for my Sunday School class, KYLC & KYC conference for the church, and RICE outreach for next year. AI YAR!!!

<< Pray that God will grant me an abundance of energy and extra hours in the day. Failing that, pray that there will be people who can help out with these things, and be able to do them without my supervision. >>

And then there's the next (and last) AIM day tomorrow (which I'm really looking forward to) and numerous people to meet up with for lunch/dinner and my room needs to be cleaned up and my bags packed and clothes washed and...u getting my gist now?

I think this one week itself qualifies me for a holiday!!

<< Thank God for the great opportunity to be trained at AIM. Pray that I'll learn heaps and heaps and be able to apply it to the ministries at my church. Pray for safety on my holiday and a relaxing and refreshing time so that I can come back ready to hit the road running (or sprinting rather!). >>

I'm in!! Yay!!

I received the acceptance letter from SMBC yesterday confirming my enrolment for next year. Now I have to apply for Youth Allowance and resign from work and prepare to move and raise finances and work out my timetable and pay for college fees and...on it goes...

Tomorrow and next Sat (22nd), I'll be asking people to support me through college by praying for me and giving money. I haven't really had time to think about this because I've been trying to study for my exam next Tuesday. But tomorrow will be a morning tea at 10pm, and there'll be cookies, scones, finger foods, dips, and cinnamon scrolls. Please come along if you can!

I'm kinda a bit nervous about it because it's so strange to be asking people for help, especially for money. I'm normally pretty independent and I hate to trouble people for even the smallest things. So to ask so many people to help is definitely a most humbling experience!!

<< Thank God that I was accepted into SMBC for next year. Pray that I can get all the things that needs to be done with minimal stress and chaos. Pray especially for the supporter's days tomorrow and next Sat that people will be willing to contribute to the work of God's Kingdom by supporting me in prayer and with money.

Thank God also for teaching me humility in all this and forcing me to rely on Him for all things.

And thanks especially to my blog audience for your prayers throughout this year!!! =) >>

Once a year the nation unites.

People line up along the streets for hours. Voices in the air buzz with excitement. Others huddle and squash up before TV screens, mesmerised by moving figures.

As the moment approaches, they hold their breath. Transfixed. Temporarily paralyzed. The tension builds. Conversations muffled. Waiting.

Once a year the country pauses together for one purpose.

Sounds like a snapshot of Australia Day or something equally patriotic, doesn't it? But alas, if it was only so. The scene I was describing was typical of what I saw throughout the day yesterday - Melbourne Cup day.

People everywhere milling around TABs and lining up in temporary stalls. Clutching crumpled pieces of paper in their hands that costs them anything between $5 and $5,000 (or more!). People studying the newspapers and deep in philosophical discussion about each horse and jockey. Office workers hungrily lapping up the $2 sweeps for their chance at winning $50. Then moments later regretfully wishing they hadn't wasted the money (even though that's exactly what they said last year). And the lucky few who win regretfully wish they had put more money on it.

Men and women, young and old. United in their idoltary of greed and money.

It was as if the floodgates had opened. Colleagues who usually carry themselves with a degree of distinguished mannerisms now show a rare display of distasteful and undignified outbursts - everyone's an equestrian expert and everyone wants to be heard (and a couple of beers certainly don't help)! And those who don't normally even try to hide their crude, brutish nature...well, I won't even comment on that.

Shockingly disgusting behaviour. Such banal existence. But it's only to be expected from a nation of sinful beings who've rejected their Maker.

Now if only I felt the same sense of revulsion about sin in my own life.
To my small but faithful bunch of readers, sorry that posts have been sparse, or worse yet, non existent. Sure, my computer's down time plays a part in that, but probably moreso a mixure of busyness and laziness.

And so much has happened recently, I don't even know where to start!

Well, I've been to 3 weddings in the past 4 weeks. They've all been weddings of good friends - in fact good Christian friends, which makes the occasion very special. And what's even better is that I know both the bride and the groom well. You know how you normally know only one of the two newlyweds. But in this case it was doubly good because I could rejoice for both of them knowing what they're both like and how their relationship has developed and how they've grown. So it was extra extra special to see 6 good friends get married. :) I have stacks and stacks of photos to put up, but I've got exams coming up, so it might be awhile before you get to see them...

<< Praise be to our heavenly Father for the wonderful gift of marriage. Thank you that he created male and female and bought them together. Pray for all 3 new couples that they may grow and serve Him together as one flesh and that their new families (esp the children to come) will be one that is honouring and glorifying to our Lord Jesus. Pray that their love may be modelled on the love between Christ and the church, in self-sacrifice and in humble submission, and that it will be a role model for us and to the rest of the world. >>

I've got exams - actually exam (singular, but exams has a better ring to it) - coming up in 2 weeks, but I haven't had time to study! I've just got waaay too many things to do and not a second to spare. Gotta be disciplined! Gotta work hard! Gotta pull my socks up!

But I gotta remember to trust God too!

<< Please pray that I'll be diligent as a Christian and as a student as I study God's precious and wonderful Word. I want to be able to pass this exam, but more important I want to be able to grow into maturity as God's child as His Word shapes my life and doctrine. >>

This Way Up is being launched this Sat 8th Nov. Come along if you can! It's a bit of a late plug, but never too late! You can actually hear them now on 103.2 FM! I'm selling tickets and CDs if anyone's interested. All these months and months of hard work finally culminating into this one night. I feel so excited for the team even though I'm only associated with them in a peripheral way. Here's some prayer points for them from their latest prayer email:

<< Pray for the safety of the performers, crew and audience. Pray that we bumpin as carefully as possible, and take the utmost precautions with all the tech gear, cabling and even food service. The launch is co-production with Newtown Theatre, to cover the public liability insurance so praise God that we do have cover, though we hope we will not need to use it!

Pray for those coming and those thinking about coming, that they will be challenged to find out more about Christianity. We still have some tickets left, so keep praying that people will be motivated to buy some! Also, pray for the Christians coming, that it will be good chance for them to network and encourage each other.

Pray for all the many hands, brains and voices involved in making the night flow smoothly, from caterers to stage crew to bouncers to musicians. Of course, there are a million and one last minute things to do and organise, but keep praying that we will trust God with it all.

Praise God for the many people who have supported and prayed for us along the way (especially all of you Knackledingers). In particular, we thank God for the interest shown by KYC, FM103.2 and the like. Please pray that we continue to stay focussed and make use of the many ways and opportunities to use music to glorify God even after the launch.

Most of all, pray that the message of the songs will be communicated clearly and powerfully on the night. It's so exciting to be able to sing these songs live and communicate the gospel in this way. We're all looking forward to a great night! >>

Lastly, I'm in the throes of trying to organise my supporter's days in the next few weeks. Except I've got nothing but a nice bunch of thoughts in my head. To my faithful readers who've kept reading this long post, I'm having a morning tea on 15th Nov and a dessert night on 22nd Nov.

Its purpose is to firstly thank everyone for their much appreciated prayer support this year and for all the encouragement I've received from them. Secondly it's for all my Christian friends from different churches to meet each other, and especially to meet the people I minister to in Rockdale. And thirdly (and perhaps of the least importance), it's to ask people to consider giving financially to support me in the next few years as I commence full time study at SMBC next year.

I'll be sending invites out soon (hopefully), so please come along if you can. It'd be an immense encouragement to me.

<< Thank God for getting me through this year and for providing me with lots of dear brothers and sisters in Christ along the way. Pray that God will continue to use me in the future to bring glory to His name, and that I'll trust Him to continue to provide all my physical, spiritual and financial needs. Pray also that God will continue to build up Christians around me who will be committed to a partnership in the work of the gospel - not only in a 2nd hand way through me, but moreso through their own lives as they seek to proclaim this message of grace. >>

Bravo if you've managed to read this whole thing in one sitting. Hope it compensates for the lack of updates recently.
Ack! My computer has died! I'm trying to sneak in a quick entry here at work...

...and gasp! The boss caught me just as I was typing this in! :O

My power supply blew on Sunday night. It shouldn't be hard to fix up, but just so you know in case you're eagerly awaiting my next blog instalment or you're expecting an email from me or if you don't see me much on ICQ/MSN.

Eek...feeling a bit lost and useless without my PC. I'm definitely much too dependent on it!
Caught up with an old high school friend J for lunch today. We've known each other since Yr 9, and he's one of the very few people I keep in touch with from school days. I have always wondered what my school friends think of me these days...they're the people who would know what I was like as a non-Christian, and be able to compare that to what I'm like now.

Would they see any differences?
Or do I still act like one of 'them'?

I've always been a pretty 'good' boy (from a worldy point of view) - obeying my parents, respecting my teachers, studying hard like every Asian kid should. Even though I had friends who like getting drunk and being stoned, I was always strong enough to resist them. I was not an 'obvious sinner'.

But perhaps it's people like me who are in the most danger. I had always thought I was ok. I didn't see any problems with my focus on study/career, and neither did anybody around me. Unknowingly, I deceived myself into thinking I'd get into heaven. And to add to the delusion, I believed in Jesus - but I had no idea (even now) what I believed about Jesus.

Today J gave me an answer. Not a complete answer, but an answer all the same. He asked me why I'm now so devoted to church and stuff. And I was able to share my testimony with him, and to explain the gospel within that. But like many of our previous conversations about Jesus, he only seemed to see it as an interesting story, and no more. He often shows a certain curiosity for Christianity, but always afraid to pursue it. Like a kid who wants to learn to swim, but only ever dips his toes in the water before jumping out again.

We chatted about various other things related to Christianity, and I invited him to meet up to read the Bible together. He turned me down, but I left him with an invitation to go the the launch of This Way Up. I really hope that he'll come so that he can keep hearing about the great news of salvation through Christ Jesus. Sometimes I feel that he is so close to saying 'yes', but something always holds him back.

Have mercy, O Lord.

<< Thank God for helping me to keep in touch with J all these years and to catch up with him today. Please pray that I can be bold in explaining the gospel to him and challenging him to take this message seriously. Pray that he will be willing to come to the CD launch and that it'll be useful in bringing him to faith and repentance. >>

Got a sad SMS the other day. One of my non-Christian friends flew overseas for the sole purpose of chasing after his girlfriend, whom he met when she was on holidays here. It's a real surprising move, not only because of the enormity of what he did, but also because he has never been really serious about relationships before.

And so it was with great sadness that I received his SMS the other day. He found out that his girlfriend slept with another guy the day before he arrived. He is so hurt at the moment and he doesn't know what to do. He has lost his love, he is lost in a foreign country, without friends and without family. *sob*

As his token Christian friend, he asked me for advice. I didn't really know what to say at first, since everything I believed in about sex and relationships would be different to him. But in the end I just told him what I thought. I replied in a brief SMS to him, and later supplemented it with an email. Here's most of it:

How're u holding up over there mate? I still can't believe what happened. I can't even being to imagine how u must feel right now. I know that nothing I say will make u feel any better, but I'll do my best to give you my opinion on the situation.

Christianity is not so much a religion, or traditions or rituals. Fundamentally, it's about relationships. Relationship with God, with spouse/partner, with friends, family, work mates, customers, etc. And as I said in my sms, faithfulness is a key aspect in relationships. Because a wife is to be a life long partner, the closeness of the relationship means that faithfulness is so much more important to me. If she cannot be faithful in this relationship, how can we work together in creating a family and in looking after each other for the rest of our lives?

To make it worse, I think sexual betrayal is the worst form, because it is something physical and internal, as opposed to say lying, which is verbal and external. The impact it leaves is far deeper, and its impact is long and lasting. That's why Christians hold sex in such high regard and to be reserved only for marriage. Conversely, we abhor so strongly sexual sin of any nature.

Sexual betray is such an epitome of sin that God uses it to illustration how we treat him. Of all my friends, I think u would understand best how it feels when someone whom you love so immensely and whom you went to great lengths and sacrifice to chase after, now turns away from you, and goes instead to someone who hasn't done anything worthwhile. Imagine if this happens again and again every time after you've forgiven her. Imagine if she keeps sleeping around with other men again and again. That is exactly how we treat God. If you have the Bible I gave you, have a browse of the book of Hosea (check the index at the front). The entire book is exactly about that.

God created us and loved us and gives us life, but we live as if He doesn't exist. We turn away and ignore Him and keep on living lives chasing after other things - wealth, pleasure, fun, excitement, etc. But God doesn't give up on us, and instead sends Jesus to bring us back to Him. He went as far as dying for us in order to bring us back into relationship with Him. But we still keep ignoring Him, and doing things that hurt Him.

It's just like what you did to go after M, and just like what we did when we turned away from God. If you're hurting now, try and imagine how much God is hurting now. The reason I bring all this stuff up is because I think you have a bigger and far more important issue to deal with than your relationship with Michelle - and that is your relationship with God. Turn back to Him now and get into a right relationship with Him.

But Christianity for me is not a theoretical faith - all talk and no action. But it's a practical one. So I'll continue to tell you what I think of the situation. Bear with me.

God doesn't give up on us even though we turn away and ignore Him. But He is patiently waiting for us to come back and say sorry to Him. Now, this is not just a matter of lip service and just saying sorry, but asking God for forgiveness and accepting God and treating Him as He deserves. God is willing to forgive us if we ask for it.

If I was in your shoes, I don't know if I would be able to do the same thing that God did for us. Firstly, you'll have to see whether M is sorry for what she did. Was it a one night stand? Was she drunk? Does she know how hurt you are and is truly sorry for what she did? It's one thing to say sorry, but she needs to show true change in her life in treating you as you deserve.

Even as a Christian, I think I would find it hard to forgive her. But that probably betrays my own stubbornness and hard-heartedness. But if you can find it in your heart to forgive her, don't expect things will be all ok. It'll take a long time for her to be able to amend that trust and for the relationship to be restored. But open and honest communication will go a long way in helping that along.

Saying sorry.
Living a changed life.

This may or may not summarise what will happen between you and M. But it certainly describes the life of a Christian. I hope I haven't lost you in all the details. I know there's a lot there to digest, and I've probably dealt with the issue much too intellectually and not personally enough. But I really am sincerely concerned for you and want to help. The only thing I can do from across the world is to pray for you and entrust you to the all powerful, all wise and loving God.

Feel free to write back, and even yell at me if you think this is all a load of crap. I'm here for you waiting for you man.

And so is God.

Your long-winded buddy,

How would you react to this? What would you say in response? What about if you were in his situation? What would you do as a Christian?

<< Pray for my friend that he may find comfort from God through this difficult time. Pray that I can be sensitive in speaking with him and giving him godly advice. Pray that he will seek counsel from God's Word and heed the message of the gospel, and in doing so restore his relationship with the Lord Jesus. >>

I had a most fantastic time at Club 5 this year. Not to say I didn't enjoy it the previous years, but this time it was even more so.

A few people asked me why I even bothered going since I had already made up my mind to go to college next year. Here's a few reasons:
  • Catching up with old friends.
    Every year it's a bit like a reunion as I catch up with friends from all over Sydney and even Brisbane. There were people who've been there the last few years and we went through the different stages together. There were people I knew who came along for the first time. Particularly encourage was seeing a few friends I met at KYLC strand 1 this year who are already thinking of serving God in full-time paid ministry.

  • Meeting new friends.
    With over 100 Asians there, plus lots more other Caucasian, there was never a shortage of new people to meet. It's always exciting to meet other like-minded Christians who are passionate about the gospel.

  • Encouraging others and being encouraged in turn.
    It's most encouraging to hear about how God has been working in people's lives and how everyone is growing in their different ways. It's also good to have people share about why they're at Club 5, their thoughts about ministry, their struggles with church and life, issues they're thinking through, and how they've been challenged over the weekend. I try to share about my own journey as a Christian and how I came to decide on full time ministry. A common topic was Asian parents and how to seed the idea with them. I'm certainly no expert, and my experience will definitely be different to others, but nevertheless I think it was good to share with people.

  • Bringing people along.
    As I mentioned in my last post, I bought 2 people along with me from my church. I think they were hit with a lot of new stuff and they probably feel like they've been through the spin cycle on a washing machine. I just hope I can help them clear up some of the confusion and give them some direction.

  • Sitting under God's Word.
    This is of course the best part. Being taught by great teachers and being forced to face reality - the reality of sin, judgement, the gospel, false teachers, and the hard journey ahead as a Christian. Not a pleasant thought at first, but if we look at things with the 'glasses' of the gospel, then we will see the unseen. We see only the internal and eternal, not the external.
Feeling fired up is an understatement. Can't put it into words, but try and combine your 21st with Jesus as the guest of honour, your best holiday and all your best friends and an endless amount of time...

...hang on, that's sounds like heaven!! =D

<< All glory be to our almighty God for His amazing mercy and love in sending Jesus to rescue us and bring us into relationship with Him. Thank God for this message and the way in which it compels us to live and die for Him.

Thank God for the many many people all over Australia who are being challenged to consider full time ministry. Pray that God will continue to use the ministry of Club 5 to raise up faithful ministers of His Word so that more and more people will be reached with the great news.

Thank God for the opportunity to meet so many brothers and sisters in Christ, and especially for bringing Dennis and Cindy to this conference. Pray that we willl all keep growing in godliness and faithfulness through our understanding of the Bible as we work out how we can best serve God with our lives.

Pray that Dennis and Cindy can be teachable and open to all that they were challenged with. Pray that I can help them to clarify their thoughts and to help them to grow more and more in Christ's likeness. >>

I have much more to say about the weekend, but I've already been long winded enough. So you'll just have to ask me if you want to know more.
One thing I forgot to mention yesterday. I'm going to Club 5 this long weekend!!It'll be my 4th and last time as a candidate before I go into college. It's always a great time to catch up with friends from all over Sydney and hear about how God's been working in and through their lives. But more importantly, it's a great opportunity to be sitting under God's Word and being totally blown away by it.

But this year, I'm even MORE excited that usual! Because Dennis and Cindy Tan from my church are coming with me for the first time. I've so immensely encouraged by the fervor in their growth as a Christian and seeing how that flows out into their lives in the way they live and serve. I'm sure that this weekend will be a real eye-opener for them and we'll be back buzzing with excitement for the gospel.

Aren't you excited now as well? =)

<< Praise God for the great ministry of Club 5 and the way it challenges men and women of all ages to give up their lives in service of Christ. Pray that Dennis and Cindy will have a great time meeting fellow like-minded Christians and be struck anew with the great message of salvation. >>

Yesterday I started a new role at my work in the accounts department. I did some basic accounting stuff years ago, but all of that has been long forgotten. Trying to reach into the deep crevices of my mind, I surface with only blurred memories of credits, debits, journals, receivables, etc...So I have to re-learn everything now.

I went out for street evangelism on Tuesday. We met 70+ year old Joe in the park and for once I didn't know what to say to him. He was from a Catholic background, and so I asked him what he knew of the person Jesus. In response, he started waving his arm around to gesture at the people around him.

"Young people these days," he growled, "have no idea what it's like to be hungry and poor. They've never had their homes bombed. That's why they think they don't need God anymore." (This is not word for word, but the gist of what he said)

How true indeed!

But because of that, I fell silent. All these different responses came to mind, but they got lodged in my throat. In an email to a friend, I said:

"I'm not sure why I was lost for words. I don't think I was intimidated as such, but I think it was because I felt so removed from his world of thinking and life and I felt anything I said would seem like a young, arrogant kid to him. He was talking about how people in today's society have no idea what it's like to live in poverty and have their homes bombed and stuff...and how people don't really think about God anymore...I think he must've been referring to his war time experiences. And I'd agree with him, and under normal circumstances I could've easily use that to talk about the gospel. But then I felt unqualified to challenge him because of the way he thought of young people. I didn't want him to think I was another one of those arrogant youths trying to lecture him on Jesus. So in the 1-2 sec that it took me to process that and become dumbfounded, my partner (who's a fair few yrs older) took over. *phew*"

My partner George ended up having a very good conversation with him. But even as the two of them were talking, I still could not recompose myself to join in. George tried to include me a few times but I could only stumble out with a few words. George explained Two ways to Live to him and invited him to CBF next week. He seemed to accept.

Although I dismally failed, I did learn from George in the way he handled the situation and spoke Joe. So aside from a slightly bruised ego, it was a rewarding experience.

<< Pray for Joe that the message of the gospel will leave a deep impression on him and provoke him to respond in faith and repentence. Thank God for George and the things I learnt from him that day. Pray that I can remember them for evangelism in the future.>>

Tomorrow I will also be catching up with an old work mate Jackson. We've spoken at lengths in the past about Christianity and he has a reasonable understanding of the gospel. Sadly, he continues to reject the lordship of Christ because he wants to continue living his hedonistic liftstyle.

I've tried to keep in touch with him, but on Sat he will be leaving for UK on a working visa for at least 2 years. Funnily enough, he main reason for leaving is to chase after his girlfriend. He has never been a playboy, but he never took relationships seriously either. But he fell head-over-heels over this girl who came traveling in Sydney for a few months. Never would've expected it from him, but then again, I never would've expected to have such good conversations with him about Christianity either.

So I'm meeting him for the last time tomorrow. I've given him a Bible and "A Fresh Start" in the past. This time I'll give him "1st Century Answers to 21st Century Questions" as a parting gift. The book is meant to be for Christians, but I think it'll be good for him to see how the Bible deals realistically with practical contemporary issues. Hope that he'll actually read it.

<< Thank God for the relationship I've built with Jackson over the years, and especially for the great conversations about Jesus. Pray that the Spirit may continue to stir up his heart so that through the Bible and through the Christian books he may one day come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Pray that I may be able to keep in touch with him even as he travels overseas so that I can continue to minister the Word of God to him. >>

Because we are all fallen, sinful beings, any human church structure will have strengths and weaknesses. The Alliance church is no different.

I spent over an hour last night typing up an email addressing one particular issue. I've posted it here (with minor editing to obscure identities) and I'd like to know what you think about it: (If you know who the email was addressed to, please keep it confidential)

From: Ernest Chiang
To: *****
Subject: Club 5

Hey *****,

How are you going mate? Have you thought much about coming to Club 5 with
me? It'd be great to have you along.

From: *****
To: Ernest Chiang
Subject: RE: Club 5

Hey Ernest,

[we] have talked about club 5 and we're still very unsure about going. i dont even know if i can go to the Alliance camp? so many things have come up but i will tell you this. if i could go to either then i would support the Alliance first. no offence to club 5, i believe it can offer me a lot but i want to offer myself to the Alliance first and foremost. Alliance is so small so i want to support anyway i can.
but i havent made a decision yet. guess i need to pray about it more. i think i have too much Alliance pride so maybe God can break down that wall of pirde to attend club 5?

God bless

From: Ernest Chiang
To: *****
Subject: RE: Allegiance vs. Alliance

Hi *****,

Sorry about this late reply. It's been rather hectic over here...

Not sure if you've made a decision about Club 5 or AYA camp...


It was refreshing to meet someone like you who is serious about serving God and has thought about some short and long term ideas on how to do that. But I think you need to get clear in your head that as a Christian, you allegiance is always first and foremost the gospel and the glory of Christ. In all your thoughts and decision making, you need to be thinking about how you can be serving the gospel most effectively and glorifying God in the best possible way. Your allegiance is NOT to the Alliance denomination, nor to the Asians, nor to the youths or the young adults. As the apostle Paul says in Romans 1:14-16, he is obligated to everyone to preach the gospel to them because the gospel is for them all. You should be offering yourself to the gospel first and foremost, not to the Alliance.

Afterall, the body of Christ is made up of all believers from all history, all denominations, all countries, all nationalities everywhere. We are all part of ONE universal church - not each in our own little denominations serving God in our own little world. And so our allegiance is to this one church! From the Bible's point of view, how absurd - and perhaps even almost heretic! - is it to make such distinctions in how you serve? Remember in 1Corinthians 1:10-13 how Paul rebukes them for following different leaders in the church - much like how we follow different church denominations.

I hope you understand that I am in no way trying to sound superior over you, but I mean this in the most loving and humble way possible. I myself come from a different denomination at first, but I did not let that restrict my decision to come to this church in Rockdale. If I was merely loyal to my own church, then I'd never leave and would not have had the benefit of fellowship with all these other brothers and sisters. But in my decisions, I had to think about how I can be most effective for the gospel - both in terms of how I serve, and also how I am being trained to be better equipped...


...But this email is not really about which conference you go to - that is inconsequential. But this is about your attitude to ministry.

I truly apologise if any of this email has offended you in any way. I am merely perplexed how someone so keen for God can be so limited in his thinking. If it was someone else I may not have bothered. But I want to be able to serve along side with you someday in partnership and unity of the gospel. But that they will not come as long as you remain in your own little corner. I understand that perhaps you want to start with the Alliance first and strengthen it before branching out. But I tell you from experience that it has to be a dual process. As we strengthen bonds within the Alliance, we need to strengthen bonds outside of Alliance at the same time. I too have grand visions of uniting various Alliance churches, but that does not stop me from taking up other opportunities that God has provided here and now.

I'm currently/will be involved in several projects which I hope you and your church will be part of. By now you would've received an email about the Alliance Mission Convention. You have already heard about the gospel work of Saltlight Productions. There is an amalgamation of Chinese churches called Sydney Chinese Evangelical Association (SCEA) which provides training days for Asians church, and I'm working with them to try and organise a training day in the Sydney South region. I will be organising leadership conferences for Jan. Perhaps a Christmas outreach event. And I'm hoping to have a combine camp for Asian Alliance youths next year. I'm liasing with Baptist churches, Anglican churches, Presbyterian churches, Alliance churches, and independent churches for many of these. These, and many other events are things I'm involved with not because they belong to any particular groups, but because they are doing the work of the gospel and glorifying God.

Let me echo Paul's words in Colossians 1:28-29: "We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labour, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me."

Paul's allegiance was to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. So is mine. I hope yours is too.

Your humble servant and brother,

So...comments and thoughts please? :/ ??
I've been feeling quite sick the last few days. Down with a cold. But took the day off work yesterday and feeling much better now. =)

Despite having a runny nose and a husky voice, I had a very enjoyable Saturday - Saltlight Community College was on!!

Basically, we had a dozen or so classes throughout the day starting from 11am to raise funds for the production of This Way Up. The day climaxed at 3pm for the "Servant Sale" where I was one of 6 guys (well, 7 if you include a last minute impromptu addition) being "sold" for 2 hours of labour. I was sold for $120 - $60 per hour...that's pretty good. More than I've ever earnt!!

I also ran 2 classes - one on making tiramisu, and the other on learning massages. Aside from a few minor glitches (I bought shortbread instead of sponge fingers for the tiramisu (!!) and we started late for the massage class), everything else went pretty smoothly. From what I heard from other people as well, everyone had lots of fun and it was an enjoyable day - and all the while supporting the work of the gospel.

We ended up raising over a thousand dollars, which was over our target. Yay!!

<< Praise God for the many people who came along to support the ministry of Saltlight Productions, and for the many people who came together to organise it. Thanks for everyone's generosity in giving money and generally being a good sport. Thank God also that we had good whether and no one injured themselves and all had a good time. Please keep praying that this CD will be a useful resource in bring our friends to hear about our Lord Jesus Christ. >>

I've finally finished my essay! Woo hoo!!
I've been thinking a bit about next year, particularly in terms of church and ministry. I know that once I start studying full time, I won't have as much time & energy to be devoted to ministry. I know that my priority will be as a diligent and faithful student.

I know that.

But what do I do with the little time that I have for church?

A bit of self confession here - I'm a control-freak and perfectionist. But you probably know that already, right? Well, this means that I want to do everything, and do an impeccable job of it. And so, that's why I'm involved with TG, EYF, Sunday School, English service, camps, conferences, training events, evangelism, discipleship and interchurch joint ventures. Not to mention that I will to be doing music, preaching, and mission.

So what do I do next year?

Here are some of my thoughts so far...
  • Step down from my uni age Sunday School group.
  • Ask the more mature Christians to take up Sunday School and/or partner with Jeremy or Johnny.
  • Split EYF up into 2 groups - Chow Faan (for more mature Christians) and Chow Mein (for younger Christians). I'll lead Chow Faan (made up mainly of Sunday School teachers) while Jeremy takes Chow Mein.
  • Continue to oversee most of the English ministries (esp TG) and evangelistic events, but abstain from other Bible teaching roles.
  • Possibly liase & visit with other neighbour churches for combined camp/outreach/training events. But would be good to have someone dedicated to the administration.
  • Preach in the congregration, and perhaps at other churches as well.
The main focus of this is for me to look after the older Christians and leaders in EYF, and then for them to look after the TG leaders and other EYF members, and in turn for them to be looking after the other TG members.

Sounds like an ideal flow-down effect. But the only way it'd work is if everyone understands and supports this vision. I think I'm better at teaching older Christians, and given that I have very limited time, I'd like to focus on them.

Anyone else have other ideas?

<< Pray for wisdom in making ministry decisions for next year so that I will be effective as a student and as a minister of the gospel. Pray also that God will raise up the right people to fulfill some of these roles so that I am freed up to do other things. Pray also that I won't take all the responsibilities onto myself but to trust God to be in control and for Him to bring things to perfection. >>

I haven't finished my essay yet, but I promised to have an update this week, so here I am. Besides, I got a one week extension on my essay last night. Yay! :)

As some of you may know, I'm going on my first mission trip this year. I'm going to Cowra Summer Breakout from 9th-18th Jan 2004. It's a joint mission with a Baptist and Presbyterian church in Cowra. Where is Cowra? It's west of Sydney, pass Katoomba, pass Lithgow, pass Bathurst, pass Blayney, and keep going and you'll get to Cowra. Probably about 5-6 hours drive I think.

We had our mission houseparty (ie camp) last weekend where we got to meet our team, meet the other people on this mission, and even meet some of the team from Cowra. There were a fair few 'veterans' who've been involved for a few years, but there were also lots of newbies like myself.

I'll be working with section Jumping Beans (JBs) - this is the section looking after kids from Kindergarten to Year 2. We'll be mainly looking at Luke and seeing who Jesus is. I have never taught kids this young before, so I really have no idea what to do!!!! But that's why I picked it, so I can have some experience working with little kids.

I will need to get started on some preparation soon, but not till I finish this OT essay!

<< Thank God for the extension for the essay. And also thank God for the opportunity to be part of this team for Cowra mission and part of JBs. Pray that I will get to know the rest of my team and be able to work together with them. And pray also that I'll learn how to teach little children so that they too can enter the Kingdom of God. >>

I've haven't blogged for more than a week! Sorry to my faithful group of readers (even if there are only 6-7 of you). I'm currently busy finalising 2 Bible studies I'm writing on Spiritual Gifts, as well as doing my college assignment (2,000 words due next week) and finishing my newsletter - just to name the few major ones.

I promise I'll be back with more news next week.

<< Please pray for calmness and strength to get all these things done this week. Pray that I won't slack off with the quality, but continue to press on! >>

Evangelism in the City
I also mentioned in two posts about the various opportunities I have for evangelism.

Unfortunately, this week Stuart, Justine and Mary didn't come to CBF. Stuart was away for training that day; Justine was feeling unwell and had a doctor's appointment; and Mary didn't want to lose most of her lunch hour at the talk.

The last one's a bit disappointing, but I'll keep working on all 3 of them. Stuart and Justine have both said they'll come next week, so please keep praying for them.

And as for the cold-turkey street evangelism with my new trainee (Martin), that went quite well. Martin seemed very comfortable talking to people (me included, since that was the first time we met).

We had a good long conversation with a guy called Rick. He had some Christian/Catholic background. Seems like he was dragged to church occasionally by his wife. We stumbling around a bit working out the best approach and somehow got most of the gospel out along the way. I certainly felt lost for words at times, but somehow by God's grace managed to carry the conversation along. We left him with an invitation to CBF and for him to try and read the Bible for himself when he gets home.

The rest of the hour was unfruitful, but a good experience for Martin and myself.

<< Please pray for Stuart, Justine and Mary that they will be able/willing to come to CBF next week, or perhaps have other opportunities for me to tell them the gospel.

Thank God for the opportunity to go out with Martin and giving us the boldness to proclaim the message of the gospel. Pray that we can both continue to faithfully reachout in the future.

Pray also for Rick that the seeds we planted in his heart will one day sprout and bear fruit for God. Pray that God will bring other Christians in his life to continually challenge him in his beliefs. >>

The last two days has been full of things I've blogged about and asked people to pray for. So I think an update is in order...

Saltlight Productions - This Way Up
I mentioned the other week that I'm organising an information night for a few of the Sydney south churches, which happened last night.

From Saltlight, we had Vron, Diana, AK and Alice come and tell us about who they are and what they do and what This Way Up is. We had 29 people from 4 different churches in the area turn up. There weren't as many people as I'd hope, but I trust that people will bring the news back to their home church and tell people about it there as well.

I met Vinh and James from Vietnamese Kingsgrove Alliance church. They were both quite keen on going to Bible college somewhere down the track and serving God in full time paid ministry. I told them about Club 5 and they're interested in coming along. We also talked about about joint ventures with each other and also other Alliance churches and/or chinese churches. It was good meeting some like-minded people. :)

I was also very pleased with the way the people from my church were serving on the night. Everyone helped out in bringing & preparing supper. Some came early to set up as well, and others stayed behind to help clean up. When asked, people were happy to volunteer to welcome people as they arrive. It really is a joy when you see everyone working together for one purpose. Yay!

<< Thank God for the people from different churches who got to hear about the ministry of Saltlight Productions. Pray that the CD will be used by Christians everyone to spread the gospel. Pray particularly for the team as they go about the final stages of producing the CD and the launch. Pray that they'll continue to remain focused on the reason & purpose for their task and that ultimately God will be gloified.

Thank God also for the conversation I had with Vinh and James. Pray that they will be able to come along to Club 5 and be challenged by the conference to think more clearly about their future in ministry. Pray also for future discussions I'll have with them regarding inter-church ministry.

And a BIG pat on the back for my church members in the way they helped out and served on the night. Thank God for their enthusiasm and selflessness. >>

More to come...
Believe it or not, there's another evangelistic opportunity I didn't mention last week.

On Thursday I was on my way out to lunch. One of my colleagues, Justine, happen to get catch the elevator with me at the same time. We've chit-chatted in the past but never had a chance to talk about her beliefs or Christianity. But on that day, she asked me almost right away about CBF. She had seen someone handing out the flyers/postcards in the city earlier, and also noticed that I had them pinned up on my wall at work. So I told her a bit about it, and before I could even invite her along, she asked to come along the following week!

So now, I have Stuart and Justine coming along this week, and possibly Mary as well.

<< Thank God for giving me so many opportunities to evangelise at work. I'm a bit flustered facing such a big task, but pray that I will rely on God to work in and through me. Pray also that their hearts may be softened and prepared to received the good news of the gospel and respond with faith and repentence. >>

Evangelism is definitely on my menu for the next few months.

Aside from all the things I mentioned the other day, I'm now also going to be helping to train someone in street evangelism. I was just thinking how little I said on the day and how I want to give it a better go next time. Then before I knew it, I was asked to take a new Two ways to Live trainee on some "industrial" training.

Now, I knew I could've quite easily have said no, but I've chickened out a few times already when it comes to talking to strangers about Jesus. So I figured that this will be one way of pushing myself to actually do it. Taking someone new with me means that I'll have to take the lead and do most of the talking. Scary!

<< Pray that I may be bold in proclaiming the message of Christ to people in the city. Pray that God will give me the words to say, and that my trainee and I will be able to work well as a team. But pray especially that concentrate on being faithful - faithful with the truth of the gospel and faithful in our service to God, trusting that God will use it to bring about His purposes in the lives of those we meet. >>

The other thing is evangelism in the workplace. It's been pretty quiet on this front, partly because it's been much busier at work and I've been overseas. But also 'cause I haven't made use of all the opportunities.

I've been talking to Stuart and he doesn't mind hearing me going on about Christianity. I've told him my testimony and some of the things I do at church. He's even come along to CBF (a weekly Bible talk in the city with Al Stewart) with me a few times. But when I went to HK and came back, it sorta died and I kinda left it.

But today I finally made an effort to go ask him to come along again, and he said he'll be there next week. :) There's also another girl at work, Mary, who is a nominal "Christian". She came along to CBF for the first time today, but I wasn't sure how to challenge her about her faith in a loving way. But I hope that both of them will keep coming and I'll have more opportunities to share the gospel with them.

<< Thank God for the opportunity to refresh my relationship with Stuart and to invite him to CBF. Thank God also that Mary came along for the first time. Pray that they will both keep coming and be challenged and rebuked by the Word of God so that it may lead them to faith and repentence. And pray that God will somehow use me to that purpose somewhere along the way. >>

Yay, photos are up finally!

It's so hard to find somewhere to store your photos online for free (hey, I'm asian - something for nothing is good). Most places have only a 10MB limit. Yahoo gave a whopping 30MB. But I finally decided on Shutterfly, which so far seems to have no limit. I've uploaded almost 250 photos and I haven't reach any limits. Sure, it doesn't have all the functions like a commenting system or separate folders. But hey, storage space is the key here!

There's a link on the side to all my photo albums. But here they are again:

Hong Kong July 2003

Jac's No-More-Exams-Ever-Again Party

Jenny's Farewell

Sorry if you are using dial-up. Be patient! ;D

"So little time and so little to do." ~ Oscar Levant ~

Now, if only I could say that for myself! *sigh*

The past week hasn't slowed down at all, but I'm finally getting on top of some of this work. I spent tonight sending out stacks of emails and typing up a few bits and pieces. So I figured I might as type for a bit longer on my blog before I got to bed. At least I feel I've done a fair bit today.

I've spent my first 1.5 years at this church focussing on training people and teaching them to read the Bible properly. There's still a long way to go, but I think it's time that I start doing some evangelism stuff with them. Had a couple of meetings recently for both my high school (TG) and for my uni age youth group (EYF). In EYF, we've decided to do a series of evangelism topics, culminating at a dialogue dinner at the end of the year. We'll cover topics like apologetics, other religions, presenting the gospel, starting evangelistic conversations, and sharing our testimonies. There's lots of work to be done, but I'm looking forward to a change in program.

In TG, we've started our new program this term. We've merged our TG and Sunday School time so that the kids have an opportunity to mingle and get to know each other. Not only is Sunday not so intensive, it'll hopefully foster relationships that will make people feel welcome and encourage them to bring non-Christian friends along. We have plans to run an evangelistic Coffeeshop or something like that next year. But seeing we're just starting this new program, we thought it'd best wait a bit before we organise something big like that.

But that's not all for evangelism. I'm organising an information night for Saltlight Productions in a few weeks. I'm inviting people from churches all over the Sydney south area. Hopefully many of them will come along to hear about this exciting ministry and be supportive of it. There's more that Saltlight is doing to promote their CD, but more about that in the days to come...

And last but not least, I finally went out street evangelism this week at lunch time - after about a 2 month break (due to various interruptions). I was rather looking foward to it despite the butterflies in my stomach. I didn't say all that much, but we (I went with a guy called George Mallos) did manage to have 2 good conversations. I'm definitely going to give it a better shot next fornight when I go again.

<< Thank God for giving me strength to get through lots of work and to handle all the stress. Thank God for the opportunity to serve Him and to proclaim the gospel through my church, through Saltlight, and through street evangelism. Pray for the various things we're doing in each group and pray that God will use it to bring His people into His kingdom. Pray also for John and Daniel whom we spoke to and ask that God will soften their hearts and use those seeds we planted in their hearts to bear fruit.>>

I've been back in Australia for almost a week now, but I've barely had time to catch my breath before I'm back into the thick of things. After a few meetings and 200 emails, my next 6 months are looking busy again. :/

Right now, I'm procrastinating a bit by playing around with the 192 (!) photos I took in HK. I bought a Nikon Coolpix 5700 digital camera (which I spent the last 6 months saving for) and went paparazzi-style throughout HK. Went back to a lot of places I used to go as a 9 yr old kid, as well as visiting loads of relatives and family friends. I'll upload selected photos online soon for those who are interested in some eye candy.

As for the funeral, it was a traditional Chinese taoist funeral that went on for 2 days. I didn't quite know what was the right thing to do as a Christian, but I ended up spending most of the time in front of the furnace burning "paper money". I tried to explain to people that I was doing it out of respect for my grandmother, and not as one who believed she'd receive this money. But nevertheless, I felt rather awkward. I probably should've out right refused to do it.

In the days following the funeral, I also visited the grave site of 4 other family members. At each of those, I was a bit more adamant and resolved not to offer incense or burn money or anything like that. I just bowed once awkwardly and that was it. My family and relatives were a bit shocked at first, but they didn't push their point fortunately and I was left in peace to ponder the sadness of these lost souls.

However, I do feel ashamed that I let a few gospel opportunities pass by. At the time, I remember thinking that it probably wasn't a good time, or that I was too tired, or I didn't know what to say in Cantonese. But I knew deep down that I was just plain scared. I didn't want to risk having arguments by stepping out of line. Perhaps the sheer strength needed to resist the taoist ceremonies left me too drained to fight on, but I think I'm just making excuses for myself...

It really feels like I've been gone a whole month rather than just a week. But all in all, it was a pleasant trip.

<< Thank God for the opportunity to go back to HK and for the time spent with family. But pray that I will grow and be strengthened in my faith so that I will not be ashamed to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ faithfully and clearly. Pray also that I can settle into the new house and get back into a normal routine so that I can continue to serve God in and through my life. >>

As I mentioned previously, things are a bit packed at the moment. Just to give you a rough idea, my schedule looked and looks something like this...

~ Dinner with guys from church
~ Supper with Christian friend whom I haven't caught up with for awhile

~ Sick from work, but spent the day packing
~ 21st party till midnight

~ Get-together with friends from a different church
~ Packing again

~ Lunch with non-Christian high school friend
~ Dinner with friends (with a surprise)
~ Possible DVD night on big screen at home =D
~ More packing...

~ Moving!! (only all the stuff that can fit into cars)

~ Final bits of packing
~ Moving all the BIG stuff into truck
~ Going off to church camp

~ Leaving late at night from camp back to Sydney

~ A quick snooze
~ Get up at a ridiculous hour of the morning and off to airport to HK

God has been gracious in providing a new house for us to stay at. A friend moved recently and his parents decided to rent the house out. It only has 4 bedrooms, but it's bigger (2 lounge rooms, or separate dining and lounge room). It's closer to Strathfield station, but further from the shops and from SMBC. But in the end we took it, probably because we couldn't be bothered looking around. So all of a sudden, we're moving, and there's not even time for a farewell party! Awww... :(

<< Thank God for His sovereignty and grace in providing us all with a house so quickly. Pray that the new Brightside will continue to be a godly household which is hospitable and useful in encouraging Christians to grow in their faith.>>

This will probably be my last blog entry for 2 weeks or so until I get back. I don't know how regular I'll be online and replying to emails, but please keep praying for me. This will be my first funeral as a Christian and I don't know what will be expected of me as the eldest son. I know it will be a Buddhist funeral, so I hope my relatives will respect my choice to not worship idols.

<< Please pray that I may be strong and bold with my faith - not only in rejecting the idolatry of this world, but also in proclaiming the gospel clear. At the same time, pray that I may be loving and respectful to my family and friends at this time and be wise in choosing the right opportunities to challenge them. >>

Peter Adam - Australia's Greatest Problem

  • Australia's greatest problem. In one word - FOOLS (Proverbs 10:8)
  • We are a nation of fools because we have turned from God. It's not that fools don't believe in nothing, but that we believe in everything - even advertisements.
  • We are foolish because we don't believe in heaven & hell (Luke 12:13-31).
  • At the heart of folly is one thing - belief that there is no God (Psalm 53:1, Psalm 14:1).
  • We automatically have atheistic hearts even if we don't have atheistic heads (ie we may believe in god(s), but we don't live it out).
  • We build foolishly without foundation (Matthew 7:24-27).
  • We are foolish because we don't believe the Word of God (Luke 24:25).
  • So what is God's remedy for a foolish world?
    Answer: FOOLISHNESS!!!
  • God "out-fools" us and matches our folly by sending His Son to die for us (1Corinthians 1:18-25).
  • God's method through the cross is also His method through the church. He doesn't choose wise & powerful people for His church, but instead pathetic people (1Corinthians 1:26-29).
  • Paul himself does not use his "wisdom", but his foolishness (1Corinthians 2:1-5).
  • We are fools for Christ (1Corinthians 4:8-13).
Don Carson - Preaching through Bible Books

  • Read & re-read the book. Get a 1st hand feel for it before going to the commentaries.
    Early on, attain sufficient grasp of the book to succinctly say: What the book is about; What this book contributes to the canon that overlaps; What this book contributes to the canon that is different.
  • Determine the number of sermons devoted to the book. It should reflect somewhat the structure of the book
  • Each sermon must be simultaneously independent of the series and yet still be in continuity with it.
  • Remember your Biblical and Systematic Theology.
  • Try and make the sermon reflect the genre of the book (eg. when using a narrative, you need to know how to tell a story; with apocalyptic literature, use descriptive language and vivid imagery; with psalms/proverbs, use polarities and contrasts).
  • Keep revising, praying and preparing - not so that you can master the text, but so that it can master you and produce a right response in yourself.

Ray Galea - Evangelistic Preaching (part 2 ~ preparing an evangelistic sermon)

  • Why we preach the gospel:
    # God's glory - a jealousy for His namesake.
    # The lost matter to Jesus.
    # The destiny of the lost.
    # For own encouragement because God uses fallen humans.
    # Under command.
  • The gospel needs to be demonstrated from the text so that people know it's not from ourselves but from God. The power of the sermon comes not from the illustrations but the content of the passage.
  • Be sensitive to the mindset of the listeners.
  • In the opening prayer, flag the call to make an informed decision.
  • Issues to keep in mind:
    # Thoughtful link statements.
    # Edit wisely.
    # Turn theological ideas into plain English.
    # Deal simply with theological difficulties.
    # Act like a mediator (empathise with the audience, but use it as a stepping stone to explain the passage - eg. "Don't you feel sorry for Joseph when he gets sold by his brothers?").
    # Think through the positive aspects of each doctrine.
    # Exposing the cliches of our world.
    # Finding contemporary language and images.
    # Quote the world to defend the truth.
  • In the conclusion, the aim is to call forth faith and repentance. Don't introduce new ideas but use similar words to the rest of the sermon.
  • Don't give the impression that judgement day will be like a quiz and faith is like having all the right answers to the quiz.
  • In the closing prayer, continue to use the words of the sermon. 3 elements: Confession of sin; Thankful trust in Jesus as Saviour; and Commitment to submit to Jesus as Lord.
  • Remember that it's God who grants repentance - not you.
Don Carson - The What and Why of Expository Preaching

  • What we preach - the Word of God.
  • Why we preach - because it's the Word of God.
  • Preaching is verbal oral communication of which the following are true:
    # The content is God's special & gracious self disclosure - ie His revelation.
    # It is Bible truth mediated through human personality.
    # Its immediate purpose is to inform, persuade, appeal, rebuke, instruct, encourage - ie the illicit an appropriate response to the God whose revelation is the Bible.
    # Its ultimate goal is the glory of God and the calling forth & edification of the church.
  • Given this definition, what is expository preaching?
    # It's where the subject matter emerges directly & demonstrably from a passage(s) of Scripture (ie not just general Biblical principles, but it is explicitly shown from the Bible).
    # Not simply a running commentary because of the immediate purpose of preaching (see 3rd point) and the message to be highlighted.
    # Not necessarily preaching systematically through a book of the Bible.
    # The length of passage is variable.
    # At it's best, it draws attention to inter-canonical connections that moves to Jesus Christ (ie it shows how it relates to other passages and points to Jesus).
    # It can be usefully combined with other forms of preaching in one sermon.
  • Why establish a pattern of expository preaching?
    # It is the method least likely to stray far from Scripture.
    # It teaches and models to people how to read the Bible.
    # It authorises the sermon and gives confidence to the preacher because any objections/disagreements can be referred back to the text.
    # If truly applied, it meets the need for relevance without dictating the course of the sermon.
    # It enables and forces you to deal with the more difficult passages.
    # It enables the preacher to systematically expound the whole counsel of God.

(This was one of the "meaty-est" talks, so I've haven't explained a lot of the points. Let me know if you want more details. I've also ordered the CD so you can borrow it off me.)
Day #2 :: KCC Centenary Preaching Conference
Ray Galea - Evangelistic Preaching (part 1 ~ sample sermon)
(Mark 2:1-12)

  • You expect Jesus to help the man by healing him. But strangely He doesn't.
  • It's not whether your wife has left you, or why your child died young, or if you get that job/promotion. Your real problem is sin!
  • The religious leaders were spot on - no one but God alone has the authority to forgive sins.
  • What is hard to grasp is not the paralytic man walking again, but how a sinful man can be forgive.
The reason I've been so stuffed is because I'm going back to HK in 10 days! Now before you get all excited on my behalf, let me tell you that this trip is anything but good (hence my mood the past few days). Yes, it's the trip I wanted to go on back at Easter, but I'm going back for a funeral for my maternal grandma. :(

Out of my four grandparents, she was the closest, and also the last. I've never really had to deal with death. I've never really personally known anyone who has died. Even when my other grandparents died, I wasn't that affected because I didn't really know them (and probably cause I was too young). And I didn't go to their funeral since I was in Australia. But this time, it's up-close-and-personal. I don't know how I'll feel once I get to HK.

The worst thing about all this is that my grandma wasn't a Christian. It's with a deep sense of emptiness and regret that I go back, knowing that she is now lost forever. All my other relatives are non-Christians too (as far as I know), and I want to be able to tell them about the great news of salvation through Jesus Christ. But in Chinese? During a time of mourning? Hmmm...

<< Despite the loss at hand, pray that I can use the opportunities on this trip to tell my relatives how they can escape eternal death and judgement through faith in Christ Jesus. Pray that I may have the right words at the right time to do this as well. >>

To complicate matters a bit...This trip to HK falls in the middle of 4 major things I have on at that time. Church camp is on, Bible college starts, Saltlight Supporters' night to be organised, and a new house to move to (yes, we have found a new place - more in the next few days). I'm now flat out trying to get everything organised and things packed and responsiblities passed on and...rush, rush, rush!!

<< Please pray that I can get everything done before I leave for HK. Pray that I can get adequate rest and not stress out too much. >>

I was silent; I would not open my mouth, for you are the one who has done this. Remove your scourge from me; I am overcome by the blow of your hand. You rebuke and discipline men for their sin; you consume their wealth like a moth-- each man is but a breath. "Hear my prayer, O LORD, listen to my cry for help; be not deaf to my weeping. For I dwell with you as an alien, a stranger, as all my fathers were. Look away from me, that I may rejoice again before I depart and am no more. (Psalms 39:9-13)

Everything's falling apart around me...well, ok, I'm exaggerating. It's only lots of little things that really have no real significance in the whole scheme of things, but when lots of little things happen, they amalgamate into big things. And this week's has had more than it's fair load of crap. It's been absolutely horrible and I wanna just fast forward to the good bits.

I empathise with the author of the Psalm. I know it's God who's doing this to me, probably to teach/remind me of something. But I just want him to leave me alone for a bit ("Look away from me") so I can be happy in my short time here on earth. It sounds kinda heretical to my ears, but I can understand the "human-ness" of it. It's just bascially saying "Gimme a break!"

I know I need to trust God to know what He's doing. I have the head knowledge, and I even have the experience of putting it into practice, but each time I'm tested, it's just as hard as the previous time. I don't know how much more my frail body can put up with...and I'm only young too... *sigh*...

<< Ask God to give me endurance and hope when things aren't going right. But also ask Him to be merciful to me in His discipline - even if I am forgetful and I need to be constantly reminded to seek first His kingdom. >>

Don Carson - The Great Need of the Times
(Psalm 1)
  • In Hebrew poetry, parallel & contrast is often used for emphasis. To contrast v1, you'd expect something like "Blessed is the man who walks in the counsel of the godly, who stand in the way of the godly", etc. But this pattern is deliberately broken to highlight that there is only one thing needed to contrast the wicked - someone who delights in the law.
  • This is the one thing that distinguishes a righteous man from an unrighteous man. Thus this is the one thing that hte world needs fundamentally.
  • v3 in contrast with v4b - a vibrant and fruitful tree and dry and lifeless chaff.
  • We usually feel that we fall in between one of these two extremes, but the Bible tells us that there's no middle ground!
  • As Christians, we cannot go on sinning (1John 3:9), but fortunately, when we do "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1John 1:9) because "we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ (1John 2:1b).
Frank Retief - Clarity in Preaching
  • Clarity in preaching is hard to define. What is clear to some may not be to others.
  • Clarity in presentation not equal to clarity in comprehension.
  • First component to preaching is Theology: we must tell the truth and not just meaningless talk (1Timothy 1:3).
  • Second component is Method: not by deception or lies (2Corinthians 4:1-2) but demonstrating God's power by their conversion (1Corinthians 2:4-5).
  • Clarity in preaching is bound up in the preacher - not the style or personality - but their private relationship with God. A real understanding of the gospel that is gripping the life of the preacher will be shown in the way in which they passionately preach the truth.
  • Preaching is not an art, but a heart - a heart set ablaze by the gospel and burdened by the loss of sinners.
John Chapman - Illustration and Application
  • Illustrations should: clarify, re-enforce, provide a time to 'catch your breath', reveal something of the preacher, arouse interest and recall attention, allow an appeal to the emotions, and recognise various learning styles.
  • Illustrations fail when: too vivid, does not illustration the point made; inaccurate and distract, used in the place of careful explanation of scripture, and too complex.
  • Two applications point that should be in every sermon - faith and repentence (see Acts 20:21).
  • Prepare well in advance so you have time to mediate on it, to apply to yourself, and to use personal experiences as illustrations.
  • 3 aims of a sermon: to humble sinners, exalt Saviour, and promote godliness.
  • The first 50 years are the hardest
Frank & Beulah Retief - The Preacher's Family Life & Personal Integrity
  • A preacher's family is no different to any other Christian individual or family. Same principles and values apply. The preacher is first and foremost a Christian, and should always have a biblical view of marriage.
  • However, there are often extra pressures & demands place on a preacher's family. For example: You and your family come under scrutiny from the community ("You are the minister's kid. You shouldn't do that.").
  • Preachers are often so used to looking out for people in their congregration that they neglect their wife and children. We need to protect them because no one else will. Our family is our first area of ministry.
  • Because of the nature of the work, a preacher's household will need to be hospitable. Try not to idolise your privacy, though there needs to be a balance and a time to draw the line.
  • Wife needs to be respected as a wife and mother - not another worker in the church. At the same time, she needs to work together as a team with her husband.
  • The husband needs to take lead of the family and not be an absent father. Keep up to date with what the family has been doing during the day, and also keep the kids informed of what the father is doing.
  • Keep high standards when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex.
Day #1 :: KCC Centenary Preaching Conference
John Chapman - The Apostolic Pattern for Ministry
(2Corinthians 4:1-6)

  • 2Corinthians was written by Paul as a defense for his spostolic authority, and 4:5 ("For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.") is the most succinct summary of apostolic ministry.
  • The Method - By proclamation
  • The Message - Jesus as Messiah (Ruler, Judge and Saviour)
  • The Mode - As slaves for Christ
  • Conclusion - Colossians 1:28-29 ("We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.") It's hard work proclaiming Jesus as Messiah, but we are slaves to Christ and to the congregation.
I've found that I'm always a few days late with my post, so that by the time I blog about it, I've already talked to a few of you about it. Oh well, you just get a second dose of it.

Last Tuesday-Thursday, I took 3 days off work to go the KCC Centenary Preaching Conference, which was held in celebration and thanksgiving for 100 years of KCC preaching Christ crucified. In 3 days, I heard a total of 18 hours of Bible teaching - a boggling amount of stuff for me to take in!! I heard from well-known international speakers like Don Carson, Peter Adam and Frank Retief, as well as highly regarded local speakers like David Cook, Ray Galea and John Chapman. So for the sake of my own understanding, and also for the purpose of encouraging you with what I have learnt, I shall proceed to give a very, very short summary of each talk. If you want more details, you'd have to ask me later.

<< All glory and honour be to our Lord and God who has used the ministry of KCC to proclaim the mystery of the gospel and to glory His Son Jesus. Thank God especially for the great teaching I got over the preaching conference and for the many things I was taught and challenged by from His Word. Pray that I can put these into practice in my life personally and as I seek to preach His Word correctly and faithful in the years to come. >>

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. (2Timothy 4:1-2)

For those of you who've been wondering what the heck I've been going on about...Brightside is coming to an end!! If you still have no idea what I mean, Brightside is the name the house I live in. And last week we found out that the owners are coming back (apparently, so they say...) and they want the house back.

*sniffle* :'(

The name is quite adept for it's history - it has been a place where Christians have been encouraged to shine brightly for Christ. Already we are reminiscing about our days here in this house. Ahhh...all the silly times we had in the corridor...the many parties...the accidents...the massive LAN for gaming...the majority of the Sydney Chinese churches that has set foot in here...but most especially the special friendship that has developed between the various occupants of this place. The many nights we stayed up chatting...sometimes about nothing particular (or something stupid [ahem, Char...]), but often encouraging and fruitful conversations ending with prayer. I've grown much as a Christian in my time here, and also learned much about humility and patience. Nothing like a living together to bring out the best (and worst) in you!

<< Praise & thank God for the wonderful years spent living together in this house. Not only for the encouragement it has been to me, but also to all the people who have been in contact with it in some shape or form. Pray for wisdom as we look for a new place of residence and as we work out new living arrangements. And pray especially that the open hospitality and Christ-like servitude will continue in each of us regardless of where we end up living. >>

We have till mid August to find a new place. Already we have dubbed our new place of residence as Darkside - in rememberance of this house, and in reflection of the true nature of the spirit & atmosphere of the people in the house! :P

Brightside lives on!!
We're now living in the last days...
The time is coming...
Today marks the beginning of the end...
RICE is officially over for 2003 (though there is still the leaders' debrief to go). And what a great joy it was!! I don't have enough exuberant words to describe how I feel!! I guess in some sense it was like how I felt after the fete...but only more so - because we were all directly working to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I still had a nasal accent while we were warming up for the music. And I was extremely nervous at first - probably because the sound guy made me sing solo in order to test the mics! I couldn't breathe properly - let alone sing in tune! I sounded (and felt) horrible. But as we got closer to the "real" thing, God allowed me to calm down and to have a (reasonably) clear nose and throat.

In the end, it all worked out fine, as did the rest of the evening. I was mighty impressed with the videos and the voxpop and the drama (what a cack! - but still appropriate) and the efficient ushering and the cool welcome pack and the supper and...and of course, the talk!

I thought James presented the gospel really well to gear it for the audience that night. Not only content, but also style of delivery. And an amazing "co-incidence" (all planned by God of course) was that he changed his Bible passage at the last minute and ended up using the same passage (Hebrews 9:27) I used for song leading. So everything tied in quite nicely! :)

In keeping with the previous post of the fete, here's a few highlights which others may not have noticed:

  • Walking out at 6:50pm for my first slice of pizza and seeing people automatically group themselves and begin praying. Yay!
  • Watching the kids trickle in bit by bit until it became a flood of teenagers piling into the church, waiting to hear the gospel.
  • Seeing Steve "get into the groove" as he jammed with the musos while the kids were coming in.
  • One of my vocalist in the past performed in a musical called "Godspell", and was in fact the "covergirl" on all the posters, CDs, etc. Greggles decided he'd be *charming* and wore the Godspell t-shirt (with her on the front) on the night!! He wisely covered it up with his jacket for the whole night. Otherwise...
  • As we sung "Lord I Lift Your Name on High", I could see a handful of leaders literally dancing as they performed the actions to compliment the song. I couldn't help but give a big grin as I sang.
  • Hearing Jeremy Chan give his testimony confidently and comfortably on stage, and thinking, "This kid is in Year 10 and he's already doing better than me in preaching!!! Shame on me!"
  • As supper started, thinking "Wow!! What a night!"
  • Seeing the WS leaders engage in a chip eating competition (and I was told later, also a cordial-syrup drinking competition). I deny any association with these people!!

There are many more of course, but a picture paints a thousands words. So for all you faithful readers and pray-ers, here's a link to the photos for both the FETE and the FATE.


<< Praise God for the amazing way in which He has worked through the ministry of RICE. Praise God that the night all went smoothly (even my croaky voice was ok) and that 18 kids came to know the Lord Jesus that night. Pray for the all-important follow up work now that is happening in all the churches, that these kids will grow in maturity in their newfound identity as God's chosen people. Pray also for the future of RICE, that it will continue to be a platform for unified gospel ministry to build up the fellowship of believers and to reach out into hopeless and lost world. >>
